Conjurer? I, the Warhammer Psyker

Chapter 132 Tearing Angel’s Wings

[The Saint's Place] is a fully enclosed space. In order to ensure respect for the Saint, the "blessing" ceremony is fully enclosed at the beginning.

It can only be opened by the inner person after the ceremony, not by the outside person.

But the door that could be opened easily on weekdays seemed to be welded shut and could not be opened at all. There were dozens of bloody palm prints and claw marks dug out with bare hands on the door, which looked extremely desperate.

The believers of the Imperial State Church outside the gate would never have imagined that the world inside was completely different from the world outside.

On one side, the temple of the state religion is sacred, but on the other side, it has completely degenerated into a terrifying hell where demons dance wildly.

Separated by a door, it is unexpected that the boundary between black and white can be so harmoniously close.

The dark green mixed with yellow turbid eyes, the white and purple body skin, the long and strange tongue, all the characteristics indicate that this is a demon under the banner of Slaanesh.

We also don’t understand why the corpse that was blessed by the living saint turned into this. It was obvious that Isayama Norimei had inspected the corpse at the beginning and that no manipulation had been done to it.

Now it seems that the corruption of the demonic chaos forces is really everywhere.

Thank you for the invitation. He just watched "The Blessing of the Living Saint" and now he has watched "The Return of the Living Dead".

Just when Isayama Norimei was about to slash the slender neck of Brino Harwell with his blade, a purple magic circle with taboo runes engraved on it appeared under her body.

The mutated giant tongue that resembles thorns and is covered with spikes comes from a dead battle nun. Both the physique and the curvature of the body are very different from the nun in the memory of Tosak Romei when Kenmei Isayama inquired about it.

If he hadn't guessed, the enemy had the ability to change his body. And its next body is Brinor Harwell, the next candidate for sainthood of the Imperial State Church.

An extremely round arc-shaped sword light surrounded the surroundings, and the crisp sound of the blade cut through the air, making an extremely painful low sound.

The pure white figure was also in great pain, its messy wings beating the ground randomly.

Can’t the ashes be blessed by saints? Can't bury it.

The days should be getting better as time goes by. How can the situation of human beings be worse than when the Living Saint was alive?

Isayama Nomei swung the knife hard, splattering blood from the blade onto the ground.

That's why Isayama Norimei didn't recognize him. There were so many deceptions used by the other side, which led him to make the mistake of following the pictures.

And there are several fallen nuns who are watching the coffin of the living dead, but the holy power cannot let them get close.

In this era, the power of the evil god was so unscrupulous in wreaking havoc on the world. It was simply a humiliation to these heroic spirits who had sacrificed their lives for the empire.

Brinor Harwell knelt on the ground and roared in pain. When she raised her head, one eye had turned into a dark green pupil, while the other eye still had a golden pupil.

Not only that, but there are four giant red hound monsters in the empty hall, two meters high and made entirely of psychic energy. They bite with open teeth and use their hands and feet. They are also hunting monsters everywhere like bulldozers. a mess.

Isayama Norimei glanced at his arm that already had some varicose veins, but still didn't force it.

Sensing something was wrong, Isayama Nomei immediately raised the bolt gun in his hand, loaded it with psychic energy, and shot at the black sphere.

There are more than a dozen special fallen nuns like this, who are frantically massacring the trainee nuns who belong to the choir.

In the future, Isayama Norimei will remember this lesson. The corpse must be burned as soon as possible. Even the corpse that is inspected may corrode quickly under the influence of the corrupted power.

"Damn it, damn devil!"

Brightly colored blood lines appeared on the nearly twenty living dead who were approaching. Massive masses of blood exploded, and their torn bodies fell to the ground.

"You really don't let me rest at all."

But the fallen nun's tongue was still there, and the ball Isayama saw was just the tip of the iceberg, and most of it had already been corroded like poison.

He had to confirm that the killed corpses were all his own, and he was very tired from supervising the execution of four to five thousand people. After obviously finishing a lot of work at hand, I finally came here and wanted to take a short rest, but it turned out like this again.

This light is completely harmless to Isayama Norimei and Fleur, but to those demons that symbolize evil, it is really outrageous.

Isayama Nomei really felt helpless. As soon as he arrived on this planet, he kept repeating the two things of "catching people" and "killing people". His eyes have not been closed since he opened them.

Each one seemed to have encountered an irresistible terrifying force. Under the light of this halo, they melted like ice and snow.

Isayama Nomei was knocked ten meters away, breaking two pillars.

It is best to keep both living and dead people away.

"Hey hey hey, look."

This kind of closed place is most suitable for burning with fire psychic spells, but if you consider that Isayama Nomei is not afraid of high temperatures and does not need to breathe, then it is indeed possible.

When the body was almost burning, the broken and fallen nun's body began to gradually turn into a black ball.

So the nun over there who was stabbed to death should just protect herself.

What's wrong with me being reincarnated and using my body from my previous life?

Brinor Harwell's golden pupils stared intently at the sacred coffin, and then the living saint inside seemed to be affected.

Especially the later show was so exciting that Isayama Norimei couldn't even appreciate it.

The living saint has a special attack effect on demons, so even the high-level fallen nun who penetrated Blino Harwell's body with her tongue felt like she had met her nemesis under this flash of light, and her whole body began to be covered in flames, violently It screamed continuously as it burned.

An extremely terrifying spell wave came from inside, but a shock wave that tore apart the space struck Isayama Nomei, and he was out of control. His arms were numb, and the blade almost came out of his hands.

There was a substantial expression on the angel's face, especially angry.

The pure white giant angel made of energy that Isayama Kenmei had seen before also appeared on the field again, but this time it was infinitely closer to reality than a virtual shadow.

It is now roughly estimated that there are at least 300 living dead here, eager to attack Isayama Nomei and Fleur, who is hiding in the corner and shivering.

But what Brino Harwell didn't notice was that the weird smile on his face didn't stop even when he screamed.

Sister Brino's delicate face was full of pain, and large beads of sweat were dripping from her forehead due to the severe pain. This critical moment of life and death was not the time to hide her power.

As one of the candidates who was found by the Imperial State Church since she was a child and identified as the next saint, it was because she could invoke the power of this "living saint" who had been dormant for who knows how many years.

A huge figure appeared in the magic circle, and the giant purple hand grabbed the painful angel. With just a slight exertion, the slender neck was broken and thrown aside like garbage.

A huge halo appeared above the angel's head, and then an extremely dazzling light burst out.

Living Saints even have the feeling that the human world has actually been eroded by Chaos Demons long ago, and the human race is just hanging on.

The bullet missed

But Isayama Nomei was also very decisive. He wanted to behead the nun before the devil completely corrupted her.

Whether it is the concentration of power or the overbearing effect on demons, they are completely different.

The purple can that appeared on the field is a high-ranking Chaos Lord belonging to the "Emperor's Children" war group that rebelled against the Empire under Slaanesh.

The Immortal-Lucius

"What did I find?"

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