Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 2 Chapter 63: Agbury's Gumbre

One of the two Sicilian kingdoms on both sides of the lighthouse, Ferdinand II of Naples died.

When this news spread, many people did not really realize what kind of far-reaching impact this incident would bring except for the accident.

Ferdinand fled from the hurried succession to the embarrassed deserted country, and then returned to Naples with ease. Then he was summoned to heaven by the Lord, but it took more than a year.

Such a short-term rule did not give him any chance to display his talents. Except for the Naples, in the eyes of most other city-states, Ferdinand was like a passer-by who left no impression on anyone, farther away. Some people do n’t even know that Naples has changed to a king.

But despite all this, the Neapolitans still grieve for losing their king. People who heard the news swarmed from all directions to the city, and there was heavy black everywhere, with sad and sad expressions on everyone's faces Especially when thinking of the King ’s return to Naples not long ago to recover the lost ground occupied by the French, many people burst into tears and burst into tears.

The nobles felt the crisis faced by Ferdinand ’s death. With regard to whether Frederick could successfully take over the throne, as Alexander sent the food to rescue Naples ’famine, and the inexplicable attitude of Modilona, ​​the nobles began Uncertainty.

Mahimo, who was supposed to return to Agrig on Modillo's order, was also affected. As the representative of Alexander in Naples, he had to stay.

After sending someone else to send the news to Alexander, Mahimo was summoned by the House of Nobles.

For this sudden summoning, Mahimo was too excited to remember how he walked in and how he came out.

The only thing he remembered was that he seemed to speak generously to a group of Neapolitan noblemen. As for what he said, he did not remember it afterwards.

Mahimo still has many friends in Naples.

So he decided to take the time to go back to the lookout pub, but this time he didn't have to sneak around.

When Mahimo appeared at the door of the tavern, the tavern owner rushed up to pick him up and whirled in the air at the first sight. In a frantic yell and cheers all around, Mahimo was dragged into by the tavern boss. "Lookout."

Now Mahimo has become a hero, at least the big one who follows him.

Although the death of the king diluted a lot of joy, the sadness was soon diminished by the arrival of the naturally optimistic Mahimo.

Everyone is anxious to know the experience of Mahimo during this time, and some people who have seen Alexander before can't help boasting to the people next to them that they have drunk and blew their cows with that adult.

The pub owner ’s sister squeezed through the crowd to pour Mahimo ’s wine, which caused another coquettish laughter.

After taking a large gulp from the glass and drinking a wort that was comparable to clear water, Mahimo stood up and held up the glass and blessed: "May God bless my master, the benevolent Agrim Gombray!

"God bless!" People shouted, and the voice was louder than Mahimo.

They worked so hard, except that the Lord Gomblay sent them wheat to solve the famine. The bigger reason was that Mahimo threw it on the table and paid for the wine in the tavern.

Mahimo got rich, and monk Mahimo became a big man. Father Mahimo even talked with the Duke and Count Modillo, and a mysterious message made people no longer dare to use the liar Mahimo or With names like Toma Mahimo, people's eyes shone with awe, and some people even tried to get closer to find a chance to say a few words with this big man.

Mahimo ’s life seemed to be fulfilled at this moment. He glanced around with satisfaction, and then took out a few florins from his robe with enthusiasm. Florin threw it on the table: "These are the money and interest I owe before, and the extras are stored on the cabinet. I will come to drink frequently in the future."

As he said this, Mahimo blinked at the tavern's sister.

Because this action was too obvious, a ridiculous booing immediately sounded in the tavern.

Then Mahimo stood up to gather up the monk's robe and walked out of the "lookout whistle" surrounded by people.

But when he walked to the door, he stopped and turned to the pub owner who followed, seriously saying, "I'm talking about Barr, I will come here often in the future."

After he finished, he walked down the steep stairs under the suspicious sight of the pub owner, and slowly disappeared at the intersection of the ramp.

But no one knew that when turning around the street, no one could see, the original voluptuous Mahimo's shoulder collapsed, he turned his robe pocket over and looked at the empty pocket and sighed for a while.

The money was given to him by Alexander before he left Agry. He was almost happy to think of Alexander as a saint, but what he heard next broke all his dreams.

Alexander told him that the money had to be spent at the lookout whistle once, and even if in the end he needed to continue to cheat to eat and drink, he had to spend all of it.

Mahimo didn't really know what Alexander was going to do, but he knew that the master's order could not be violated.

At least after seeing how he dealt with those Bohemians, Mahimo never dared to associate him with timid and weak words.

Alexander was undoubtedly very generous to the Bohemians, and after giving them the rewards they deserved, Alexander once again offered them a proposal that could not be rejected: he would hire these Bohemians as long-term mercenaries Unless the Bohemian King recalls them, the Bohemian cavalry will remain in Agri, and their remuneration is not gold coins, but a small portion of the grain tax in the Agri Plains.

For the vast majority of mercenaries, fighting the employer and obtaining gold coins or loot is always the most direct method, and only the most elite or with sufficient background power can be eligible to choose money or tax from their territory .

A long time ago, only the Sforza family in Milan could do this. When the Sforza family finally seized the dominance of Milan, no one lord dared to try this method that was easy to find trouble and lead the wolf into the room. Too.

Alexander didn't seem to care about this. The suggestion he made to the Bohemians made the mercenaries nod and agree immediately.

But what Alexander did next was somewhat unexpected.

He first divided the Bohemians into several different teams, and then took out a map where Zhang did n’t know where to make it, randomly drawn a few circles on it, and then announced that the food taxes in these places belonged to those different. Squad all.

The Bohemians were surprised. They didn't know how this was divided. Didn't everyone get the food tax together?

To the doubts of the Bohemians, Alexander ’s answer was simple: "Usually this land grain tax belongs to your squad, and then I will depend on your bravery and responsibility in battle. If someone does something beyond his duties I will reward him for his bravery, and the reward is drawn from other people who are not doing their job. "

The Bohemians immediately showed their dissatisfaction. They felt that each of them was the bravest, and nobody wanted to admit that he was a coward.

"Then let me see how brave and loyal you are." Alexander responded to the Bohemians' question in this way.

A confrontation started.

Mahimo will not forget what happened next. He did not know how Alexander had come up with so many strange ways.

He asked the farmers on both sides of the Agrig River to put down their farm tools and pick up bows and pitchforks, but he was not trying to organize these mud legs and bohemians who had not seen the shadow of the cavalry and turned to escape after hearing the sound of horseshoes. People confront, but let them dig into the jungle, hide in the wheat field, or hide in the ditch and the river, and the farmer's task is only harassment, harassment, even screaming from afar, Let the bohemians who are eating have to put down the food and jump on horseback to wander around in a circle, and also let the bohemians not stop.

And when the Bohemians finally faced the enemy, they faced the knights left by Ordone.

Not many people were taken away when Ordone left Cosenza. There were still many people left in the castle, but first Kaiser's distrust of them, and then Ruosha's territories that he hadn't had time to deal with before. When they realized that the Countess was no more merciful than her brother, these people faced two options given by Rusha: either leave the territory of Kosenza or go to the Agrig Plain as The Cosenza family guards reserves.

Most of these people eventually chose the latter.

A team of less than a hundred people gathered from all parts of Cosenza came to the Agri Plains, waiting for these uneasy exiles, Alexander's equally unwelcome condition: fighting for me in return.

No land, no taxes, these are deprived of all rights, and only one knight title exile is facing new choices.

In the end, except for a small number of people who chose to leave, others remained in Agri.

But these people who stayed were soon told that they would use a confrontation with the Bohemians to decide how much they would receive,

When they regained their weapons, these people were very confident. They believed that they were not much worse than the Bohemians, but they soon realized that this idea was a little too optimistic.

Despite the constant harassment of the farmers, the Bohemians still perfectly taught the master soldiers from Cosenza.

When a Bohemian cavalry proudly waved the flag grabbed from the first team of more than twenty people from the Cosenza infantry, he heard a heavy muffled sound!

When the Bohemian turned his head when he heard the sound, he saw a large group of white things rushing in the face, and then he felt some pain in his face like a punch, and then he heard it behind him. The coy laughs of their partners.

When the second team of Kosenza guards appeared, the Bohemians saw something strange.

Although the first team was a bit messy, the guards that could form a team were tightly tied together. The front row of them held a spear made of branches, and the latter held a hard arrow. Among them, there are a few vaguely-looking things.

The Bohemians were hesitant. They didn't know what the guards were going to do. Although they were brave but not reckless, the Bohemians chose to be cautious at this time.

They began to run quickly around this weird formation. As their horses gradually approached the enemy, the guard was a little panicked, and then gradually stabilized with the sound of a sudden fire rifle or two.

This is because they found that although the muskets may not actually hit the "enemy", the Bohemians still became cautious under the coercion of the power caused by this too strange weapon in this era.

However, as a result of the battle, the Bohemians still won. They found a flaw in the team in the tiresome movement, and then used only one threatening charge to rush these guards into chaos.

The victory made the Bohemians laugh with pride, but they did not know that Alexander, who was watching all this from a distance, also smiled.

The Bohemians still got the food tax they expected, but as Alexander said, they also realized that not everyone is so brave.

This is not to say that there are cowards among them, but that in the face of inexplicable enemies, some Bohemians do not know what to do.

"People who bravely fight to win should deserve more rewards, and should not be held accountable for those who lose," Alexander said to them. "So you will be divided into different teams. Can you earn enough for yourself? Remuneration and loot are entirely up to you and not others. "

The Bohemians are used to fighting and sharing remuneration together, but now it is arranged in this way, which makes many people unacceptable, but they can't think of unacceptable reasons.

For those Bohemians who might become captains, such a decision has a completely different meaning.

The same battle with the same reward, and the same battle can get more rewards, this comparison makes these Bohemians eager to try.

In the end, Alexander ’s proposal was approved by the Bohemians. When one of the most prestigious pressed the handprint on the contract, perhaps it was sun-drenched by the afternoon sun, standing behind Alexandria Mahimo Seeing the owner in front suddenly felt a sense of dizziness.

What made Mahimo truly dizzy was what happened next.

Not all Bohemians applauded such a somewhat cruel contract, so when complaints came together, several of them launched a mutiny.

It was an unsuccessful mutiny. When the drunk Bohemians shook and shouted with a saber, Alexander suddenly gave the order to kill!

Except for two lucky guys, these people were instantly stabbed into a honeycomb by the already prepared guards.

Then Alexander announced the trial of the two people who survived. There was no forgiveness and forgiveness. The mercenary who resisted the mutiny had only one end: he was hanged alive!

All Bohemians saw the execution. After Mahimo ’s prayer, the two mutinous soldiers were roped. With a cry, the wooden pier kicked down, and the two people ’s bodies began to jitter and twitch in the air. There was no sound until the end.

"I give you wealth and honor, and you give me loyalty, follow me to get what you never thought, and you will be punished the most severely for defying me."

This is what Alexander said to the Bohemians on the execution ground.

He stood there unwaveringly to confront those Bohemians, and finally, in the silence, commotion and tension that made Mahimo almost crazy, headed by a few captains, the Bohemians bowed towards Alexander Over.

The generous rewards touched the hearts of the Bohemians, and the same ruthless punishment also allowed them to see the young lord's uncompromising compromise.

"It's such a master that I can't see through."

Mahimo walked in his empty pockets, wondering as he walked.

A lot of things Alexander did make him feel incomprehensible, at least he did n’t understand why Alexander asked him to spend all the florins sent by the Countess of Cosenza, and said that he must spend them on the "lookout whistle." Such a place.

But this errand monk really liked it.

Mahimo and his food delivery team were arranged in a building not far from the palace, which was originally the residence of a nobleman in Naples, but after his family heirs many years ago, the residence became A parish school in Naples.

Now that the school has been emptied, the Bohemians are very kind to put those precious furniture tables and chairs in the yard from the room, and then set up a fire to roast the dried meat.

When Mahimo walked into the yard, a burst of fragrance came, which surprised him a bit. Among the Bohemians, he also saw a few beautifully dressed women. From their manners, Mahi Mo soon learned that these women should not be serious.

The bohemian's act of letting go of the waves caused the monk's dissatisfaction to some extent, but before he could drive the women away, he was told that a messenger had been waiting for him for a long time.

The messenger was a smart-looking servant, which reminded Mahimo of Uliou.

When he knew that the Moor had become a steward beside Alexander, the monk was very upset and even felt that he was being ignored.

But now Mahimo no longer took the Moors to heart. Looking at the letter from the manservant who sent him a noble respectfully, the monk's heart couldn't tell the comfort.

In fact, such a letter has been received by Mahimo. Although no major aristocrat has invited him, this is enough to satisfy the monk.

Mahimo knows what it means to the Naples at this time, and can still invite him to be a guest at this time. From this, it can be seen how much the Naples nobles treated him, or should be said, to Agri ’s Gombre Value.

In fact, as more and more people gathered in the city of Naples, all kinds of rumors became endless.

From the sudden outbreak of famine to Ferdinand's crash, from Frederick's dictatorship to Modillo's stigma, people seem to be turning around in a vortex of rumors.

Ferdinand's death also attracted the attention of other city-states.

After all, the excuse of the French invasion was a request for the Naples throne, and Ferdinand had no heirs. This made many city-states unable to feel the news and could not help but secretly worry about whether this will become the new King Charles VI of France. Excuse.

Various speculations and rumors have become more common, and among all these rumors, there is a name that is constantly mentioned-Alexander Juliant Gumbre!

Alexander had been summoned by the king ~ ~ Alexander once rebuked the emissaries of Florence,

Alexander had a duel for the son of Countess Alfred of Cosenza,

Alexander accepted the request of Count Modillo to bring food to Naples!

All these rumors spread among the people, among the nobility, and became a topic of discussion in the streets of Naples.

Especially when some people said eloquently that they had seen the messenger of Alexandria, a poor monk who had generously thrown a bunch of Florin to pay for his poor friends, The kindness of young people from Sicily has reached an uncontrollable point.

It was in this weird atmosphere that all people were immersed in the king ’s crash, but were disturbed by strange rumors, Alexander took his Bohemian cavalry, Uliu, More food has entered this city that has received the most attention in a while.

This day is September 15, 1496, an ordinary day. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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