Comrade, Your Ingredients Are Too Complicated

Chapter 84 The enemy not only refused to surrender, but actually dared to resist

Naturally, this sure shot hit the Japs machine gunner in the head. As soon as the bullet penetrated his head, not even the helmet could save the beast's life.

The sound of gunfire and the falling of comrades woke up all the enemies. At this time, the consequences of not investigating in advance were exposed. These Japs and traitors didn't even know where the ambushers were most likely to be, so they could only wander around like headless flies.

Their only way now is to use the prisoners of war as human bunkers to find where the enemy is hiding while hiding.

But even so, Zhao Gang still couldn't be troubled. He pulled the big bolt, reloaded, and moved the muzzle of the gun to point at the Japanese at the front of the team.

Although there was a prisoner of war blocking him, the second bullet accurately hit the enemy's exposed calf.

The Japanese man who was hit fell to the ground in pain, blood gushing out from the wound on his leg. Xiaozhi's screams echoed in the valley, and he continued to crawl toward the middle of the team, trying to find a safe place to hide.

Because among the three, only Zhao Gang can guarantee a hit rate at this distance. Therefore, the other two comrades did not fire, but they had a great deterrent effect.

As the saying goes, it is easier to avoid an open gun than a hidden arrow. This is a description that fits the deterrent effect of a sniper on the battlefield.

An excellent sniper can not only destroy the enemy's body, but also break the enemy's mind.

Someone in my family was suddenly shot in the head by a sniper who was hiding somewhere, and there was even a comrade who was dragging his injured leg all the way up and screaming. This had a great impact and psychological shock on the last Japanese soldier.

When he was looking for a human bunker just now, he chose Wei Dayong, who was closest to him and also the burliest.

This little devil was only 1.6 meters tall, and was blocked tightly. He was holding a Southern Type 14 pistol that was so difficult to kill himself, and kept shouting to embolden himself.

This made Zhao Gang a little worried. Although he was sure to kill the Japs, he had to change his shooting position.

This process takes a certain amount of time. The reason why they chose to take action was to save people. If the little devil felt that he had no hope of living, he might fight back and attack the prisoners of war before his death.

The two shots took less than half a minute.

After discovering that the last Japanese soldier had no intention of saving his comrades, Zhao Gang gave up the idea of ​​surrounding the corpse to rescue him, and decisively ended his criminal life with one shot.

Just when he moved the muzzle to the remaining Japanese, something happened suddenly.

Although these prisoners of war belong to the preserved fruit troops, in many cases their defeats are not only due to problems with their own strength, but also due to backward tactics and blind command by their top officers.

"After the captain of the transportation team airdropped his instructions, he cursed and flew away."

But their grassroots officers are still very good. What's more, they are elites who have crawled out of the dead. Once there is a chance to survive, they will definitely not give up.

The three gunshots took a total of one minute.

They were a little confused when the first shot was fired, but when they saw the Japanese being shot, they realized that friendly forces were coming to save them.

In the second shot, while the Japanese were still panicking, they began to slowly adjust their positions to prepare for a counterattack with unknown friendly forces.

When the third shot was fired, they surrounded the Japanese and puppet troops in unison, ready to create opportunities for friendly snipers.

Although these people's hands were tied behind their backs and there were ropes on their feet to restrict their movements, this did not mean that Wei Dayong had nothing to do.

He almost squeezed out the last bit of strength from his body, raised his foot and stepped heavily on the little devil's shoe. Toe stepping, a fighting technique used by children, played a great role at this time.

Xiao Tian never expected that the prisoners of war would still have the strength to resist, but before he could curse, he was bumped into by a soldier behind him.

The preserved fruit soldiers had a tacit cooperation with Zhao Gang. When the Japanese were still in mid-air, they were intercepted by Zhao Gang's bullets in the air.

At the same time, Zhao Gang shouted to the comrades around him:

"Rush! Just rush forward! Don't stop! I will deal with the traitors who threaten you!"

In fact, he was overly worried. When the two soldiers rushed out from the ambush site, the traitors already had the idea of ​​​​escape.

It’s only a few dollars a month, what’s the point of doing such a puzzle? After all the Japanese are dead, they will naturally retreat and retreat. At this time, they have to compete with their teammates for speed.

But Zhao Gang did not give these people a chance to escape, and the last bullet hit the fastest running traitor immediately.

Faced with a sharpshooter who had no miss, two Eighth Route Army soldiers descending from the mountain like tigers, and a group of candied soldiers who were eyeing the candied fruits, these traitors who sold their ancestors for glory immediately put down their weapons and knelt down to surrender.

If they use their pig brains to think about how many bullets are in the magazine of a mainstream rifle, they might be able to sell a few teammates and run away.

Seeing that the battle was no longer suspense, Zhao Gang ran from the hidden shooting point to the valley below. In the process, he also pulled out his TT33 and carried the Mosin Nagant on his back.

This pistol and watch were both gifts given to each other by him and his classmates when they graduated in the rear area, to commemorate their friendship.

After arriving at the destination, Zhao Gang couldn't help but frowned as he looked at the fruity soldiers who were speaking harshly to the traitors.

Although the Eighth Route Army has regulations to treat prisoners kindly, no normal person will have a good impression of traitors.

With the help of guards and correspondents, the ropes on the hands and feet of all the preserved soldiers were untied. After the death of the company commander, the highest-ranking person in the group turned out to be Wei Dayong.

Seeing Zhao Gang, who was obviously the leader, Wei Dayong, although exhausted, still managed to salute his savior and said:

"Hello, sir! I am Wei Dayong, squad leader of the 27th Division of the Central Army. Thank you for saving us."

Zhao Gang admired this soldier who cooperated with him very much, and he immediately returned the military salute. Seeing the other person's staggering appearance, he quickly stepped forward to give him a hand.

Then he took off his backpack from behind, which contained several cooking cakes. This was originally the dry food he brought with him when he came to Shanxi Province. Since he hadn't finished eating it and didn't want to waste the food, he kept it. At this time, it really saved his life.

After giving these cooking cakes and water to the weak and preserved soldiers, and telling them to rest where they were, Zhao Gang walked towards the puppet army.

The two comrades from the brigade had already finished disarming themselves. Those losers who were afraid of the common people were kneeling on the ground and trembling. Zhao Gang looked at these people with disgust.

Seeing a man with a pistol walking towards them, the traitors also recognized him as a senior official of the Eighth Route Army. So these scumbags who sell their ancestors for glory kowtow desperately to save their own lives.

"Mr. Ba, we people from the Republic of China don't kill people from the Republic of China! We haven't done anything bad. We even pay for our meals."

At this time, Zhao Gang's murderous aura has subsided and he has returned to his gentle manner. He looked at the group of traitors and said:

"What are you doing? We are the Eighth Route Army! We will not kill those who surrender! Look what you look like! Are you afraid now?"

"Follow me and go back to the public trial! Whether you have done something bad or not is not up to you!"

The traitors visibly breathed a sigh of relief when they heard that those who surrendered would not be killed, but the word "public trial" that followed made them tremble with fear.

There is obviously something wrong with these people who don't do bad things and don't fear ghosts calling the door. There was a scumbag who was so scared that he rushed towards Zhao Gang and wanted to fight him desperately.

For such a person who obviously had the blood debt of the common people on his hands, Zhao Gang raised his right hand holding the gun without feeling any pressure and killed him with one bullet.

At a distance of only two meters, the shot caused blood to splash on Zhao Gang's clothes and face. He looked at the remaining people expressionlessly and said:

"I emphasize one last time, come back with me and accept a public trial. The rest of your life will be decided by the people."

"If you persist in resisting, I will think that you have posed a threat to my personal safety, and then I will not be considered a prisoner!"

Slowly portraying a God of War political commissar, I also tried to write about political work.

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