Conjurer? I, the Warhammer Psyker

Chapter 174 Who dares to take him away?

"Speaking of which, do you know whether your child is a boy or a girl?"

Walking in a small alley, Isayama Nomei suddenly asked Fushiguro Shiji

He was asking about Fuheisher's biological child, not the adopted one.

Although asking a father such a question, Isayama Nomei himself who asked the question felt like a bad character.

How can a father not even know the gender of his child? This is simply outrageous.

But Isayama Norimei felt that something might really happen to this irresponsible guy.


As expected, this question suddenly seemed to be asked to Fuheisher.

He scratched his chin and thought for a moment, then said hesitantly.

"Probably a woman."

It is easy to make this judgment because the name he gave his child is Hui, which is very feminine and means gift.

Fushiguro Toji's name is pronounced "Fushiguro Toji", and the Japanese pronunciation of "Toji" means "winter solstice". Fushiguro Megumi's birthday is the winter solstice, which is the blessing of "Toji".

"Six, this kind of thing is still possible."

Isayama Nomei's expression really looked like that sweaty soybean at this moment. He didn't know how Fushiguro, who was doing business with the Zenyuan family back then, was able to determine that he had the talent for the [Ten Shadows Technique] spell.

"This is your son, brother."


When Isayama Nomei stepped onto this narrow alley, he looked around and saw old houses with shops below and rooms above, similar to the old shantytowns of the last century.

I don’t know how much time has passed, but there are still those kinds of dim sum shops, but most of the shops on the street have been closed.

The people who live here are basically the elderly or unemployed people with no fixed income, because the only advantage of living here may be that the rent is cheap.

Finally, they stopped in front of a dilapidated two-story building. What they saw was a cement gray staircase. The interior was so dark that even the lights above were broken.

According to the information collected by Isayama Nomei.

Yes, Fuheishier's two children live here.

"It's true that such a father is here."

Even the road to here was taken by Isayama Nomei, and there was no one else.

"Go up."

Isayama Nomei felt that other words were redundant for Fushiguro Shiji, so it would be better to let him see the living environment of his children with his own eyes.

But even Isayama Kenmei passed by Fushiguro Shiji, and this guy didn't follow.

"Boss, me."

"Made, are [Heaven and Tyrant] so coy?"

Isayama Nomei slapped Fushiki Shiji on the back and sighed.

"And you have to worry about Jill."

"It's a working day, they're still in school and not at home."

When Fuheishi'er heard the words "boss", he immediately felt much more relaxed and took the initiative to walk upstairs together without any urging.

There are small advertisements everywhere in the stairwell. It's all over the walls. There is only one family on the second floor here. It doesn't matter if it's the left or the right.

What stood in front of the two of them were two barriers, which could barely function as security doors.

Can't get in without a key.

"How about I climb in first and open the door."

There was no one inside, so Fuheishi'er's psychological burden was much less.

He even offered to climb in through the window.

"No need to bother."

Is this guy always trying to find a new way to do something sneaky?

"You forgot, I am the head of the Kamo family."

Isayama Nomei raised his hand to Fushiguro, and a key made of blood floated on his finger.

He can completely match the lock based on the position of the lock core inside, and there is no need to go outside to climb the window.

Isayama Nomei held his hand on the door handle. There was almost no delay. He only heard the click of the lock cylinder, and the first door opened.

They continued to work on the second door in the same way, and finally the layout of the room inside appeared in front of them.

Isayama Nomei walked in first, Fushiguro was the second, and he closed the door.

After a rough look, this house should have one bedroom, one living room and one bathroom. The area is not large, about 25 to 30 square meters.

Isayama Nomei felt a faint musty smell when he walked into this room. There were a few pairs of small, dirty and badly worn shoes placed in the narrow entrance. They should have belonged to the children of Fushiki Shiji. The originally white walls were corroded and turned a little yellow.

The furniture is very simple, with a large round table taking up most of the space in the hall.

Don't even think about the sofa, just a few wooden chairs.

There are a lot of books piled up on the table, as well as some dishes and chopsticks left over from the morning meal that haven't been cleared away yet. It can be seen that this table is used for both studying and eating by the two siblings. It must be that it is almost too late to go to school, so they will tidy it up after coming back from school.

On the small balcony, some changes of clothes were drying.

The kitchen, which I don't even know is there in two square meters, is just a small stove, and in the corner is a small broken refrigerator that looks like it was moved back from the recycling bin.

It’s only half a meter high and has a single door.


This was the sound of Fuheishier opening the refrigerator door. As expected, there was nothing inside, only a large bottle of milk that had been opened but not finished and a few small eggs.

Fuheishier may have used too much force when closing it, and directly removed the refrigerator door.


Although the voice was very soft, Isayama Norimei still heard it. It was Fushiguro's unconscious exclamation sound.

Although he had been mentally prepared for this kind of living situation, the reality was much worse than he imagined, completely beyond Fuheishier's expectations.

Isayama Nomei was speechless for a long time, he didn't even know what to say.

He is obviously a child, but he doesn't even have the most basic nutritional guarantee.

Get out of those scraps. Breakfast was a simple bowl of plain water, let alone poached eggs. Isayama didn't even see any oil or water, so he probably just added a little salt.

To be honest, he felt that the siblings were having a harder time than Isayama Nomei in terms of food and drink expenses, so hard that he didn't know how to describe it.

That is to say, he is better than the kid who ate potatoes for three meals a day when Isayama Norimei was looking at his phone.

Isayama Nomei was really moved. He casually pulled up a chair and sat down. As a result, the aged chair began to sway as soon as he sat down, as if it could not support Isayama Nomei's mass.

Well, Isayama Kenmei still used the [Red Blood Exercise Technique] to create a chair and came out. He didn't say anything, but just focused his eyes on Fushiguro, who was still looking around.

It's a small house. Judging from Fushiguro's dynamic vision, he should have seen enough of it just like Isayama Nomei.

What this extra person is looking at and how he feels in his heart, I am afraid only Fuheisher himself knows.

Isayama Norimei saw Fushiguro pick up a photo frame and look at it carefully for a long time. He also saw a faint smile on the corner of this guy's mouth for the first time.

Although it only flashed by, Isayama Norimei still saw the picture on the photo frame. It was a photo of a woman holding two children. It should be a family portrait, but there was no Fushiguro in this photo frame.

When he noticed the boss's gaze, Fuheishier felt a little embarrassed for a moment, coughed, and then slowly put down the photo frame.

Isayama Nomei looked at him and asked

"I don't know, Lord God of War."

According to humans, there is nothing wrong with being called the God of War because of Fuheishir's combat prowess.

"Are you satisfied with your children's living environment?"

Isayama Nomei brought Fushiguro Shiji here, and it inexplicably recreated the feeling of those ancient novels, where the God of War comes home and finds his children living in a doghouse, and becomes furious.

But it was someone else who caused the harm, and this guy brought it all on himself, and he never fulfilled his father's responsibilities.

Maybe Fuheishier thought that if he stayed away from him, his children could live a peaceful life, but it was simply too ideal and seemed unrealistic.

In short, Fushiguro is not innocent in Isayama Nomei. No matter which position you stand on, I feel that as a father, you should not stand idly by.

"This is simply unreasonable!"

A bald old man without much hair on his head, his face turned red due to the surge of blood, punched the desk.

"It's this bastard again."

This balding middle-aged man was the principal of the school where Fuheishier's son and daughter attended. The pencil in his hand was broken into two halves by two fingers.

The anger on the face of the principal and teacher was beyond control. The root of the matter was a pair of extremely troublesome siblings.

I have been working in the industry for more than 40 years and have taken over nearly 30 students. I have never seen a child like him.

Never had!

"There are actually students like this in my school."

Thinking of the photos his teacher took of him, he felt so angry that his stomach ached, and his vision went dark involuntarily.

A large-scale brawl cannot be suppressed no matter how hard it is. Thinking of the same incident, a second one has already happened on his hands.

He is about to be judged by the experts and bombarded by the media. The principal who wants to go further feels that his future is full of darkness.

My career has reached its peak and it is impossible to progress any further.

The principal and teacher who wants to understand this feel that they are more likely to die suddenly than usual. This is. The sound of shattering dreams in my heart is driving me crazy

They are a serious school, not some second-rate gangster school.

But the picture sent by the teacher and class teacher below was enough to make every principal scream.

The background is the school playground, picture

There was only one stinky kid sitting on the mountain of "corpses" without moving his butt, and his eyes were fixed on the person taking the photo.

This photo may be quite fun for Isayama Norimei.

If you look carefully, that kid looks very much like Fuheisher. Especially the cold-faced look that looks like everyone owes him money. He is almost the exact same model as Fuheishi'er. It couldn't be more similar.

It is not difficult to guess that this is Fushiguro Shiji's biological son, Fushiguro Megumi.

"Look, this still looks like a student."

The principal and teacher patted the table and said in a serious tone.

"I didn't study well during school and got into fights with others."

"It must be dealt with seriously."

"The school's atmosphere has been ruined by these people."

At the morning meeting, the principal highlighted the seriousness of this incident and directly defined it as a vicious fight.

"I propose that Fushiguro Megumi from Class C of the first year be temporarily dismissed from school."

"And I have contacted the teachers and staff at the juvenile home and prepared to send him there."

This school is very lively today.

"Hui, why are you fighting again?"

In the medical room, a little girl with brown hair in a ponytail said in a reproachful tone to another boy with a spiky hair.

However, under the stimulation of the disinfectant, the young man frowned, looked very painful, and spoke in a troublesome tone.

"Sister, I didn't take the initiative to cause trouble."

But in the eyes of the boy, his sister's words were nonsense and he didn't want to say much, and he thought she was annoying.

Hui said in a cold tone.

"They messed with me first."

The boy and girl here are Fushiguro Shiji's children. Fushiguro Megumi and her sister Fushiguro Tsumiki attended Urami Higashi Elementary School together.

"Then you can't beat them like that.

Fushiguro Megumi is worthy of being Fushiguro Shiji's cub. He is born with innate talents in physical skills. Although he looks thin due to malnutrition, his physical fitness is no less than that of the seniors who are taller than him. student.

This was the reason why Megumi Fushiguro was able to gain an advantage when facing enemies that far outnumbered him and those older seniors.


Fushiguro Megumi would not explain redundantly.

Both he and his sister can live well without the help of their parents.

"They are just a bunch of scum. I will beat them every time I see them."

There were some noisy sounds outside the door of the medical room, and the principal's voice was also mixed in.

"Sir, please come here."

Suddenly Fushiguro Megumi's brows furrowed because he felt that someone with bad intentions was coming.

Soon the door was opened, and several staff members wearing protective clothing filed in.

The nearly bald principal led the way, giving Megumi Fushiguro the feeling of being the kind of traitorous person who screams loudly.

Among them, the two siblings and their head teacher were also mixed in the crowd.

The principal looked the most excited. As soon as he came in, he pointed at the siblings, as if he was about to jump with excitement.

"That's the one."

Can the principal be unhappy? The little brat who caused him so much trouble. He was finally taken away by the people from the Juvenile Training Center.

"It's that little guy with the hedgehog head."


"Teacher, what are you doing?"

Fushiguro Megumi's sister looked at these people very uneasily, and she asked the head teacher of her class.

Looking at the sudden appearance of a large group of people, Fushiguro Megumi felt something bad in his heart, and he subconsciously blocked the way in front of his sister.

"Isn't this very simple? Is your brother so capable of causing trouble?"

The principal said gloatingly.

He was already intolerable to the two siblings, especially the younger brother.

Although Megumi Fushiguro is young, she has already shown a bad style. She fights every day for three days, either with people in the school or with people outside the school.

"So our school expelled him."

"What!" X2

Fushiguro Megumi and his sister's faces were full of surprise.

"What will happen to my brother?"

"Will be sent to a juvenile facility."

"Don't worry, your brother will get a better education there."

The principal was no longer willing to continue explaining. He looked at the people next to him.

"Gentlemen, I leave it to you."

The staff in those shelters are all tall and strong, and they all look like big men. It is not enough to arrest a kid.

Although Fushiguro Megumi is good at fighting, it is only for people of his own age, and there is no room for resistance against adults.

"Let me go, let me go."

Even if he struggled desperately, he couldn't break free.

Fushiguro Megumi's sister was already in poor health, so she was pushed to the ground by those people with just a little push.

Megumi Fushiguro, who basically struggled all the way like a ferocious little beast, was carried to the school gate.

The principal watched all this indifferently and applauded in his heart.

There is a large car at the school gate, and the staff there has opened the door. , as if preparing to throw Fushiguro Megumi into it.


The car at the school gate was hit by a high-speed car coming from the other end of the road and was knocked out.

The momentum was extremely huge.

The van was hit and rolled several times until it hit a tree, emitting billowing black smoke.

And before there was time to be shocked, the staff felt severe pain coming on and their vision went dark.

I don't know when an old man dressed in black suddenly appeared. He didn't know how he took action at such a fast speed that he knocked all those people away with three strikes.

As they fell to the ground, there was a terrifying sound of bones breaking, and they all wailed in pain.

Megumi Fushiguro was firmly held by the uncle who suddenly appeared.

"I'd like to see it."

The person who came was none other than Fuhei Shi'er. He was holding his cub in one hand, and the other hand was holding a special spell tool, You Yun.

The three-section stick can be used as a stick when gathered together.


Fuheishier thrust his stick into the cement floor, and a huge hole was made in the ground.

Just standing there, Fuheishier was filled with a terrible sense of oppression, almost like a ferocious beast that could not even let people breathe.

"Who wants to take him away today?"

Actual payout of 5800. Trivia: Before entering the Conjuring College, Megumin was a "bad" and was best at fighting violence with violence.

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