Conjurer? I, the Warhammer Psyker

Chapter 110 The largest crackdown on pornography in history

In a luxurious secret room, this strange musk in the air has a fatal attraction, as if it can inspire the most primitive indulgence buried deep in the heart.

A strong man with purple "blasphemous" tattoos and hideous scars all over his body moved away from the pair of snow-white slender arms that were hugging his neck. He stretched out and stretched his stiff muscles, his dim Under the light, his dark and strong body seemed to be firm and energetic with a layer of oil.

Behind him, there were about nine scarred women lying in various directions.

However, from their cold body temperatures and chests that had not risen, it could be seen that these people were afraid of getting cold early.

But the strange thing is that these different women all have smiles on their faces. No, it should be said that they died with the most extreme happiness.

This is the price of happiness!

The victor didn't even look at the mess behind him. He picked up a towel from the side and put it over his head and walked to the shower room. After a while, he walked out of the secret room wearing a bathrobe.

Sitting on the large sofa in the living room outside the door, he took out the wine that the servant had already chilled, poured a glass of it, and drank it all in one gulp.

This is the former Inquisitor Tosak Rome who betrayed the Heretic Tribunal. It can be seen that his life after betrayal was much better than before he served for the Tribunal.

Although the Inquisition had great power in those days, the inquisitors were all strict disciplinarians, and their so-called fun on weekdays was to listen to the painful wails of heretics being tortured.

As long as you perform actions that bring pleasure, that person will actively reward you. This is very common among demons.

Even if Isayama Nomei and Elena work separately, one person would have to inspect more than 4,000 people, which would be impossible to do.

As for why the identity of the judge of the Heretic Tribunal is not used, it is because the people here are afraid of colluding with each other, and they are also afraid of scaring the enemy.

The hive world is generally an empire's arsenal or a factory assembly line for certain daily necessities, and the middle layer carries the production functions of the entire hive world. So this leads to the fact that the middle world is basically densely packed with chimneys that can be seen with the naked eye. Although the sky is gray and covered with dust ejected from countless factory chimneys, the air is a source of pollution.

Isayama Ken meditates that what he wants the legal department to do is to close down all the underground illegal places in the middle area. As long as he doesn't tell them to stop, they won't be allowed to open for a day.

There are a large number of civilians living in the middle areas of the hive world, accounting for two-thirds of the total population of the hive city, and most of them are factory employees.

If you want to get it, you must first perform the gift, so that those fallen people will fall deeper and deeper.

"Dong dong dong"

For this reason, Isayama Kenmei came to the local legal department in the mid-level area. He only revealed the identity of a senior imperial official that he had legally forged by Lord Inquisitor Horst Eisenholm. That afternoon, he shot and killed several people who only agreed to refuse. The experienced clerk instantly made the supervisors of the legal department obey him and act according to his rules.

Besides, what this master told me was not a difficult task. It was just adding a small decoration to each private room in Yayuan.

Ever since he came under the disciple of that person, he couldn't control himself and became addicted to it. No matter his complexion, mental state, etc., everything was different, everything was a qualitative improvement!

"It's such a wonderful indulgence."

So you can imagine how profitable this piece of cake will be if you occupy the market here.

This is the stupidest way

Another method of Isayama Ken's meditation is very easy and does not require them to check, and can even make enemies come to you.

"My lord, all arrangements have been made."

There was a knock on the door,

"Come in."

Tosak-Rome shook his wine glass and said calmly

After getting permission, a bald man with a crude mechanical device implanted in his arm walked in. His name was Didier Santini. The boss of the unlucky Jimmy who was caught by Nori Isayama, "Mustang" The leader of the gang.

Now that the traitor's plot has been clarified, there is no need for Isayama Norimei to wander blindly in that smelly and huge area and move to the middle level.

But what Didier Santini didn't know was that the small decorations in his eyes could influence the fate of the middle-level people, and even everyone in the hive world.

But that is for the lowest believers. As a former inquisitor, Tosak Rome awakened with the "help" of a kind person, and there are benefits to throwing himself into the arms of Slaanesh.

Therefore, demons will always be very generous, and they will readily grant these fallen people their power.

Especially if this is a ritual to please Him,

In the eyes of the lower class, the level was like a wall of sighs, but to Isayama Norimei and Elena, it was just a fake point. With the help of the intelligence department, they went from the lowest level where they couldn't see their fingers to the middle level of the hive world without any hindrance.

Eventually, he loses himself in pleasure, declines day by day, falls into despair, and ultimately leads to self-destruction.

After all, the Inquisitor's reputation is far-reaching. Which one walks at night will be more remembered, an ordinary high-ranking imperial official or an Inquisitor with a strong threat of force.

"My psychic powers have increased again!"

In order to obtain this huge power, the fallen often need to commit evil acts. In the end, it doesn't even need the guidance of the devil, the user's power itself can bring about very evil effects.

Tosak-Rome's eyes were as red as a wild beast, and the color of the tattoos on his body became more alluring. I don't know if it was an illusion, but it felt like these purple lines were dancing on his body like poisonous snakes.

Didier Santini said respectfully to Tossac-Rome

I don't know where this man came from, but his powerful force is always the best stepping stone. Now that his Mustang Gang can gain a foothold in the middle level of the world has a lot to do with him serving this man well.

Isayama Nomei looked at the report in his hand. The number of registered fireworks and willow places in the middle area alone reached 8,900, not counting those underground places.

Slaanesh is called the God of Joy. Her power comes from the happiness of her believers. Slaanesh's followers are always pursuing all kinds of happiness, and those believers are always immersed in enjoyment.

Not to mention, Isayama Nomei changed into elegant and luxurious clothes and asked Elena to be his secretary. The tone of this rich and powerful child traveling with beautiful women has come up.

How can there be such an intoxicating experience, with endless delicacies, beauties of all colors, and endless wine.

Even during the day, you need to turn on the street lights to see the road in front of you clearly. Isayama Kenmei had the illusion that he had arrived in medieval London. Industrial waste gas filled the sky, but compared to the lowest level of Acheulei where killings and chaos could be seen everywhere, it was like paradise.

Not only is it forbidden to open, Isayama Norimei also wants the law enforcement agencies to launch the largest anti-pornography and anti-illegal operation in the hive world, arrest all the people involved in the case, and imprison them in the middle-level prison.

Isayama Norimei just wanted to make it impossible for the "Wild Horse Gang" to have a bite of food. He smashed the rice bowl, and he didn't worry about people not coming to deliver warmth in person.

Isayama Norimei has the capital to flip the table.

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