Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 4 Chapter 4: Pitilino

Alexander is not very familiar with Nicolo Pitiliuno. Apart from hearing that he is a legendary man who can eat a small half of a roast pig at a meal, he does not know much.

Even before 1495, apart from the Venetian himself, many people were still not very clear who this Venetian soldier was, or even if he knew the impression on him, but after the Battle of Fornovo, this Venetian The deputy commander became famous all of a sudden.

In Fornovo, the French had to choose to retreat after losing more than 1,000 mercenaries and several artillery pieces, and as the party who ultimately remained on the battlefield to declare victory, the coalition forces later found out There are more soldiers killed and missing than the enemy.

So there are all kinds of controversies about who won the battle of Fornovo, and there is no consensus that even the anti-French coalition, who is the nominally victorious party, is full of errors and contradictions, but the French are It is an indisputable fact that it began to retreat across the board after the Battle of Ernovo.

It can be said that regardless of whether the victory was actually achieved in Fornovo, the coalition forces have hit the morale of the French hard. Because of this, after the French retreated into the Lombardy region, even in such a rich place Recovering the morale that had fallen due to repeated setbacks, the result was that they were finally hit terribly in Piedmont.

As one of the commanders of the battle of Fornovo, Nicolo Pitiliuno became a rare general in the minds of many people.

More importantly, this man was respected enough for his performance in Fornovo, which is what made Alexander feel that the current situation was bad.

Alexander did not know what would happen to the Genoese, but he could hardly imagine that Giovanni would obediently cooperate with the Genoese. One side was commanded by a general with great prestige, and the other side not only did not meet, but also between the generals It may not be possible to cooperate well, just think about Alexander a little and think that this war that is not optimistic in all aspects is really difficult to fight.

Alexander did not want to be a cannon fodder, nor did he want to be a victim of intrigue, so he did not heed the advice of someone to throw away the weight and move quickly into the castle of Montina, although he was the best way to declare sovereignty as the Count of Montina, It is more in his interest, but Alexander knows that the castle of Montina has become a huge magnet that attracts all parties. Anyone who enters at this time hastily thinks that he is a target.

Therefore, although the defender of Fort Montina has less than 1,000 troops, whether it is Milan who has arrived in Realo earlier, or the Venetians who will meet later, tens of thousands of troops are just separated by a small Reia Plain Plain confronted Montina and never attacked the castle.

Alexander stood in front of a simple map and looked at the names of the castles and roads outlined above. The Genoese commander next to him had been urging constantly. It was a soldier with a little Moorish descent and black skin. A bit similar to Uliu, but his pale yellow hair makes him look very different. There are not many such people in Genoa, and it is strange that these Moorish hybrids seem to have a higher status in Genoa than others. Places are higher.

"Adult, if you enter the castle of Montina, you and the defenders can completely protect the castle." The Genoese tried tirelessly to persuade Alexander. After seeing that he seemed unimpressed, he simply moved out. The direct reason is, "Admiral, you have not entered Montina so far, which is very detrimental to you. After all, your claim is from Miss Barendi. If you cannot prove your possession in the city of Montina Right, once the castle is occupied by the Milanese, it becomes passive. "

Although Alexander was very clear about the Genoese's statement, there was no solution for the time being.

On the contrary, he even thought that the title of Count Montina just became the shackles that imprisoned his actions. Obviously, he must enter the city as soon as possible in order to claim to be consistent with his actual possession, but the situation in front of him is Montina was obviously a big pit that he couldn't climb out waiting for people to jump in.

Sometimes Alexander even wondered if Della Rovere had thought about this situation in advance, so he used Montina as a dowry for Barendi so generously, because he knew that this dowry was not easy to take. Get it.

No matter what he thought, Alexander had decided not to jump into that pit easily. After patrolling along the North Arno River, he decided to temporarily abandon crossing the river, but ordered the army to go north along the left bank of the river.

The movement of Alexander's army did not hide the Milanese. When he brought the news of the army to the north and reached Reyro, he immediately attracted some people's attention.

"Gombre, who is this?"

A fat man sitting in a large chair curiously asked the adjutant next to him. This man's chin was fat and full, completely covering his neck. This made it difficult for him to bow his head, and because of the fat on his face There was a lot of meat, and his eyes were squeezed into two thin lines, but when asked, the person's eyes were quite cunning and flexible, which made his seemingly full-bodied look even more funny.

"Adult, he is a Neapolitan. I heard that he was just a country lord not far from Cosenza, but I heard that he got the title of Count Montina from his fiancee because he was engaged to the daughter of the Archbishop of Genoa." The adjutant nearby whispered, looking at the Milanese sitting opposite him at the same time "I heard that Coronzo Sforza died in his hand, and Giovanni Sforza's death was also related to this People are related, so for the Milanese, this person is their enemy. "

"Is that true?" The fat man turned his head slightly to look at the Milanese on the other side. When he saw the look on their face, the fat man waved his hand. "Forget it, I already know the answer."

"This Gumbre must die." A Milanese's voice was not loud, but his tone was very firm. "This man is not only because he is an enemy of the duke's family, but also his claim to Montina is absolutely unacceptable."

The fat man snorted slightly in the nose, of course he knew that the latter reason was the reason why the Milanese really wanted to think about the death of Gombré.

As a lieutenant general of the Venetian Army, Nicolo Pitilino was very clear about the purpose of the Milanese, but he also knew more about what he should do.

"Is an adventurer from Naples?" Nicolo Pitilino whispered to himself. Unlike other people, he would not easily judge the morality of a person by whether he was **** or by what origin. What he cares about is whether this person is worth being an enemy.

Nicolo Pitilino believes that on the battlefield, there will always be only one real and most valuable goal, whether this goal is an army, a city, or any other thing, only to be truly eliminated or conquered. This target war will end, as for other things are completely negligible.

Nicolo Pitiliuno did not forget what his governor said to him before departure, nor did he forget the fact that he had not lived well under the glamorous appearance in the past two years.

For the eighty-year-old governor, Pitiliuno dared not despise it at all, let alone have no respect for it. After all, the cunning wrist of the governor's master made many people still fresh in memory.

Pitiliuno clearly remembered that Governor Barbarig repeatedly reiterated the importance of Romagna to Venice when he set out to call him. From the Governor ’s words, Ripitirino had vaguely noticed that Barbarig seemed to be strong except Trying to ask the Vatican to bow his head to him, it seems that he is also ready to take the opportunity to reach out to the rival Genoese territory.

The Romagna region is clearly a must for Venetians.

The Venetian not only had to ensure that he was the most powerful force on the west coast of the Mediterranean Sea, but also to quickly expand its power through the chaotic period when the French withdrew from Italy.

At this time, Romagna looked like a piece of fat that had been put on a plate on the table. If he could not eat it, probably God would punish this kind of wanton waste.

"That Gumbre went north, what is he going to do?"

Pitilino pushed the plate in front of him to get a map, so a banquet immediately turned into a military meeting.

"Maybe he wanted to bypass the source of the North Arno River," a Milanese guessed by pointing at the map. "We all know that the river has no place suitable for crossing the river. Unless he gives up all supplies and advances lightly, otherwise he Staying by the river for a long time is not good for him. "

The Milanese made Pitiliuno nod. Now Milan and Venice have joined forces. Although Realo does not seem to be a good place to defend, they now have an advantage in strength, not just defense but offensive.

Pitiliuno's stubby fingers were first placed slightly northwest of Roarire, where 7000 Genoese were approaching them, and then his hand moved to the southeast of Roarire, not far from Montina, Giovanni Nepal ’s 20,000 Holy See troops were stationed at the foot of the Chimone mountain.

"They are going to meet in Montina," Pitiliuno whispered, and his finger poked gently at the place where he marked Montina with a castle, and then looked at the others "I think this is God Revelation to us that our enemies are foolishly thinking that we will allow them to meet under that castle, which is a godsend for us. "

"Are you going to break each before they meet?" One of the slightly older generals in Milan raised his eyebrows slightly. He had a big scar on his head and looked new. That was with France two years ago. The people who were shot by the rifle during the battle, as the generals who also participated in the battle of Charles VIII, this Milanese knew better than others the style of Pitilino before.

To those who are familiar with Pitiliuno, they do not think he is a proactive person, it can be said to be cautious, but more people think he is lack of courage.

It is precisely for this reason that when the French army of Fornovo abandoned the mercenary who abandoned the rear of the hall because of the unfavorable battle, Pitiruino did not seize this opportunity to initiate a pursuit, instead he began to reorganize the formation and tried to After grasping, then attack.

This gave his enemies the opportunity to escape, and later made the governor of Venice, Barbari, quite dissatisfied with him, when he found that the number of people lost in his army was unexpected, Pitilino finally gave up to continue Pursuing, but letting his army declare victory by standing on the battlefield of Fornovo, avoiding the renewed confrontation with the French.

Because of this, when Pitilino returned to Venice, although he still received enough honors and wealth, the governor of Venice did not grant him the highest honor of the commander of the Venetian army, as promised, but Only the title of lieutenant general of his army was awarded, which was obviously not enough for Pitiliuno.

If there are no more wars to come, maybe in a few years people will gradually forget the veteran lieutenant. By then he will have nothing but the reputation of the winner of the battle of Fornovo.

Perhaps one day, someone will question or even pursue his command in Fornovo, and by then Pipitirino's legendary reputation may really be over.

But now a sudden war seems to save Pitiliuno, giving him the opportunity to prove himself to others again.

Because of this, Pitiliuno's unusual proactiveness made people who are familiar with him a little bit suspicious.

"So who should we attack first?"

The old Milanese questioned slightly.

When he saw Pitiliuno's hands moving back and forth on both sides of the map, his eyes also kept moving, as if it were like an old cat on his head staring at the clues teasing it.

"The Genoese or the Holy See army?"

At this moment, Pitiliuno was in deep contemplation. He knew he needed a real victory to re-certify his importance to Venice, and now is a good opportunity. He should not only let the Venetian army win, but also ensure that he is receiving. In the battle to fight for the entire Romagna, I was able to insist that Venice sent him enough reinforcements.

This makes him try to avoid excessive losses while considering winning.

Pitiliuno thought so, and he already had a decision in mind.

"North, let's meet the Genoese."

As soon as Pitiliuno's decision came out, there was a burst of excitement and relaxation in the room.

Whether it was out of a feud or because of the absolute disadvantage of the number of enemies, the Venetians thought that it was impossible for them to let go of this good opportunity to annihilate the Genoa army alone.

"There's that Gombre," the young Milanese who spoke before reminded "his army seems to be meeting the Genoese."

"He only has 3,000 people," Pitiruino moved his thick lips. "Or even fewer people. Even if he and the Genoese meet, they have only 10,000 troops, and we have to stay in Realo. In addition to monitoring the army of Montina and Borgia, 15,000 people can be dispatched ~ ~ Speaking of which, Pitiliuno poked on the map with his finger.

"Looking at the terrain here, there is simply not enough place for them to pass from the left bank of the North Arno River to the seaside, and if they want to meet the Genoese, they only have to go northwest along the left bank of the river, so you think Where can this Gombray escape? "

Speaking of which, Pitiliuno clenched the palm of the finger pressed on the map into a fist, and hammered fiercely in a place between Genoa and Montina. "

"That's it, Oral, the Genoese will pass by here, and that Gombré must also pass through here, we are here to wipe them out completely."

Looking at Pitiruino's fist, everyone in the room seemed to smell a **** breath that followed.

At the same time, on a mountain bag on the left bank of North Arno, Alexander, who was riding on the back of Pagasos, had just put down his right hand covering his eyebrows.

Looking at the North Arno River on the right as the mountain gradually disappeared into the mountains, Alexander ordered loudly, "Go forward, Olar!"

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