Comrade, Your Ingredients Are Too Complicated

Chapter 30 Postpartum Care of Sows

The Citroen truck was driving on the dirt road in the countryside, and the two people in the car were chatting casually.

Seeing Huang He smoking leisurely with one hand on the steering wheel, Li Yunlong asked curiously:

"Old Huang, is it difficult to drive? How long will it take me to learn if I learn?"

Huang He glanced at the curious baby Li Yunlong, who was now touching the car.

"It's not difficult to learn to drive. If you want to learn, I can teach you. I will teach you in one day. Then you, Li Yunlong, can drive this car to deliver pigs to various troops."

Hearing the word pig again, Li Yunlong was still a little confused.

Coming from a farmer's family, he certainly knew what pigs meant, and he also knew clearly that it was not easy to raise them.

"You don't really want to raise pigs, do you? Isn't this a waste of talent? Raising pigs is not something that can be implemented in a short time, and where did you get the pig breed?"

Seeing Li Yunlong's fuss, Huang He decided to tease him.

"You don't have to worry about the pig breeds. I've already solved it. This month, several thousand foreign pigs will be shipped to our base. Zhang Wanhe has already chosen a place to place them."

"I'm wondering, didn't the headquarters give you the paper punishment results? It says that you should cooperate with the logistics department to build a breeding farm."

Li Yunlong was shocked when he heard Huang He's words.

A few thousand pigs are not a number. As long as they are cultivated for a period of time, this breeding farm can even supply the entire army.

But Li Yunlong still resisted the idea of ​​raising pigs. He always believed that his fate was to die on the battlefield, not to lie in the rear and be protected by others.

"Hey, Old Huang, I want to discuss something with you."

"How can a grown man like me raise pigs? If something happens to the pigs, my comrades will be so sad."

"How about you let me make bullets and grenades? Anyway, I have to learn from scratch. I can learn some real skills so that I can use them on the battlefield later."

Huang He glanced at Li Yunlong with disdain. How could he not know what this man was thinking?

Li Yunlong would not stay in the logistics department for long. The thief who never left empty-handed would definitely steal something.

Just like in the original book, the factory director took advantage of Zhang Wanhe's sympathy and took away 200 sets of new military uniforms before he had worked for a long time.

If this dog-skin plaster was allowed to enter the military factory, there would definitely be dozens of boxes of bullets and grenades missing for no reason.

"When you get to the logistics department, can you call the division commander or the general manager to ask? I can't make the decision on this matter. I'm just a director, and I'm a commander without troops." Hearing that Huang He was going to make a call, Li Yunlong said anxiously: "Oh, don't do it. This makes me look like I'm disobeying orders. I'll just raise pigs. Who isn't a farmer's child?" Soon the truck returned to the logistics department. The soldiers here obviously knew the car. They came to an area constructed by newly built sheds smoothly. After getting off the car, Huang He saw Wang Dexing waiting near the factory area. He waved and told Wang Dexing to gather the pig farmers who had been arranged. Half an hour later, everyone had gathered. Among these people were staff members who originally belonged to the logistics department, as well as people from nearby villages. Huang He stood on a newly piled earth and said to the crowd:

"Fellow villagers, comrades! This time we gathered together for three things! Raising pigs! Raising pigs! Raising pigs again!"

"Maybe some fellow villagers who don't know me are muttering in their hearts, questioning whether I can raise pigs."

"But I will use my actions to tell everyone that I can not only raise pigs, but also teach everyone how to raise them better."

As a farmer, you can forget your family's birthday, but you must never forget the due date of the sow.

Because most sows give birth at night, they like a quiet environment to give birth and are afraid of being disturbed.

Night is quieter than daytime, which can make sows feel safe. This is a natural selection in the process of millions of years of evolution. Therefore, pig farmers often have to fight all night to deliver sows.

Newborn piglets need to clean their noses and mouths manually and then put them in a warm place.

After all, piglets breathe through the umbilical cord before they are born, and they have to breathe through their mouths and noses after they come out. If there is mucus blocking the oral and nasal cavities, there is a chance of suffocation and death when inhaling.

After all, a sow will give birth to many piglets in one litter. If one or two are lost due to poor care, it is not worth it.

For these newly born piglets, they may use the method of pretending to be dead to escape pig life. If they are not handled properly, they will really die.

This is a very common situation for farmers, and there are generally four ways to deal with it.

The first method is to lift the two hind legs of the pretended dead piglets and gently pat their chests or buttocks with your hands until they wake up. The second method is to use your right palm to rhythmically press the heart and chest of the pretended dead pig to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

The third method is artificial respiration, which is not worth talking about, but it is a bit useless.

The last method is to rub the nose of the pretended dead pig with wine, or blow smoke into its nostrils to stimulate the piglets to breathe. However, wine is a very precious thing, so this method will not be used unless it is absolutely necessary.

Compared with the pretended dead pigs, the most troublesome problem is definitely the sow's dystocia.

In later generations, oxytocin could be administered when encountering this situation, but there is no such thing now, so you can only use your hands. This job usually has to be done by a female comrade, so I won’t go into details about the reasons.

When you reach in and take it out, if the fetal position is correct, just grab the piglet's ears and pull it out.

If it's upside down, grab the hoof and pull it out.

The most troublesome thing is the incorrect fetal position, incorrect fetal direction, and incorrect fetal posture.

If this happens, you have to manually adjust the position first and then pull it out. If you encounter a traffic jam with piglets, you have to push one back first and travel during off-peak hours.

When sows are giving birth, they must remain quiet, and non-essential staff are strictly prohibited from watching.

Otherwise, it is very easy for sows to eat their eggs, especially sows that give birth for the first time.

Think about it, this is my first time doing this job. Idle people and others insist on watching and making the sow very nervous. When I turn around, I find that I have given birth to a bunch of bloody things. How can I not be afraid?

Bran water and motherwort are relatively common in the base area, and they can help pregnant sows regulate their bodies.

If all aspects are well prepared, but a sow bites her cubs still occurs, then feel free to go directly to Dabitou.

During the breeding process, attention should also be paid to the age of the sows. Whether they are too young or too old, sows may become paralyzed after giving birth.

If an older sow is paralyzed, it can be killed for meat, but if a smaller sow is paralyzed, it will be a very bad deal.

Because of the special nature of pig milk, it is not as readily available as cow and goat milk.

But in order for piglets to thrive, breast milk is an essential part. At this time, the strong piglets should be placed in the rear area where milk is not strong, and the slightly weaker piglets should be placed in the front and middle areas.

The mammary glands of sows can only develop normally after suckling piglets. However, the production capacity of sows is different every time, so it is inevitable that there will be vacancies.

If these free slots are not utilized, it will be difficult to use them again in the future.

Therefore, when encountering this kind of situation, you should consider asking other piglets to provide support. If it is not possible, the breeder can eat it himself!

It's just a nutritional supplement, don't worry.

I think raising pigs is still necessary. Improving physical fitness is also a way to improve combat effectiveness.

In fact, I can also exchange migrant workers for canned meat.

The reason why I didn't do this was because I didn't want to be too homogeneous, and the second was I wanted to tease Lao Li a little bit.

I won’t write too much about raising pigs, and I will get into the theme of this volume in the next half chapter!

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