Comrade, Your Ingredients Are Too Complicated

Chapter 51 Never Back Down (First Order Request!)

Counting the wounded, there were a total of thirty people left to take charge of the rear.

The first wave of chasing enemies will most likely be cavalry with speed advantages and high mobility.

In the past, the Eighth Route Army lacked ammunition. When facing the Japanese cavalry, they often had to move them closer and fire at a position where the hit rate could be guaranteed.

But at that time, with the speed of the war horse, he could rush in front of the soldiers very quickly.

A cavalryman who gradually enters a sprinting state can cover a distance of 200 meters in about 12-15 seconds.

What happens when infantry lacking heavy firepower is approached by cavalry? Li Yunlong has the most say in this matter. He had encountered this kind of battle back then.

People who have never experienced that kind of battle cannot understand the feeling of oppression. He watched helplessly as the saber approached his neck, but the large bolt in his hand fired too slowly to stop it.

After being approached by cavalry, even if they are not killed by a single blow from the saber, the weight of the war horse can still kill the infantry due to the speed. The most painful outcome is to be trampled to death by the galloping war horses in the battle.

Considering these factors, the secret service company left twenty-five submachine guns for the soldiers behind. Coupled with the two original crooked machine guns and 38-guns in their team, the firepower network composed of these weapons was enough to make the Japanese cavalry drink a pot.

This kind of firepower configuration can be said to be a poor version of Sandoku's Storm Assault Platoon.

And in blocking battles, grenades are also an indispensable weapon.

Before departure, the soldiers of the secret service company each carried at least five grenades. They used almost thirty when they attacked the dormitory in the Japanese hospital, and another thirty in ambushes on the way back.

In order to provide as much support as possible to the soldiers in the rear, Zheng Yingqi ordered his comrades to leave a total of 400 grenades.

Coupled with the 60mm mortar, the Japanese couldn't easily break through this line of defense.

Time was running out. After handing over the weapons, Zheng Yingqi and Li Yunlong led the rested soldiers to prepare to set off.

Looking at these comrades who voluntarily stayed behind to break up the rear, the soldiers of the special agent company had mixed feelings.



After the agent company left, Zhang Zhiyi took his brothers and chose a section of the valley that was easy to defend but difficult to attack and began to prepare for battle.

Because he was not sure when the Japanese would catch up, he only dared to let his brothers build a simple position. Otherwise, the Japanese will come in the middle of the work, and it will be a waste of energy.

Landmines must be prepared. The wooden handle grenade in hand can be transformed into a powerful landmine by modifying it. In order to prevent big guys from appearing, they also made several cluster grenades and handed them to the strongest soldiers.

After arranging these, Zhang Zhiyi began to distribute firepower and personally guided the soldiers to clear the firing range.

In order for the soldiers to effectively aim and shoot within the firing range, obstacles and vegetation within the firing range must be cleared. This is a skill that everyone in the teaching corps must master.

"The machine gun team is coming with me. Your position is here. Facing the intersection ahead, stop those damn little devils from me."

"Xiao Ding, come here, come here, your shooting range is from the crooked neck to the big rock in front."

"Lao Liu, your location is from the corner over there to the small tree."

"Brothers, hurry up and clean the shooting area! Don't expose your position due to carelessness and excessive cleaning! Remember to clean up the fallen branches and weeds, and be careful to be seen by the Japanese! Don't leave any traces, in case the Japanese are caught I was passive when I discovered it!”

After giving his instructions, he grabbed the two brothers who were passing by him and gave them any instructions:

"You two, go to the intersection ahead and serve as an outpost. If you see the Japs, come back and report! The Japs will come from that direction, don't make a mistake!"

Seeing everyone carrying out his orders in an orderly manner, Zhang Zhiyi breathed a sigh of relief and called Liang Chunjin, who was second only to him in seniority in the team.

"Old Liang, come with me and let's find the preparation position!"

Liang Chunjin was the Sichuan soldier in the team. His thin figure seemed like a strong wind could blow him away. He was a little unoptimistic.

"It's too temporary, and the positions haven't been sorted out. The simple positions are not enough, and there will definitely be a tough battle next."

About an hour later, a squadron of Japanese cavalry arrived from a distance. Because the infantry's marching speed was too slow, they had been thrown away by the cavalry and fell behind by almost three kilometers.

The captain of the cavalry squadron, Ryoichi Maeda, led the way. Behind him, more than a hundred Japanese cavalry galloped down the road. They were falling into the ambush circle prepared by Zhang Zhiyi little by little.

As soon as the Japs appeared, the two soldiers at the outpost immediately ran back to report the news, and everyone picked up their rifles and prepared to attack.

Entering the valley, Maeda Ryoichi waved his whip and kept urging the military horse under his crotch to speed up. His squadron had just passed the coordinates given by Army Aviation.

He squinted his eyes with a fierce look.

Because they were in a hurry, the entire squadron traveled lightly. Everyone only carried their ancestral thirty-two-year-old cavalry sabers and lances, not even the gun oil can.

Therefore, there is currently no unit that is faster than their cavalry squadron. This credit must be his, and no one can take it away.

Suddenly, a bullet almost grazed his face. The squad leader behind him burst out with blood on his chest. After being shot, he fell straight from his horse.

At the same time, another cavalryman behind him was directly shot in the head by a rifle and died on the spot. Judging from the wound, it is still the Sanba Gai produced in-house.

According to the intelligence provided by Army Aviation, the opponent clearly had less than a squadron, but they actually dared to ambush them!

The Japanese cavalry is an aristocratic branch, and a large part of the officers are from aristocratic backgrounds. Zhang Zhiyi's behavior is simply an insult to himself in his eyes! This made him furious.

And they are indeed proud of their strength. Just through the sound of gunfire and the fireworks from the barrel, Maeda Ryoichi immediately discovered the location of the soldiers.

This arrogant Japanese nobleman drew out his thirty-two-year-old cavalry saber, charged at the enemy's position on the right front, and took the lead in attacking.

Behind him, the Japanese soldiers followed closely their squadron leader, and no one showed any timidity.

"Sprint at full speed!"

"Attack forward!"

During the charge, the Japanese cavalry sat slightly forward on their horses to minimize the possibility of being hit, and at the same time raised their sabers high.

At this time, the two light machine guns on the position fired at the same time. At this time, the Japanese were stuck and could not move up or down. They could not stop or stop, so they could only bite the bullet and continue to charge.

They waved their whips and accelerated, thinking that as long as they could get closer, they could make the ambush pay the price.

The distance with the enemy was only less than half closed, and our own side suffered more than 20 casualties, which was unacceptable to Maeda Ryoichi.

The biggest advantage of the cavalry is speed. Shooting high-speed moving objects is difficult even for veterans.

But Zhang Zhiyi has fought so many large and small battles, and his marksmanship has long been beyond the comparison of ordinary people. He was lying in a hidden position, and every bullet in his hand could hit effectively. Sometimes it's a human, sometimes it's a horse.

When the Japs cavalry were still 120 meters away from the position, there were already more than ten Japs named by Zhang Zhiyi.

No Step Back!

Please be the first to order, please be the first to order, I will continue writing!

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