“By the way, since grandma set us up, can I repay the lost time with money?”

Even if Mizuhara Chizuru doesn’t know that money and debts are easy to repay, and it’s hard to repay favors, she still understands this truth.

“No, I don’t plan to debut as a publicist yet.”Kazuya is a little resistant to accepting money from girls like this. He doesn’t want to be taken care of by his female classmates.

“By the way, in that case, I also have a favor that I need your help with, Miss Mizuhara Chizuru. Kazuya remembered his plan to improve his charm:”I remember Miss Mizuhara Chizuru, you plan to become an actress, right?”?”

“Yes, what’s wrong?” Mizuhara Chizuru was curious as to why Kinoshita Kazuya suddenly mentioned this.

Are you planning to ask her to help collect autographs from celebrities? Although she is still a newbie and can’t get autographs from several celebrities, But please let others know.

“I plan to buy some clothes recently, but I don’t know much about Japanese clothing brands and don’t know how to choose. I hope you can help with some suggestions.”

As a time-travelling person, he is not omnipotent, and he probably doesn’t understand things that the original person doesn’t understand.

“Yes, do you have any requirements?” Even if she is not very interested in these things, if she wants to become an actor, Suwon Chizuru must understand these things no matter what. The requirements? This is not to go to the store and try on something that suits you. For a moment, as long as you don’t feel it’s inappropriate, just buy it directly??

“……, forget it, I will take you there directly when the time comes.”

Ms. Mizuhara Chizuru recorded this matter seriously in the memo on her mobile phone.


After finishing their serious conversation, Mizuhara Chizuru and Kinoshita Kazuya looked at each other awkwardly.

The more awkward their identities become, the harder it is for them to find topics to chat about.

“What does Miss Mizuhara Chizuru plan to do next?”

This must be an awkward conversation.

“Yes, I plan to go to a hot spring after that. After all, I walked up the mountain road and was sweating all over.”

Mizuhara Chizuru couldn’t help but twist her body when she mentioned that she was sweating. She felt uncomfortable all over.

She had to take a shower first before entering the hot spring pool.

“Then Miss Mizuhara Chizuru, let’s go to the counter to get a yukata, and then I’ll hang out outside for an hour while you wash up first.”

Kazuya suggested

“Okay, trouble.”

Mizuhara Chizuru nodded, approving Kazuya’s arrangement.


“Then please, Miss Mizuhara Chizuru, please help me take the yukata back to the room and leave it in the living room. I won’t go back.”Kazuya planned to take a look around the Rikikan while Chizuru Mizuhara was taking a bath.

After all, the scenery in the mountains is completely unseen in the city.

Kazuya came to the lobby when he was alone.

He happened to see the blond little girl from before. Loli, her mother seems to call her Xiaoxia.

The little loli has put on a pink yukata with cherry blossoms, and her feet are not clogs, but slippers. After all, she does not seem to be Japanese, and her parents also think that she is At your age, you may not be used to wearing clogs.

“Big brother, come here.”The blonde little loli waved her hand and said

“What’s the matter? Little beauty.”Although Kazuya knew that her parents called her Xiaoxia, he was embarrassed to call her by her name directly.

“Ciel, my name is Charlotte Izoar, big brother, you can call me Ciel.”The blond little angel said innocently

“So what does Ciel want from me?” Kazuya half-crouched and looked at the little Loli at eye level.

“Ciel wanted ice cream but couldn’t reach it.”

The little angel pointed to the ice cream cabinet.

“Do you mean to ask your brother to help you get it?” Kazuya smiled and chatted with little Loli.

“Yes, big brother, please help Ciel. Ciel held Kazuya’s arm and shook it:”Ciel can treat you to ice cream. You can eat 30 ice creams for free. If you treat big brother to one, Ciel can also eat 29 ice creams.””

The little blond lolita laughed with childlike innocence.

“Then the eldest brother would like to thank Ciel for the hospitality first.”

Kazuya was healed physically and mentally by the cute little loli, then got up and made two ice creams

“By the way, Ciel, did your parents tell you not to eat ice cream?” Kazuya asked Ciel about his physical condition just in case.

“No, Ciel can eat ice cream and likes it, hehe.”

Really, this little angel is so cute. Why don’t I have such a sister? This is the first time that Kazuya is dissatisfied with traveling to Kazuya.

He sat on the sofa in the living room with Ciel and ate ice cream together..

Kazuya was eating ice cream while looking at the decoration style of the Riki Pavilion.

The old Japanese style, warm-toned decoration, the wind was blowing, and the air was full of the freshness of the forest.

Kazuya turned around and looked at the man who was eating ice cream seriously. The little blond loli smiles sweetly every time she takes a bite.

The little pink tongue plays hide and seek again and again, which is indescribably cute.

Why is the little angel so cute? Kazuya, who already likes children, His favorability towards her keeps rising.

There must be no one who hates such a cute little angel.

“Brother, you eat so fast, you finish it in one go.”Char looked at Kinoshita Kazuya’s empty hands and the half-empty ice cream in his own hand.

‘Pretty much, the eldest brother is an adult after all, so he should eat quickly.”Kazuya put his hands on his legs, lowered his head and talked to Xiaoxia.

Ciel looked at the ice cream in his hand, and then looked at Kazuya:”Big brother, do you still want to eat ice cream? Xiaxia is okay. Please eat, hehe”

“Thank you, no, you can’t eat too much ice cream, and the same goes for Ciel. You can’t eat it after finishing this one.”Kazuya talked patiently with the cute little loli.

“Well, I understand, Xia Xia also stopped eating after finishing this.”The little loli raised the ice cream in her hand to indicate to Kazuya.

“So good. Kazuya looked around and didn’t see Ciel’s parents:”Where are your parents, Ciel? Why are you hanging out alone?””

“My mother was still in the room after helping me change my clothes. My father seemed to have gone out after making a phone call.”Ciel didn’t have any defense against Kazuya:”Big brother, can you play with Ciel?” The big blue eyes of the little blond lolita were full of innocent expectations.

“What do you want to play?” Kazuya has always been very patient with children.

“Does the big brother know how to play shogi?”

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