Conjurer? I, the Warhammer Psyker

Chapter 304 Final Predation

The new skills updated in Isayama Nomei's skill bar are separated from [Carnival], because the relationship between him and his sister Isayama Sakura is a vassal.

Therefore, some of the new skills evolved and mutated from Isayama Sakura can be used by Isayama Nomei.

What a surprise.

This made Isayama Norimei realize that his relationship with his sister might be even closer, and they could even share skills.

Using the innate skill [Banquet] well is definitely a magical skill that can change one's rank, but Isayama Nomei still chose his sister.

It's absolutely meaningless to have only one person strong. He already owed a lot, so he had to find a way to make up for it.

Fortunately, the life of the siblings will only get better and better now.

Isayama Sakura's rest is not over yet. Due to the changes in her skills, she needs more time to adapt.

But the progress bar has reached a very fast point, and she may not wake up from her nap until the last skill is gestated.

Isayama Nomei can only see the skills shared with him by [Warhammer Simulator].

As for the other main skills, he still had to wait until his sister woke up before he could, as a lord, see the attributes of her body after she had been transformed.

If you look at the skill introduction below, you will know how powerful this skill is to increase the spiritual power possessed by Isayama Norimei.

【Final Predation】

Type: Active skill.

Source: Carnival

Skill effect: When turned on, it can absorb high-level life essence to nourish spiritual energy, and improve the quality and intensity of spiritual energy based on the energy quality of life essence.

Additional effect 1: The absorbed life essence can be materialized. This is a gain item, which can restore blood, increase vitality, increase physical strength, intelligence, etc., and has certain gain effects.

The host can adjust the level of the enhancement product according to the content of life essence. The minimum level is for ordinary people to absorb. At present, the maximum level of the enhancement product is pale gold.

Tip: Unlike the ordinary prepared pharmaceutical recovery products, the gain products produced by the host do not have any side effects.

Additional effect 2: Filtration, which can further purify the absorbed life essence and filter out impurities to a certain extent.

The current filter purity is: 28%.

Tip: It’s not that the more you absorb, the better, but the higher the purity, the better.

This skill is highly compatible with psychic abilities

The red-gold fonts sparkle with crystal light and look quite noble and extraordinary. The golden legend is quite cherished.

Psychic power mainly comes from the subspace, and the subspace is a place where all kinds of weird negative energies are gathered, and there is a lot of garbage energy in it.

It is a place that will literally explode at a glance and can drive people crazy.

If a person with extraordinary talent uses it too much, it will attract the attention of superior demons and evil gods. You can imagine how risky it is to use this kind of power.

If you look into the subspace once, you won't know if what comes back is the original one.

Psychic power has never been a simple energy that can be manipulated freely, and its use is quite risky.

If you are not careful, it will cause serious damage to the entire empire, not just a demonic invasion.

That's why the empire strictly monitors psykers and even sends all those who are illegal psykers to the capital of the empire on black ships to be used for burning firewood.

The destruction and harm caused by a fallen psyker is considerable, and a planet can easily fall.

This is a power that only gods can control with ease, and it is definitely a move that ordinary mortals can use with ease.

Although Isayama Nomei's psychic power relies on the system to specially cut a subspace area so that he can use it more freely. .

And there are considerable hidden dangers in using it. When he traveled to the future of the cursed world and possessed Hisuhito in the barracks, it came from the power of Nurgle.

Who knew that the ghost thing was not completely purified by [Warhammer Simulator], but there was still a backdoor.

Isayama Norimei really almost caused a biological crisis in another world and almost wiped out the magic world. That's no joke.

According to the literal meaning of this skill. It is able to purify those unhealthy impurities in his spiritual power.

The risk of using psychic energy will also be reduced, and the efficiency of casting spells will inevitably be faster.

Isayama Norimei just had the blessing of [Warhammer Simulator] and stood on the shoulders of his master, Professor Ah, so he took fewer detours than others.

The energy contained in psychic energy is not so simple to control. It is frightening to use and requires awe of power from time to time.

But with the power of [Final Predation], these psychic effects can be well immune and will not be affected by the negative effects of previous psychic powers.

Isayama Norimei often used psychic energy to fight against others in Warhammer Simulation.

He knew that the outcome of the battle between the left and right psykers was not only a test of the power of psionic mastery, but also a test of the quality of psionic energy, etc. Any small gap would affect the outcome of the battle.

As long as he has this skill, no matter how little he accumulates in the future, he will definitely be able to produce a qualitative change in his psychic power.

At that time, maybe even those old monsters who have lived for who knows how many years will continue to absorb it. The quality of their spiritual energy is completely inferior to the purity of Isayama Nomei.

The role of this skill is quite obvious. This is to give Isayama Norimei the upper limit.

In the future, as long as his achievements continue to absorb and evolve, the spiritual power he possesses will increase in quality and intensity.

The impurities of psychic power and the mental loss caused by practice are limitations that limit the progress of most psychics, and Isayama Nomei can break this limitation.

This is a real surprise and the usefulness of this skill.

Additional effect 3: In order to improve energy utilization, the living body that can be absorbed is not a dead thing. It can also be absorbed when it is in a normal life state.

And while absorbing most of the life source, it still retains its original physical characteristics without any impact.

Tip: It is just a way to make geniuses go from being amazing to being forgotten by everyone.

Introduction: I have spared your life, what else do you want?

Isayama Norimei has set a precedent in the world of "Tokyo Foodies". It is conceivable that the world he will experience in the future will be many, and he will be able to commit fewer tragedies.

That is to say, Isayama Norimei has a certain tolerance for those roles that are washed away.

After taking away the powerful bloodline from them, they will not die completely.

It is similar to the jinchuriki captured by the Akatsuki organization that absorbs the mantissa in Naruto. However, with this additional effect, the jinchuriki will not die.

It's just that the tailed beast that brought them unlimited chakra is gone, and it will not pose any life threat to their bodies.

At that time, the power of resistance will be smaller. After all, it is better to die than to live.

It was only after seeing this in the skill introduction that Isayama Norimei told Arima Kisho and Takatsuki Izumi that they seemed to be able to retire safely.

Just let him do it.

Turning all ghouls into humans means getting rid of the main contradiction of "ghouls and humans are natural enemies", the relationship of "eating and being eaten"!

Although it sounds quite incredible. But with the help of this skill, it may not be impossible to turn it into a real reality.

As long as they want it, Isayama Norimei can do it.

At this moment, in a dark basement, there were quite a lot of blood-stained bandages and medical supplies that were too late to be packed away.

There are even bloody and dried traces on the bed. Originally, this was where the Bronze Tree created the one-eyed ghoul.

However, after the research yielded some results and the plan entered the second phase, the laboratory was abandoned and no longer needed.

The CCG has not discovered that all the underground worlds here are perfectly preserved to this day.

Isayama Nomei, Arima Kisho, Takatsuki Izumi, all are here from just now. The coffee area was moved to the current area.

And just to verify Isayama Nomei's words, several people came here across several districts in the middle of the night.

A tail was like a sharp blade that penetrated a large petri dish filled with an unknown potion, but it was not over yet. Why put the original inside. I also took out the canned goods.

It was a person who had been around for who knows how long. The guy was quite old and had gray hair. He didn't know who put him in this petri dish.

Isayama Norimei saw the face of this kind old man, and he immediately recognized who it was.

He actually used Izumi Takatsuki's father, the SSS-level ghoul "The Unkillable Owl", Yoshimura to attack the good.

When the Anding District was breached by the CCG, this young girl rescued her old father from artillery fire and transformed him into a stable Hebao production tool.

It was hard for him to say anything about the matter between the father and daughter. Isayama Nomei saw through it but refused to say anything.

"Miss Takatsuki Izumi, you are generous in your actions."

Isayama Nomei

"SSS-level ghoul, just take it out for experiments."

"If what you said is proven to be true, then there is no problem with just an SSS-level food species as the price."

Takatsuki Izumi's expression was quite complicated, and her heart had never been beating so violently.

From humans to ghouls, they have been operating quite stably. In turn, their assumptions did not exist.

Dr. Garner can be said to be an expert in the study of ginseng and humans. The transformation from ghoul to human is a completely irreversible process.

It's just that the road is quite difficult to walk, and there is no middle road. It is a miracle that is simply impossible to complete.

If what that said is really true. Food species can become humans, although they lose their powerful powers.

But being able to live openly and honestly under the sun is the wish of many ghouls.

There is also a strategy to save the country through curves, and if production can be stabilized, the road will definitely be far less tortuous than they previously expected.

Moreover, what such a strong man said should be unlikely to be false, and it should be impossible to make fun of them.

Arima Kisho was also standing aside, although he didn't speak, but it could be seen from his clenched fists that he was not calm.

Isayama Nomei was not as nervous as Takatsuki Izumi and Arima Kisho, but he just felt that their performance was too exaggerated.

But there is still excitement.

After all, this is a brand-new skill and it can provide Isayama Norimei with more energy. You can imagine how much benefit this skill will bring to him if used properly.

When he chose to activate [Final Predation], Isayama Norimei could very clearly sense that there was a predatory organ that clearly resembled a Hezi along the center of his palm.

Even physical contact is not required but is equivalent to it. The predatory organ seems to be completely invisible and only Isayama Norimei can see it. The entire torso is currently covered.

A red energy surged out of Fangcun Gongshan's body and could be clearly seen. It gradually disappeared from the slender pipe into Isayama Nomei's arm.

And when passing through the transfer station, most of the energy has gone through a series of processes such as absorption, conversion, filtering, and purification, and finally turned into a colorless energy.

This very crystal clear colorless energy was quickly swallowed up by the psychic power in Isayama Nomei's body as soon as it appeared.

This feeling is very wonderful, like soaking in a hot spring and your whole body is warm. Isayama Norimei can even clearly feel that the spiritual power in his body has increased after receiving this swallowing. Although it is very subtle, it has indeed increased. .

The whole process took less than a minute, and all the ginseng blood of an SSS-level ghoul was swallowed up.

"You guys can feel it now, is this guy a human or a ghoul now?"

Isayama Nomei said familiar words again. Only this time he was a ghoul instead of a

"He actually became a human being."

Takatsuki Quan opened her mouth wide, and she could even smell the scent of human flesh on her father's body.

The tail behind her just now poked Fang Cun Gongshan's back at a very fast speed, and in an instant the tip of the tail was stained with his blood.

Takatsuki Izumi licked it with his tongue, and the pupils in his originally shocked eyes shrank completely all at once.

"The taste is right too."

"It's human."

Isayama Nomei felt dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

"How's it going? Are you satisfied with the inspection?"

If they still thought he was talking nonsense, he could still perform it for them again, and it wouldn't be a loss anyway.

They are not the only ones who are satisfied.

Isayama Nomei is also quite satisfied. He finally understood why his sister was so greedy, and now he understands.

The experiences brought by different tastes of ghouls are also different. The higher the level, the more delicious they are.

How could these guys be monsters? They were clearly just delicious buns.

Isayama Nomei will be able to say very proudly when the time comes, who will remember how many buns he has eaten?

"You should be relieved now, right?"

Isayama Nomei chuckled lightly

"I really have the power to turn you into ordinary humans without endangering your lives."

"Okay, it's getting late today."

Isayama Nomei yawned lazily.

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