Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 5 Chapter 43: "Lord of Zagreb" (Part 2)

The sudden sound of gunshots scared everyone!

Although muskets are not new in Europe in this era, they are still very rare.

Suddenly I heard such dense gunshots now, whether the nobles in the monastery or the Zagreb people outside thought of "this is an army".

In fact, they were right in their guess. The Zagreb army who had just been sent to view the Alijoe castle did encounter an attack by an "army" on the road.

From the street and around the corner, there were some soldiers who were suddenly pushed by the bullets that were pushed behind the road. The soldiers screamed and fell on the road. More people were frightened by the attack. Run away.

Only when they finally hide far away, hiding behind some houses and looking out carefully, they realize that they do not know when the road to Alijoe Castle has been blocked.

"Do you have any other people?" The Zagreb nobleman who stood with Alexander heard the gunshot unexpectedly.

"Although it's really strong here, I won't be stupid enough to trap myself in this monastery," Alexander said, patting the thick brick wall. "So do you think I will have these people, or only Hvar The people led by the Viscount believe me that we are much stronger than you think. "

"What do you want?"

"Of course, I hope your cooperation. The Viscount will soon succeed to the title of Duke of Zagreb, and you are the heroes who helped him accomplish this feat. Will this arrangement please everyone?"

Seeing the other side's face showing hesitation, Alexander did not urge it, but looked back at the monastery: "Those people are dead, believe me. You are now the most influential people in Zagreb. Of course if you It does n’t matter if you do n’t agree, I can use your hostages to force the two castles to surrender. "

"You won't do this!"

"I'll do it. In fact, I'm already doing it. Now all you have to do is make a choice before the army below decides to surrender or be neutral." Alexander smiled when he saw the opposite party showing a surprised look. "You think Why should I release the Abbey, or what do you think the army will do after seeing the Viscount himself? "

"They can't surrender to Helva!"

"But it wouldn't be stupid enough to be against him, so their choice would be to remain neutral, and the Viscount led my army, and they only obeyed my orders."

The look on the noble's face changed instantly, uneasy.

As Alexander said, the army facing the Viscount Hilva ultimately chose "neutral".

"I am the son of the Duke of Sighnaci, the legal heir of the Duke!" Herva shouted to the Zagreb soldiers who were hesitant at the beginning. "If any of you think I am not qualified for the noble Crown, you can stand up and challenge me now, if not I ask you to stand on my side! "

The soldiers pushed and shoved each other, although they could feel the commotion among them, some people were whispering, some were whispering, and the officers looked at each other in front of the monastery.

"It's time to make a decision. The throne of the Duke of Zagreb needs a person to sit on it," the dean watched as a flash of excitement flashed in the eyes of the officers. The previous promise from Alexander made him decide to take this risk. For the dean, even if Hurva failed, there was no loss for him. Afterwards, he can fully deduce that he had to cooperate with those people to ensure the safety of the abducted nobles. Now he sees whether it is an officer or a soldier. It seems that the dean feels that his adventure can be rewarded, perhaps more. He decided to put more effort on "and this is not something you can decide, is it?"

With a snap, an officer stuck his sword in a porch by the road, and then took a step back.

"Who inherits Zagreb? It's the nobles' business. Now all nobles are trapped in the monastery, so it really isn't something we can decide."

"That's right, we don't have the right to fight against an aristocrat before we get an order, but I won't support a person who was exiled," another officer also poked his sword on the porch. "I choose no one to help. "

When one or two people make a decision, more people will make a choice. The soldiers start to make way to both sides of the road. At the same time, they stare at the opposite mountain people with vigilance, in case they will suddenly launch a sneak attack.

Helva looked at the opposite side emotionally, and he did not expect that things would be so simple, or that the Duke ’s throne that he thought might be recovered from a war was suddenly realized in such a way, which made him feel simply Some are incredible.

"We chose to be neutral, but you have to make sure that you don't harm the nobles in the monastery," an officer told Hurva, who gradually walked in. "We follow the orders of the noble meeting that finally made the decision."

"I can guarantee the safety of most people," Hilva made himself look as calm as possible, but only he knew how strong his heart was at this time. "But I had to avenge my father. I had to punish those who had participated. In order to murder my father, they must pay for their own actions. "

"If so, your purpose has been achieved, Viscount," the abbey looked at Hurva's face and said in a little silence, "These people have been punished, and they have redeemed their sins with their lives."

The dean ’s words caused a commotion. The officers stared at each other in amazement. For a while, they seemed to have no idea how to face this situation, and Hurwah had already issued a cry of "God." He knelt in front of the monastery, Holding the corner of his robe, he couldn't stop kissing, and at the same time he shouted the name of Brother Saint Cyril.

"Let's go back to the monastery, and then let the nobility here decide the fate of Zagreb," the dean told people, seeing everyone's eyes focused on himself, and the monastery suddenly remembered Alexander's words before he came. Next you are the protagonist. "

The dean ’s heart was beating slightly, and he knew that this was a great opportunity for him and him. Although the people in Zagreb were very religious, the church ’s influence in Zagreb was not as good as other places because of the impression caused by sectarian conflicts. Now, looking at the people around him, the monastery's heart began to heat up.

Seize the opportunity in front of me and become the person who can determine the fate of the city. Once this idea appears, it is difficult to dispel. When the dean is wondering how to continue to play, the sudden burst of gunfire from the direction of Alijoe Castle It sounded.

The sudden change made the two parties who were already guarding against each other instantly chaotic, and the soldiers of the two who were close were immediately struggling!

"What happened ?!" The abbey's face turned blue, and he felt that he might have been deceived by the Earl of Montina.

"Relax, Senior Dean, this should be ours is about to attack Alijoe Castle." Little Cacho looked in the direction of the castle, and then said to the same ugly Hurwa, "Master, please don't forget the count Master's instructions. "

Helva took a deep breath, and he felt that if he didn't, he might collapse on the ground because of too much tension. He knew that if he did, he might really be over.

"My army is about to attack Alijoe Castle, but I am here myself, and I assure you that I will pardon the people in the castle if they surrender," Hurwa said while secretly telling himself that he must calm down while he I repeatedly recalled what Alexander had told him before, "I will negotiate with the nobles in the monastery, now all you have to do is wait for the news, whether it is my people or Zagreb soldiers, I order you to swear to me before this Follow my orders. "

The words of Viscount Hilva made it difficult for the Zagreb people to make a decision for a time, which made their eyes turn to the monastery.

"Viscount, are you willing to swear in the name of God, will you keep the promises made today?" The Dean looked at Hurva. In fact, the dean at this time was equally nervous, looking at those who looked unscrupulous and suspicious. The soldiers, the dean has already scolded Alexander in his heart. The sudden gunshots like all others really scared him. "Swear that what you said can stand the test in front of you, swear! "

The dean ’s final tone has been a bit bitter, although his appearance is still as calm as possible, but only he knows that his legs are fighting a little at this time. If the Viscount has a little hesitation, Based on his knowledge of these soldiers, he may become the first victim.

Fortunately, the Viscount clearly knew what to do, or the bloodline of the Duke of Zagreb finally played a role at this moment, watching him swear before the cross, the atmosphere between the two parties that had already begun to work was finally slightly relaxed.

"Let Alijoe and the right bank surrender." Helva took the opportunity to order the officers. He felt that this moment was probably his most prosperous in decades, watching the officers listen carefully to his orders, Viscount I couldn't help thinking of the words that Alexander once told him about cowards and instant warriors in his life.

"Follow me to the monastery!" Viscount stood in the road and shouted to the armies standing on both sides of the street. "Follow me to witness Zagreb's sacred moment to usher in their duke again!"

Alexander listened to the clamoring noises outside. He was standing at the opposite side no longer than one, but more than 20 nobles. After the big nobles were executed, these people became almost the highest-ranking people in Zagreb. Some small figures in Alijoe and the two castles on the right bank can be said that now he controls the fate of the city.

What would happen if these people suddenly died in the monastery today? Alexandria couldn't help but have such an idea. After a bit of elusion, according to the inheritance genealogy of Bosnia he knew a little, he was slightly surprised to find that the prestigious Roois in North Bosnia? The Marquis will obviously become the ultimate benefit. people.

This is because if such terrible things really happen, it is clear that Viscount Hilva will inevitably lose his status as the legal heir of Zagreb, and no one can tolerate a person who slaughtered all the nobility as the ruler of the city Then, although Roy? Marquis has no pedigree, the biggest contender for the throne of the Bosnian King is likely to be elected by the Bosnian nobles as the future Duke of Zagreb.

This may sound a bit off the edge, but as long as you look at the historical kings who were launched to ascend the throne of Hungary, you know that this is not necessarily impossible, and that the death of the Duke of Sighnaci was related to the Marquis of Royt, until now. It is still a mystery.

The noise outside was louder and closer, mixed with the loud shouts of the army that seemed to surround the monastery and the vague response of someone in the distance. Alexander slowly stood up from the bishop ’s chair and looked at the ones standing opposite Noble: "Okay everyone, I think you already know what to do?"

"You, I mean Earl, can you guarantee that the army has decided to obey the order of the Viscount Herva?" An aristocrat looked at the companion next to him and asked, seeing the encouragement glances from other people, this person couldn't help but drum Be courageous and continue to say, "If we are to order Zagreb to surrender, we need the support of those outside, otherwise the soldiers in the castle may be disobedience."

Alexander shook his head slightly, which immediately changed the look of those nobles.

Before meeting with these people separately, Alexander promised to ensure their safety. Now he promised that Zagreb ’s army would not object to their opinions. Now that he suddenly shook his head, many people could n’t help but glared at him at once. Depending on.

If they only reached an agreement in private, they would not detract from their reputation as long as they did not hesitate to deny the negotiations with Alexander, but now all of them have gathered here, even if the denials have been useless, no one can Make sure that others will not tell the story.

"Everyone, I think you have misunderstood. It ’s not that the outside army obeyed the orders of the Viscount, but that you all made a decision together to eradicate the criminals who had conspired to kill the Duke of Sighnaci, while supporting the Viscount Hilva to return to Zagre Bu inherits the status he deserves, so the army follows your orders in this matter. "

The nobles looked at Alexandria in amazement. They knew that their ears should be no problem, but what they heard made them seem to have something wrong.

Are you these people who eradicated those nobles?

Did they decide to embrace Helva to return to the throne of the Duke of Zagreb?

Or did they persuade or even control the army so that all this can be achieved smoothly?

Why don't they know that they are so amazing?

The nobles looked at each other, and gradually saw the same thoughts as themselves from the look of others.

"If we are willing to support Viscount Hilva, what will we get?"

Finally, someone asked the question in everyone's heart.

"Honor, status and wealth," Alexander's eyes flicked past those people's faces. "What do these things mean to you now?"

Alexander's rhetorical question made the nobles gloomy.

The Ottomans are coming, and those things really seem meaningless in front of that great threat.

"Supporting the Viscount, and then fighting the Ottomans with him, or at least making yourself look less weak in front of the Ottomans, isn't that enough reason?"

The nobles who had been whispering suddenly became silent, all eyes turned to Alexander, it seemed that his last sentence was like a magic spell that made them collectively silent.

At this moment everyone is pondering the true meaning of his sentence.

There was a strange silence in the room for a while.

"You don't have much time to walk out of this monastery as a follower or captive of the Viscount. Now you have to make a choice."

Alexander's urging caused a little commotion, but then quieted down.

People looked at each other, and tried to guess from the look of each other. Some people whispered, they were making a choice.

Alexander waited quietly, and he waited for these people to reply, although he had already guessed roughly how they would respond to him.

A horn sounded outside the monastery, which was a signal from the military queue.

The nobles were in a commotion again. They knew that it was not that the outside army was about to launch an attack, but this made them more anxious than hearing the signal of the attack.

"The Viscount seems to have arrived," Alexander stood up. "Master, now tell me what is your decision ?!"

The nobles stared at each other in amazement. In fact, as early as Alexander said the words that made them all tempted, they already knew what choice to make.

The arrival of the Ottoman army has become a huge crisis that Zagreb has never faced. There are only two paths before the Zagreb people, either resistance or surrender.

But no matter what kind of decision is made, Zagreb lacks a person who can unify everyone.

Resistance or surrender, survival or destruction, because the Duke of Throne hangs in the air for too long to make a final decision, a person needs to tell them what to do.

The noise outside was getting louder and closer, getting closer and closer to the door.

Then the door of the monastery was knocked.

Hurva stared nervously at the closed monastery gate. Although the look was calm, only he knew that the underwear soaked in tension was tight against his body.

If the nobles in Zagreb refuse to publicly support him, then Helva will face the dilemma of total despair.

This is even more embarrassing and desperate than losing on the battlefield, because the defeat on the battlefield can be compensated by the subsequent victory, but if the nobles of Zagreb refuse to recognize him as heir to the Duke of Zagreb, That will fundamentally strike him completely.

It didn't take long, but it seemed to Hurva like a torment.

A monotonous dull "squeak" sounded, and the monastery door slowly opened.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were on the door of the Alijoe monastery. When they saw the nobles coming out of it, whether it was the army or the citizens who heard from a distance, everyone looked at those people.

"In the name of Zagreb," in the faint smell of blood smelling from the monastery, an aristocrat walked in front of Hurva. He paused and knelt on one knee. "Visitor, please allow me Welcome your return on behalf of Zagreb, the son of the Duke of Sighnaci, the sole legal heir of the Duke of Zagreb. "

Hearing this, Helva was a little dumbfounded, and immediately burst into tears.

On February 28, 1499, Viscount Herva, the only son of the Duke of Sighnaci, entered the Alijoe Castle in Zagreb.

Two days later, the right bank, which had refused to surrender, opened the city gate.

At the same time ~ ~ An army composed of Montina and Balkans settled in Zagreb.

When a heraldic flag with a peculiar equilateral triangle was raised together with the red diagonal cross of Zagreb, Viscount Herva, standing on the Alijoe Castle, embraced Alexander in front of many people.

"I will not forget the help you have given me, Earl," Hirwa whispered in Alexander's ear. "I will meet all your requests, as long as I can do it."

"Please rest assured my lord, my request will never be excessive, and you will certainly be able to do it." Alexander also answered softly.

Hearing this, Hulva couldn't help but sigh in relief. When the Montina army entered Zagreb, there was a moment when the Viscount couldn't help but wonder whether his choice was right or wrong.

Now hearing Alexander's promise, he finally relaxed a lot.

It was just that the Viscount would soon know that he was wrong.

What Alexander brought him was not so much a crown of noble duke as a nightmare he could not avoid.

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