Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 4 Chapter 89: Before the chaos

As written in the letter, Bishop Tony de la Rovere was indeed in trouble. & 1t; /

After Alexander left Montina, Bishop Tony came and went frequently with some "business partners". He established a simple, though simple, line between Montina and Florence through some businessmen, locals and even churches along the way. It is still a valid news network. & 1t; /

This news network will bring him from time to time something about Florence being born. & 1t; /

This was nothing, but just half a month ago, Bishop Tony, who was still honest, seemed to feel that the time was ripe, so he decided to go to Florence! & 1t; /

Alexander didn't know what happened in Florence at the beginning, he only knew that Machiavelli suddenly appeared in Pisa, and not long after he heard that a coup plot against Savonarola was born in Florence. & 1t; /

It's just that this conspiracy not only seemed unprepared and hasty from start to finish, but the worst thing was that the coups had no ordinary people who could incite Florence. & 1t; /

When they decided to attack the residence of Savonarola and take the opportunity to kill the Florence magistrate, this group of conspirators with weapons screaming and swaggering across the street didn't even have the street of the magistrate's small house As they approached, they were blocked on the street by the people who heard the news. & 1t; /

The angry Florentine taught the gang of self-proclaimed brave conspirators with daggers, sticks, and women ’s laundry hammers, when several of them were able to escape from the crowd, and then escaped the terrible escape After the city of Florence, the Florentines soon learned the true face of the messenger behind this coup. & 1t; /

Vatican Pope Alexander VI was identified by the Florentines as the main messenger of this infamous conspiracy, although Alexander VI has repeatedly denied it, but all the evidence shows that the Pope himself has a very close relationship with this conspiracy. & 1t; /

Tony de la Rovere, Bishop of Montina, was also involved in this matter. & 1t; /

When Alexander received a letter from Bishop Tony, he wanted to return to Montina immediately and teach the bishop with his own hands. & 1t; /

Although there is no direct evidence, the Florentines apparently think that Montina also seems to be involved in this conspiracy against them. & 1t; /

At this time, Alexander realized why Machiavelli would suddenly come to Pisa, and would continue to inquire about his attitude towards Florence. & 1t; /

The bishop seemed to know that something was in trouble this time. He eventually had to write a letter to tell Alexander the news, and he also told the whole thing to Gompati in Montina. & 1t; /

After listening to all this, Gompati's reaction was only a little pondering, and then ordered Montina's defenders to strengthen training. & 1t; /

So when Bishop Tony carefully considered how to tell Alexandria this bad news, Compatti was squatting on a tower of the castle and looked slightly faint in the distance. & 1t; /

It ’s been a while since he stayed in this place. Although the numbness on his thighs is really uncomfortable, he still insists on looking forward in a motionless direction until a marked red flag on the open ground goes forward again Moved a distance. & 1t; /

"That's that," Compatiti said, using a black carbon pen in his hand to draw a deep mark on a wooden board, and then marked it with several marks that had been drawn before. Digits. & 1t; /

Based on repeated tests, Compatiti knew that this was the longest distance his cannon could shoot. & 1t; /

During this time, the residents in the small town near Montina wanted to complain to the new lord, such as the horn that started to sound every morning, and the horn was used to not ringing at noon. The Montina of the church bell thought it was torture. & 1t; /

It ’s strange that people do n’t know how the soldiers in the castle came. When the trumpet sounded, the residents would soon hear a piece of music along the street with neat footsteps. & 1t; /

This not only disturbed people's good dreams, but also heralded a very bad day. & 1t; /

Residents now that the Aggris from the south always seem to have endless energy. They are energetic and stubborn. Compared with the much smoother locals, the Aggri soldiers are like a group of stones. & 1t; /

They seem to be busy all day long. People can always see a team of soldiers practicing drills in the threshing field, although most of them only use spare spearheads and halberds for training. Their kind of non-stop practice of the same movement again and again made the Montina gradually feel some kind of depression that made them uncomfortable. & 1t; /

It was an instinctive antipathy to discipline, and the uniform behavior of the Agri gave the Montina people an indescribable sense of oppression, which became stronger and stronger over time, even to their Teacher Ashley also felt the discomfort of oppression. & 1t; /

She no longer regards helping to train soldiers as a joy as she started, because she feels that when those soldiers move forward, step, and then raise the weapon in her hand, they will have a serious and suffocating suffocation. The oppression came over. & 1t; /

Because of this, Ashley regretted that she had agreed to the job of the count. She thought it was not fun at all, and as long as you think about what the soldiers did not take the fake wooden guns used for training, but the weapons of real murder At that time, Ashley was a little panicked. & 1t; /

In addition to these, all the people of Montina were frightened, it was Montina who defended Gompati. & 1t; /

The Montina people never thought they would hear the sound of the cannon, and what made them even more unexpected was that the rumbling sound of the cannon would accompany them throughout the day for a long time. & 1t; /

Gompati is testing his "territory" with shells. & 1t; /

In Gompati's view, everyone who enters the range of the artillery is challenging him, so he needs to know precisely the maximum range of the large bronze artillery, and also need to know the small snakes and installation The firing range of the mortar that looked awkward on top of the tower. & 1t; /

The most direct way to understand everything is to shoot a few shots in person. & 1t; /

So the Montina people can always hear various cannon sounds from the castle. In the later days, some clever ones even only need to pass the artillery sound to know that the general is using Which gun is it. & 1t; /

The Montina people had never thought that there would be so many artillery in this castle beside them, or how the general, who seemed to be enchanted, turned out those artillery. & 1t; /

However, Gompati ignored the complaints of the local residents. He seriously recorded the number of each shooting test, and then after repeated calculations, he was ready to find the best position and the best place for those artillery. A good perspective answer. & 1t; /

Training, training, non-stop training! & 1t; /

Gompati didn't actually know why Alexander had to train these soldiers so rigorously. & 1t; /

He had never seen a nobleman so keen to let his soldiers master these skilled combat skills. After all, for noble lords, the casually recruited mercenaries only need to sell their own lives. As for how to train that It ’s the captain of the mercenary, and those mercenary companies that have signed contracts with them. & 1t; /

Alexandre obviously did n’t think so. Compatti felt it. Alexandria seemed to want to build an army that belonged to him, especially when Aufrei returned with the hundreds of Agri mountain people. After Montina, Gompati felt more wrong. & 1t; /

The idea of ​​letting an army have its own brand is exciting for Gompati to think about it, and he can vaguely guess that as an officer of such an army, in addition to receiving generous rewards in the future, it is likely to be Being rewarded for loyalty for the long service of the lord is definitely more exciting than getting a large reward. & 1t; /

Who does n’t want to be someone like Sforza, if there is a chance to become a noble one day, then for a mercenary, it is really God ’s grace. & 1t; /

Thinking of this, Compati was a bit excited, so he tested his artillery more hard and explored the best defense system of the entire castle. & 1t; /

In this way, the residents of Montina had to continue every day, starting from hearing the sound of getting up, until it was often late to sleep with the noisy and noisy side of the castle. & 1t; /

For the Agri people brought back by Aufrei, Compatti did n’t have much idea, he had enough gunners, besides, he only selected some strong and strong gunners from those people. Assistant and guard, and then he threw everyone to Ashley and her "peacock army". & 1t; /

Of course, Ofrei was glad about Gompati ’s arrangement. He had decided to stay in Montina and watch Ashley to prevent her nasty dad from suddenly finding her a mother-in-law. & 1t; /

Pompeii has now been promoted to supervisor. Although the work of repairing the castle is still far away from the start of the work, Pompeni, the supervisor, has been busy all day long. & 1t; /

He ran in and out of the castle all day and climbed up and down. Sometimes he had to measure the amount of material needed to reinforce a section of the city wall. Sometimes he had to collect some sand to test whether he could bear the strength of the wooden frame during trench excavation. & 1t; /

Pompeni felt as if he had become younger for many years at once. If it wasn't for the nasty soldier who came back and started to pester his daughter, Pompeni would feel that this day had already been nothing more. & 1t; /

In short, everything looked so smooth in Montina, until one day a group of people suddenly appeared in the small town of Montina. & 1t; /

These people came to find Bishop Tony, and from their arrogant attitude, the Montina people could perceive that they should come from some big cities. & 1t; /

Tony de la Rovere entertained them very diligently, and these people never came out after entering the monastery. & 1t; /

He is not interested in these uninvited guests. He just wants to complete his vision of the entire castle defense as soon as possible. This includes a lot of things, in addition to the various firepower attacks of the enemy assumed by his passionate artillery position, there are also How to adapt the existing army to the entire defense system based on Montina Castle as soon as possible. & 1t; /

Gompati did not want to be a general who could only hide in the thick walls of passive resistance. He even hoped that, as Alexander did in Pisa, he would form a real blow to the enemies who had committed crimes. & 1t; /

However, Bishop Tony's visit undermined Gompati's plan. When he heard that the bishop had asked him to send an army to assist those strangers, Gompati refused to ask the bishop's request. & 1t; /

"I'm sorry, Bishop, I don't have the right to allow the Earl's army to obey the orders of a group of strangers," Gompati explained to the Bishop Tony as patiently as possible. Give them this order. "& 1t; /

"I don't need your soldiers to fight," the bishop persuaded with patience. "You know I have written to the count to explain our difficulties to him. We must know that those people before us did not do things very well, so now we are against us. The situation is not very good, so I need your help. I believe the Earl will promise me if he knows it. "& 1t; /

"But I haven't got an order now, sir," Gumpati said with a sullen face. "Please forgive you, since you already know that your previous actions were too hasty, then you should be more cautious now, rather than just let our soldiers do it. Something inappropriate. "& 1t; /

"Are you teaching me how to do things, pay attention to your attitude, and don't forget that you are talking to a bishop!" Tony Della Rovere yelled angrily. & 1t; /

Seeing Gompati silent, the bishop shrugged helplessly. & 1t; /

"I know you are a little embarrassed for you, but this matter really needs your help," the bishop said, putting a heavy money bag in front of Gompati. "I need someone to help me, to know some of our A friend is already anxious, so he sent someone to come to me again. "& 1t; /

"The friend you said is the pope." & 1t; /

Compatibi grumbled. He had heard of the birth in Florence. Thinking about some of the previous rumors, he realized who the bishop was doing for. & 1t; /

However, Compatti felt that it had nothing to do with him. After all, compared with the pope far away in the Vatican, the Earl was more awe-inspiring. & 1t; /

"You only need to give us some ordinary soldiers," the bishop deliberately said that the ordinary is very heavy. "All I have to do is to find some trouble for Florence, not to attack that city. You know that your peacock army is not in line. My request, they look too much like soldiers, but the new soldiers look good. "& 1t; /

"Master Bishop, I'm really happy to hear you say this," Aufrei suddenly appeared at the door. He first bowed to Bishop Tony and looked at the money bag on the table. "If you allow, maybe I can arrange it for you. All this. "& 1t; /

"That's it," Tony glanced at Alfred a little suspiciously, then at the stunned Gompati. "It seems that I have found the wrong person from the beginning." The bishop said, grabbing the money from the table Throw the bag to O'Leary. "Well, it's up to you to arrange everything, as I said before to find something that doesn't look like a soldier." & 1t; /

Bishop Tony looked at Gompati again, and then walked to the door, but soon he stopped at the door and looked back to Aufrei: "Remember I didn't come to you today." & 1t; /

"Adherence to Bishop Master." & 1t; /

The figure of the bishop had just disappeared outside the door, and already unable to bear Gompati had bypassed the table. He grabbed the purse from O'Freilly and dumped all the gold coins in it. On the table, he grabbed a gold coin that kept spinning on the table and raised it in front of Aufrei. He said fiercely, "This is what you want? Florin! You are here to sell your lord ? "& 1t; /

Looking at Gompatti's anger, Aufrei shrugged. & 1t; /

"I didn't expect you to be so loyal to Lord Lord ~ ​​ ~ Aufrei said with a smile. & 1t; /

"I'm just doing my duty, so why are you doing this?" Gompati looked at Aufrei in question. & 1t; /

"Because this is an order from an adult." Aufrei also took a gold coin from the table and stuffed it into Gompati's hand. "Trust me, I did this with permission from the lord, although I don't know if this is For anything, but according to the Lord ’s words, he 'let the Florentines move first'. "& 1t; /

After talking, Aufrei shook his head in a puzzled manner, and then put a gold coin in his pocket. & 1t; /

At the same time he secretly calculated that this gold coin could buy Ashley a good skirt. & 1t; / ...

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