Comrade, Your Ingredients Are Too Complicated

Chapter 60 Exposed Radio Signal

While Huang He and Li Yunlong were drinking and eating meat, an uninvited guest came to the First Army Headquarters in Taiyang.

Because of Yoshio Shinozuka's failure and incompetence in hunting down the special agent company, Shun Tada, then commander of the North China Front, was very dissatisfied.

What they did in Shanxi was exposed internationally by the Eighth Route Army newspapers, including secret human experiments that were also made public.

This put great pressure on the younger brother's country from public opinion, and Tada Shun had to send his deputy chief of staff, Hirata Masahan, to personally wrap up the matter.

After receiving the order, Shogun Hirata immediately took a plane to Taiyang. Although it was already evening when he arrived, the first thing he did after getting off the plane was to send someone to arrange a meeting with the staff of the First Army.

As a senior military officer, Yoshio Shinozuka naturally has no emotional intelligence. Although Hirata's military rank is only major general, he is lower than himself in terms of status.

But this old devil knew that he was in the wrong, and he acted flawlessly in terms of etiquette, not giving the other party a chance to criticize him.

Although the two of them are both generals of the North China Front Army, they have different positions and rarely have the opportunity to meet each other.

Before Hirata was sentenced to come to Taiyang, Yoshio Shinozuka specially dragged his old classmate to find out about his preferences. Now, not only has the other party's favorite Japanese-style room been prepared, but even the layout of the house is exactly the same as the other party's in Beijing.

Moreover, he was wearing casual clothes and had prepared tea and cakes. I guess the other party would not be too serious when they saw such a formation.

As expected, things went as expected by the old Japanese Yoshio Shinozuka. Masaru Hirata knew that the other party had intentions when he saw the layout of the scene. As a lieutenant general, he has such a low profile. It would be very devoid of emotional intelligence if he didn't give him face.

The army in this book doesn't just fight and kill, human relationships are very important, and he can't do anything but slap people in the face.

After the two sat down, the deceased who had been prepared for a long time began to serve tea and water. But no one spoke in the Japanese-style private room. The atmosphere in the room was extremely depressing, and the two people kept tugging on each other silently.

In the end, it was Shinozuka Yoshio who took the initiative to speak. He felt that he had achieved his goal through both soft and hard tactics, and now it was time to solve the problem.

Facing the serious-looking Masaru Hirata, Yoshio Shinozuka took out what he had prepared long ago. Even he had to pay some price to obtain information about the Eighth Route Army.

"Hirata-kun, the commander has told me the purpose of your coming. Please rest assured that the entire First Army will cooperate with your work."

"These are the materials I prepared. Before you came, I mobilized the intelligence department to collect as much detailed information on the enemy as possible."

Seeing that the other party was so polite and did not cause any obstacles for him, Masabu Hirata looked much better. He took the information handed over by Yoshio Shinozuka, but did not check it immediately. Instead, he put it on the table and chatted about home affairs.

The two old devils chatted tacitly for a while, and Xu and Weishe's pleasantries brought them closer to each other. Masaru Hirata took out his pocket watch and looked at it. He found that it was getting late and got to the point.

"Shinozuka-kun, as an excellent army officer, there is something wrong with the way you handled this situation."

"Although the commander sent me here to deal with this matter, this is your territory after all. If you can make up for this matter in the aftermath, it will definitely be beneficial to both of us."

Although he knew that the other party did not want to take responsibility, for Yoshio Shinozuka who had the idea of ​​avenging shame, he was also happy to see the other party become a hands-off shopkeeper.

"Mr. Hirata, that small group of the Eighth Route Army is the elite of the elite. Judging from the bullet casings left behind by the enemy, even the weapons of these people are rare submachine guns. You have to know that these beggars don't even have rifles. "

Then he motioned to Masaru Hirata to open the information he had prepared. The first page of the information was Zheng Yingqi's information.

"He is the leader of the enemy team we are chasing. This information was provided by our "ally", and there is definitely no problem with its accuracy."

"There is an old saying among Chinese people: Repay the enemy with his own way. Since the enemy dares to use small groups of troops to penetrate our hinterland to cause destruction, then we must use the same method to fight back."

After saying this, he clapped his hands. Yamamoto Kazuki, who had been waiting outside the door for a long time, immediately opened the door and came in after receiving the signal. Shinozuka Yoshio dotes on this subordinate very much, and he will let his beloved general show his face every time he has the opportunity.

He introduced to Masahiro Hirata:

"This is Colonel Yamamoto Kazuki, who studied abroad at the Munich Special Forces Military Academy in Santoku. He is a special operations expert in our First Army. He has extraordinary courage and accurate judgment."

"Among the new generation of generals in my brother's country, I am very optimistic about his future."

"He has more than 80 agents under him, all of whom are elites trained by the Munich Special Military Academy."

After waiting for his boss to introduce himself, Kazuki Yamamoto immediately stepped forward to say hello to Shokan Hirata. After receiving the signal from Yoshio Shinozuka's eyes, he expressed his opinion.

"Your Excellency Major General, after discussions with my team members, I believe that the enemy's small group of troops has already taken the prototype of special operations."

"Even if it is a prototype, it is not something that ordinary warriors from my younger brother country can handle."

He paused and glanced at his boss. Yoshio Shinozuka understood instantly and continued to add:

"My country has made some progress in the field of radio technology recently. We have detected the signal of a high-power radio station in the northwest of Shanxi Province. Based on our understanding of the Eighth Route Army, there is a high probability that it is their headquarters."

"We will take the initiative to attack this time. Yamamoto-kun's special forces are fully capable of destroying their headquarters."

"Not only will it prove the First Army's non-war crimes, but it will also wash away our shame with the enemy's leader. By then, Hirata-kun will be able to go back and do business."

Looking at the two people singing and singing across from each other, Masaru Hirata picked up the tea on the table and took a sip. He thought for a long time and finally agreed with Yoshio Shinozuka's decision.

In this matter, there is room for advancement and retreat, and there is a lot of room for maneuver. Once this Yamamoto Kazuki succeeds, he can definitely take a share of the pie, and he must be credited.

Even if the so-called special operations fail, he can still get rid of the relationship, and then he can bite back and beat the drowned dog.

And even if Jun Tada is blamed, it doesn't matter. Masaru Hirata has his own backers, and he has long wanted to be transferred to be the division commander.

"Then I'll leave it to you, but you two have to provide a detailed combat report so that I can report my work to the commander."

Yoshio Shinozuka looked at Masaru Hirata with some disdain, and the other man's little thoughts could not escape his eyes. It is because of these opportunists that my country's control in North China was once greatly weakened.

Happy New Year everyone! Be safe!

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