Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 3 Chapter 153: Papal wisdom

Alexander VI sat in his special chair, his gray eyes fixed on the marble globe not far away.

When the saying that the world is a ball began to be recognized by people many years ago, the church cleverly used this doctrine that sounded weird at that time, so there was a geocentric theory that everything in the world was rotating around the earth. .

As for who revolves around the earth and the sun, Alexander VI, like his predecessors, does not really care. They only care about whether the world revolves around them.

When Portugal and Spain had a dispute over a colony that opened up a new world, Alexander VI cleverly used this sudden event to turn the two most powerful maritime countries in the world into satellites orbiting around him.

At that time, as the decider of arbitration in international affairs, Alexander VI used his skillful diplomatic skills to make himself and the Vatican an instant center of the entire Christian world.

But today, Alexander VI suffered the biggest insult in his life!

When Gonzalo said to him in an arrogant tone, he should reflect on his current embarrassment, and thank his benefactor with gratitude, then the head of Alexander VI was swollen and the blood vessels could not stand. The burst of the heart, the painful feeling that the heart was pumped together because of humiliation even made his face numb and stiff.

He forced himself to calm down, otherwise he might faint or even stand up again, but even if he finally endured the tormenting moment that made him unforgettable for life with unimaginable restraint, he could look around Countless parents have witnessed his eyes being thoroughly insulted. Alexander VI finally failed to persevere. He listened to Gonzalo ’s bragging narrative of the war with the greatest patience, and looked at it as a show off. The captives passing by in front of his throne looked at them with humiliating eyes, and Alexander VI felt that he could fully feel the humiliation they had suffered.

In the end, when he left on the pretext of discomfort, he heard Gonzalo exaggerating, but how did he hear the ironic tone and wish him a speedy recovery, which made Alexander VI feel like a shameful deserter on the battlefield, Facing a powerful enemy, he had no choice but to flee.

Where was the pope who arbitrated two powerful countries before? But a poor old man hiding in his room sulking at the globe, facing a coward who humiliated him without even the courage to refute.

Alexander VI was mad at himself. He knew that he was indeed cowardly in the face of Gonzalo. This was not only because of the suffocating power and arrogance of the person, but also because he had to take care of this. Reckless warrior on the Iberian Peninsula.

The time when Nomelo entered the room was just right. Looking at the pope who was still ugly, at least some **** pope had recovered. The secretary poured a glass of wine and sent it to Alexander VI.

"You should take care of yourself and all your followers," the secretary said carefully, knowing that the sensitive nerves of the pope could not be stimulated at this time "and your children, they are very worried about you, Lucrezia It has been proposed several times to come to see you, even saying that if you do n’t see you, you will come directly to the cathedral. Giovanni and Caesar are also very worried. They hope you can have dinner with them. "

"My children," Alexander VI seemed to wake up from the meditation when he heard the secretary's words. He raised his head a bit and looked at Nomelo, then stood up from the chair with the help of the secretary. "I Knowing that they must be worried about me, who besides them really cares about me, the pope who was humiliated in public, maybe many people should be toasting to see this spectacle at this time. "

Seeing Nomelo talking, Alexander VI waved his hand slightly: "I know you want to comfort me, but I have self-knowledge. There are more people who hate me than people who love me, but I wouldn't be able to do otherwise. pope."

The secretary walked in the room with the Pope silently, and when he walked to the window, looking at the crowd in the bustling square outside, Alexander VI pointed out.

"Look at those people, their extravagant life is not much better than me, but they can take the prostitute even into their own room so straightforwardly, Nomelo I can assure you, if you casually lift a woman's skirt , You will have a chance to find that there must be a man hidden between her legs, maybe sometimes two men. So any of them is not qualified to laugh at me, on the contrary they can still be with that man in the square The Aragonese revelry that has just humiliated all of them is their greatest shame. "

Hearing the pope ’s indifference or irony, Nomelo just shook his head slightly. As a good listener, he knew that he did n’t need to make any remarks at this time, just listen quietly.

Sure enough, Alexander VI continued to say quickly: "That Cordova would humiliate me because I thought I should bow to him, or to his queen, but he forgot that this is the Vatican."

Speaking of which, the anger that Alexander VI had deposited on his chest seemed to vent slightly. He turned around and slowly walked back to his chair to sit down. After so much venting, his face looked slightly better than before.

The Pope ’s eyes were fixed on the globe again, but this time his eyes became sharper. When he gently rubbed his slightly eagle-like nose with his fingers, Nomelo was already refreshed. He knew the diplomatic wrist. The superb pope is back, and now he is just waiting for him to get rid of the predicament in front of him.

"Gonzalo is a very arrogant person," Alexander VI said slowly. "He was able to have the power now because of the favor of the Queen of Castile. We all know that the Queen likes this person, but I don't know. What did Ferdinand think? "

"Your Majesty, King Aragon also trusted Gonzalo; otherwise, his actions in Naples openly humiliated the King of Naples, who is also an Aragon family, and his punishment was only reprimanded. Favored in front of the two kings. "

Nomelo carefully reminded him that as a secretary, his duty is to truthfully tell all kinds of information he has, instead of just picking out nice words to please the employer. Nomelo still believes that he is very dedicated at this point. of.

"That's what I'm most worried about!" Alexander VI snapped the armrest of the chair angrily, then waved his fist firmly between the two. "You know, Nomelo, I think Ferdinand's ambition is no less than Charlie's Less, maybe even bigger. "

The secretary nodded silently. He knew that the Pope ’s worries were not cranky. As long as he thought about what Gonzalo had done in Italy in the past two years, he would not believe it if there was no support from Ferdinand.

"Is there no one who can stop him, or that we will face another ambitionist immediately after driving away one ambitionist?" Alexander VI murmured unwillingly. "Who can tell us what we should do to hate this?" Guests drove away. "

Pope Nomelo ’s disgusting guest sounds like Gonzalo, but in fact it is King Ferdinand of Aragon who has begun to be regarded as a major enemy by him.

"Maybe we should find some strong enough friends, at least to let those people know that we have the same enemy."

As soon as he started to find a way, Alexander VI became active immediately. He was no longer the grumpy old man just now, but became the Vatican Pope who likes to hide in his room and play tricks.

"There is one thing I think you already know," Nomelo said with a smile. "The gombre on the way came to prevent Gonzalo from trying to cross the Arch of Constantine."

"I know. This is the only good news I have heard today. Compared to those of Gonzalo's bragging, I'm more willing to hear this, so don't miss out on the details you tell me." Alexander VI Shirao asked with interest, he knew that Nomelo told him this should not be just to make him happy.

Sure enough, after listening to Nomello as much as possible to describe what he knew happened under the Arc de Triomphe of Constantine, contemplation appeared on the pope's face.

His chubby hands crossed against his chin, and his slightly rickety body bent even more in the chair, like a beast crouching in his den waiting for an attack, as long as the prey entered its hunting range, Immediately rushed to tear the throat of the prey mercilessly.

"Nomelo, call Caesar."

The Pope commanded slowly, and the secretary immediately bowed carefully and left. At this time, Alexander VI seemed to have completely forgotten what had just happened to his shame. His eyes were sharp again, and his eyes on the globe were no longer so. Dazed.

When Caesar hurriedly walked into the pope's living room, he saw Alexander VI slowly drinking wine in a wine glass, but what made him terrified was that on the table where the wine was set, there was also a dress Striking bottle of red liquid.

Cantrera, Caesar's heart could not help but enter, he immediately walked a few steps to Alexander VI and knelt down, holding his father's hand holding the glass.

"Father, what are you going to do, please don't do stupid things." Caesar said in a panic. He had never felt so flustered before, when he realized that everything he came from his father, the pope, if he lost The Pope's refuge is nothing.

"My son, what do you think I am going to do, do you think I will take the risk of going to **** to commit suicide?" Alexander VI smiled slightly. "Even if I die in the future, I really want to go to hell, but only because of other things. Is not because of suicide. "

Alexander VI said as he pulled up Caesar, who was kneeling on the ground. He picked up the bottle from the table and put a lot of terrible poison in the hands of many sons.

"Listen, I know you are worried about me, but what happened today reminded me that since my uncle led his family to Rome, we now think we are Romans, but in fact the Romans did not recognize us In their eyes, we are a foreigner from Valencia, a noble country from Castile, and even today that Gonzalo dare to humiliate me like that, also because of this, maybe in his opinion our The family is always the courtier under his queen, and he is the vassal of the kings, which allows him to shame me and my family unscrupulously. "

Caesar's face was dull. He knew his father was right. He could not forget the strangeness of the people standing around when he heard Gonzalo blatantly reprimand his father in that unmanned tone. Eyes, that shame he believes he will never forget!

"Caesar, our family-owned Cantrera once helped us do a lot of things," Alexander VI patted his son's hand holding a beautiful poison bottle. "But Cantrera can't help us get respect, we want to get The respect of others must let everyone know how great our family is, and let them know that this greatness can continue. "

Caesar's heart jumped suddenly, and he realized what his father seemed to be saying to him.

Sure enough, Alexander VI whispered: "I have always hoped that you can inherit me, and Giovanni inherited the title of our family in Castile, and now it seems that this has changed a bit. Giovanni will also Get his territory in Castile, but I do n’t want you to be another pope. I want you to be a powerful monarch. If I used to want you to be the emperor of the Christian world for our family, now I hope You become the king of the secular world for your family and become the master of the entire Romagna. "

The words of Alexander VI made Caesar's heart tense from time to time, but then suddenly brighter!

He looked at his father unexpectedly. For a while, he didn't seem to understand the meaning of the words. Until he finally made a sound of "Oh", he suddenly grasped his father's hand as if he suddenly understood it!

"Is my father real ~ ~ You promised me to give up the priesthood? Will you support me in pursuing worldly power?"

"Yes, I agree with you to do this. For the sake of our family, I hope you will not let all of us down."

"No father, I will add a crown to the coat of arms of our family. I believe that I can do it. As long as I give time, I can even let all city-states submit to the feet of the Pogia family. Father, I can do it. Arrived. "

Alexander VI patted his son's hand. His falcon-like eyes were fixed on Caesar's face. After a while, he nodded slightly: "I know you can do Caesar, because you are better than anyone. Smarter and more alert, if I can, I hope you sit there. "

Alexander VI pointed to the door, and Caesar knew that it led to the main hall of the cathedral, where there was a supreme throne.

"Father, please believe me, I will never bring less honor to the Borgia than being a pope." Caesar said confidently, "You will not see me as a pope, but you will certainly be able to see me as a monarch."

There was a smile on Alexander VI's face. This was the first time he smiled today. He gently kissed his son's forehead and then whispered, "I think it is necessary to remind you to pay attention to that gombre."

Seeing Caesar's face change slightly, Alexander VI patted his shoulder gently.

"Listen, if you want to be a qualified monarch, there are many things you should learn. One of them is to never let your personal likes and dislikes become a stumbling block to your benefit," Alexander patiently enlightened his son. "So you are now What you have to do is not to find the trouble of Gombré. On the contrary, you should look at that man with a fair eye. Believe that my son and I have a hunch that this Gombray may become a powerful enemy of Gonzalo. "

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