Hayasaka Ai: "What about you, how do you feel about your life now? You stay at home every day either playing guitar or checking your phone. Don't you like going out?"

Goto Ichiri shook his head, "No...it's not..."

It’s not that I don’t like going out, it’s that I don’t have a reason to go out. Before meeting Hongxia and the others, Goto had no friends.

What can I do even if I go out? Although we are in Tokyo, a city with extremely high population density, we are obviously in a busy city, among the crowd, but we are alone.

"Well, because the society outside is so dangerous! Every year, people suffer from heatstroke, drowning, and accidents happen in downtown areas, so staying at home is the best!"

Hayasaka Ai: "So just stay at home... If you are so lonely, just enjoy this trip! A seven-day trip to a private island!"


Cruise ship - Yukinoshita Yukino and Chitanda Eru's room

Chitanda looked out the window at the sea. "Although I have traveled abroad before, this is my first time going to a private villa on a private island."

Yukinoshita: "Me too, in Airu's mind, which country has the strongest impression of traveling to?"

Chitanda thought for a moment. "Many countries are fun, but the one that impressed me most was probably our family going to Australia to spend the summer a few years ago."

The seasons there are opposite to those here. In Australia, summer is from December to February, autumn is from March to May, and winter is from June to August. So I went to Australia to escape the heat in the summer... It seems that Chitanda hates the heat.

Yukinoshita: "Compared to foreign countries, there are many more fun places in China, such as Disneyland. By the way, I have a year-round passport for Disneyland."

"Yes, Yukino likes Disney's Johnny the Panda very much. Have you seen the movie that looked like a remake some time ago? I think the panda is so cute."

Yukinoshita's expression became serious.

"That's not a reset, but a brand new work! It should be more appropriately described as [reconstruction]. After so many years, Disney's traditional hand-painted style is paired with the latest modern computer technology!

I think this has given Johnny Panda a new life. I have a Blu-ray version here. Do you want to see it?


Cruise ship - Shirogane Goyuki and Ishigami Yu's room.

"To be honest, this is the first time I have left the Tokyo area since I was a child. I am looking forward to life on the island."

Baiyin Yuxing's heart was filled with excitement, "Where is Ishigami? Where did you go on your recent trip?"

Yu Ishigami covered his head and sat there without saying a word.

"on a stone?"

Shirogane Yuxing noticed that something was wrong. Ishigami Yu's face was pale, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

"Are you okay! I'm going to call the doctor on the ship right now!"

Ishigami Yu took Shirogane Mikaru's arm.

"No...it's okay...I'm just seasick. Hmm...I feel like vomiting."

Baiyin Yuxing breathed a sigh of relief.

"It turns out it's seasickness, but fortunately it's not a big deal... No! It's probably more than an hour before we land on the island. Can you hold on, Ishigami? Did you bring seasickness medicine?"

Yu Ishigami leaned against the wall, "Well... I thought I was just going to the beach, but I didn't know it was going to the sea... so I didn't bring it with me."

five minutes later....

Uchiha Ling: "Well, Shinomiya-san's boat is equipped with all kinds of medicine. Here, seasickness medicine."

Ishigami Yu took the pills. Although he felt that they were of little use, it was a little bit of relief now.

Shirogane Yuxing watched Yu Ishigami take the medicine, but he still leaned there looking uncomfortable.

"How do you feel? Doesn't it work?"

Ishigami Yu: "It's getting a little better, but I still feel dizzy. I'll lie down for a while. If I fall asleep, please ask me to call me somewhere."

Uchiha Ling sighed, "There is really no way, let me help you."


Uchiha Ling sat on Ishigami Yu's bed, stretched out his right hand and placed it on the back of the other person's neck.

Baiyin Yuxing: "I see, is it a massage? I didn't know massage could relieve seasickness."

Ishigami Yu: "Well, I'm sorry to say that, but it doesn't seem to have any effect."

Uchiha Ling smiled, "Don't worry, I haven't exerted my strength yet."

The palm placed on the back of Ishigami Yu's neck suddenly stopped, as if he was just finding the right position.

The next moment, Ishigami Yu felt huge pressure on the back of his neck! Before I could react, I lost consciousness.

Shirogane Yuxing: "Ishigami! Is he... still alive?"

Uchiha Ling: "Nonsense, let him rest for a while. If I don't do this, he won't be able to sleep at all."


Cruise ship - on deck

Hiratsuka Shizuka and Fujiwara Chika wore sunglasses and sunbathed on the lounge chairs. Beer and juice with ice cubes were placed on the wooden table next to them.

On the other side, Bai Yingui took two elementary school students to watch the scenery on the deck. After all, only on the deck can you enjoy the blue sky, white clouds and sea more directly.

Shirasaki Hana pulled up a small chair and sat on it, blowing the sea breeze with a lollipop in her mouth. “It’s so comfortable~”

Tsurumi Rumi: "Yes, and the scenery is also very beautiful."

Uchiha Ling, who took Enun-chan for a walk, also came to the deck. He was now very close to the island, and he should be able to see land soon.

Bai Sakihua: "Brother Ling, you are here! Look~ there are seagulls."

"Hey, it's true."

Tsurumi Rumi: "Yes, it's a black-tailed gull."

Then Rumi stepped forward and picked up Enun-chan, "The black-tailed gull is also called a sea cat, because its cry is [meow-meow], and it sounds like a cat's cry."

There is a game called When the Sea Cat Cries, in which the sea cat refers to the black-tailed gull.

Yanyunjiang: "Meow-meow-(It's just a bird, how can its cry be compared to mine!)"

Shirasaki Hana: "The seagulls fly so high. I really want to touch them."

At the same time, Natsume also brought the cat teacher to the deck. They had just gone to the canteen of the cruise ship and asked Teacher Cat for some fish.

Eating fish while blowing the sea breeze, this is the life of a cat!

Mr. Neko was lying on the deck with a fish in his mouth, while Natsume raised the other fish in his hand and looked at Enun-chan.

"I brought one for you, do you want to eat it?"


Yanyun-chan jumped out of Korumi's arms, this is true tenderness! When can Master Zui learn from Natsume?

Uchiha Ling noticed Yanyun-chan's small eyes and shook his head helplessly.

Natsume threw the fish in front of Enun-chan, but Shirasaki Hana screamed in surprise! Because the black-tailed gull she had been paying attention to suddenly swooped down quickly and snatched the fish off the ground.

Yanyunjiang took her bite.

Uchiha Ling: "Pfft, hahaha! You are so good."

But after laughing, Uchiha Ling also looked at the seagulls in the sky. Stealing his psychic beast's things, this seagull has a way to die.

"Would you like to try Yanyun-chan? It tastes like seagulls..."

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