"Human beings are a kind of creature that is close to red, close to ink, and black. It is too fanciful to emerge from the mud and not be stained. If you follow the rats, then you can only be a mouse longing for the ordinary. But if you stand on one side Behind the tiger..."

"I allow you to have the right to act like a fox or a tiger!"

The three Magatama Sharingan bloomed, and Hayasaka Ai also fell asleep with Shirasaki Hana. The group of bodyguards silently walked to the window and closed the iron curtain of the cafe.

In a closed space that could not be seen by outsiders, Uchiha Ling had no intention of holding back.

Sigong Huangguang sat up from the ground. He didn't understand why he saw such a terrifying thing just now. There is definitely something wrong with this kid...!

"Whatever you are doing, do it to me! I'll cripple this kid first!"

The three magatama under Uchiha Ling's beautiful pupils were rotating rapidly, "Do you want to... cripple me?"

Three seconds later....

Sigong Huangguang was stunned. He couldn't believe the scene in front of him. This was the first time he had seen such a bizarre event since he was in a high position.

The group of bodyguards responsible for protecting themselves actually threw away the knives in their hands and the firearms in their arms, and began to beat each other with their bare hands as if they were under an illusion.

And everyone seemed to be using all their strength, as if the people around them were the father-killers and enemies, beating each other with all their might!

Blood was beaten out, teeth flew out, the whole face was swollen, and all the bodyguards showed no sign of stopping.

Others in the cafe, Hayasaka Ai and Shirasaki Hana fell asleep on the sofa, while Uchiha Ling slowly came to Shinomiya Huangguang.

Shinomiya Huangguang: "I understand! What kind of magic did you use, right? If you dare to attack me! Onmyoji will not allow a guy like you to appear in the world!"

As he spoke, Shinomiya Huangguang suddenly pulled out a pistol from his sleeve robe, and with a bang, the bullet was dodged by Uchiha Reiichi and hit the ceiling.


Dodging bullets at close range... Is this guy really human?

Uchiha Ling kicked the gun out of Shinomiya Huangguang's hand, "I can't compare to the speed of bullets, but bullets are in a straight line, and I can still predict the trajectory by watching your shooting action with my eyes. .”

He reached out and grabbed Shinomiya Huangguang's neck and lifted him up from the ground.

"The pampered rat king in the city also wants to challenge the tiger coming down the mountain... The one who needs to figure out the situation is you, idiot. Or... are you worthy of dancing too!"

Uchiha Ling let go of his hand and let go of Shinomiya's yellow light, which was about to suffocate.

"Well, although I can kill you now to clear some obstacles for the guy named Shinomiya Yunying, but as you said, Shinomiya Cloudhawk is a waste. Even if he is allowed to take over the Shinomiya family now, it will be a waste. It’s going to be a mess!”

Shinomiya Huangguang gritted his teeth. The guy in front of him was a madman. What did the Onmyoji group do? Doesn’t it mean that monsters and exorcists cannot participate in human affairs? Why did this guy show up!

But... listening to his tone and what he just said, maybe the other party is really just a collaborator of Shinomiya Cloud Eagle!

"Hahaha, Sigong Yunying is indeed a waste! How about cooperating with me, sir?"

Sigong Huangguang was too lazy to stand up, so he sat on the ground and smiled.

"That guy Shinomiya Seiryu is a moth, Shinomiya Kumohawk is a dark and sinister trash, and Kaguya is a woman who has no use except for her identity. I can make the decision to give Kaguya to you, and I will give it to you after the matter is completed. Your vast amounts of money and power!”

Uchiha Ling leaned down, smiled and stretched out his right hand again.

Shinomiya Huangguang, who was sitting on the ground, was overjoyed and directly held Uchiha Ling's right hand.


Shinomiya Huangguang's right index finger was forcibly broken off by Uchiha Ling.

"This is the price you just paid for calling me a rat.... And what do I need your money for? That's not what I care about."

After breaking it hard, another middle finger was twisted and deformed.

"This is the price you paid for just asking people to beat me up... You are just unlucky compared to Shinomiya Yunying. I met him first, so I chose him. I don't care which of you is more suitable to be the head of the family. , it’s enough to be able to complete what I told you.”

Uchiha Ling said, breaking off Shinomiya Huangguang's right ring finger again.

"Today was originally a very happy date, but you interrupted me... The Hayasaka family belongs to you? It doesn't belong to you now. Whether it's Hayasaka Nao or Hayasaka Ai, they belong to me from now on. Do you understand?"

Shinomiya Huangguang's body trembled and he looked at Uchiha Ling in shock and anger.

The price of silence is that the fourth finger is broken! Uchiha Ling just repeated calmly.


Sigong Huangguang: "...I understand."

Uchiha Ling stood up, "Very good, in order to prevent you from telling my story, I need to plant something for you."

I have to say that although Danzo is very annoying, his Tongue Bane Seal is still good, at least Uchiha Ling feels it is very useful.

"How long do you want to watch? Ms. Hayasaka, I am a gentleman and did not let your daughter see this bloody scene~"

The door inside the cafe was opened, and Hayasaka Nao walked out with a pale complexion.

The security guards from Sigong Huangguang had stopped fighting each other because they had collapsed on the ground covered in blood.

Sigong Huangguang himself was sitting there on his knees, his face covered with tears and snot forced from the pain, and the four fingers in his right hand were forcibly broken into pieces.

The young man stood there with a smile, and elegantly took out a tissue and wiped his hands like a noble.

My daughter and a little girl of about ten years old were cuddled up on the sofa and fast asleep. It is true that she did not see the last scene.

"Ms. Nao Hayasaka, you should have heard that from today on, the Hayasaka family no longer belongs to Shinomiya Huangguang. But you will still stay at the Shinomiya family and be your housekeeper. After all, I am too lazy to manage you."

Uchiha Ling: "But I didn't expect that I originally thought Hayasaka Ai was a double agent, but it turned out that the entire Hayasaka family was."

Hayasaka Nao smiled and said, "I obey, Master Ling. However, the Hayasaka family is just forced to rely on the weak to rely on the strong... This is the helplessness of reality."

"And...what do you want to do with Si Gong Huangguang? What you did to him today will definitely trigger his crazy revenge."

Uchiha Ling: "He can't take revenge. He can never stand up again or even tell me any information, because..."

Uchiha Ling coughed slightly and said. "The eldest son of the Shinomiya family, Shinomiya Huangguang, was involved in a car accident late at night on weekends while driving a car. He is half-disabled... He is currently being sent to the hospital of the Shinomiya family for emergency treatment."

Hayasaka Nao clapped her hands and said, "Is this the title you thought of for tomorrow's news? It's so perfect. I will arrange it now."

Uchiha Ling: "Go ahead, Shinomiya Cloud Eagle will help you. After all, my 'respected' eldest brother got into a car accident, and he should be very sad to deal with everything."

Forcefully wake up the bodyguards, let them drag their seriously injured bodies to clean the cafe first, and then let Hayasaka Nao handle it.

Suddenly, only Uchiha Ling and two sleeping girls were left in the cafe.

Opening the rolling shutter door, the originally rainy sky suddenly cleared up, and the afternoon sun shone into the coffee shop. The bright sun in mid-air emits thousands of golden lights, dispelling the original darkness here.


Please give me good reviews and please update! If the rating is 9, I will try to update it five times a day! continued!

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