Color Resistance

Chapter 326 Eat the Black Dragon (9/10)

Chapter 326 Eat the Black Dragon (910)

Pieces of gemstones worth thousands of gold are inlaid on each node of the magic circle, and these gemstones alone are worth tens of thousands of gold coins.

Not to mention, silk threads shining with silvery white light were used on the magic circle, which is the more expensive mithril!

Then, a man stood in the center of the circle, surrounded by soldiers in armor.

If you look closely, you can see a fiery bird engraved on their armor——

Phoenix Legion!

The group of soldiers knelt down together and performed sacrificial prayers together with the man in the center of the circle.

Sacrificial to the center of the circle, Daniel felt a burst of bitterness in his heart.

He was completely controlled by the native lord, and he had no way to resist the order of the other party, even if he was asked to die, he could not refuse.

Now, under the order of the other party, he has no choice but to choose to burn his own experience points in order to display his natural ability—God's Descend!

This ability is a special ability that he automatically obtained after becoming a member of the Outer God. He can summon the incarnation of the Supreme Mother Goddess to descend by consuming 10,000 experience points and corresponding sacrifices.

The better the offering, the more powerful the avatar of the Empress of the High Mother.

As for the horror of the Supreme Mother, Daniel didn't want to see her for a second time after seeing her once.

The first meeting made him change from a player to an NPC, and he could no longer exit this world.

This terrible change made him no longer dare to act recklessly like before. He was afraid that if he died here, he would die at the same time in reality, and he would cherish his life just like the NPC.

He can still vaguely sense the real body now, and there is a glimmer of hope of returning.

But God knows how long that soulless body can last, the little money in the account has already been used up.

Probably that relative took pity on him and kept him in the treatment room, but he didn't know how long it could last.

"So, my life is a coffee table full of cups!"

Then, a voice popped up in my mind: "Let's get started."

Daniel sighed deeply when he heard the words, opened his hands, and said loudly in an extremely fanatical tone:

"Goddess of the dark wind, the black goat of the forest that breeds endless life, the great supreme mother goddess, your people are praying for your coming, and come to save countless lost lambs in this world!"

—God descends!

He could feel that all the accumulated experience points were being taken away, turning them into fuel for activating this innate ability.

I hope you don't lie to me, or I will really die!

A thought flashed in Daniel's mind, which was also a promise made by the other party earlier.

But now, he only felt that his own life and soul seemed to be being taken away, and pictures flashed in his mind, like the last marquee after death, recalling his life.

"What I regret the most is why the new wife hasn't been brought home a day later..."

His memory was frozen, and he fell into endless darkness.

At the same time, one after another corpses burned directly, turned into blood-colored energy and rolled up and down underground, and strange fluctuations swept across a radius of several kilometers.

A mysterious and powerful aura descended, so powerful that black cracks appeared in the space.


The lightning flashing in the sky became more and more dense, and a thunderbolt as thick as a bucket crashed down, piercing through the thick layer of soil.

Exposing this hidden underground sacrificial base, black tentacles drilled out of the sacrificial circle, like a mass of black meat.

The thunder and lightning struck its tentacles, directly breaking off one of its tentacles.

But more tentacles popped out crazily, and there was a big ferocious mouth dripping with mucus, and in a blink of an eye, more than half of its body emerged from the magic circle.

Click! Click! Click!

A wave of thunder and lightning descended crazily, completely turning this place into a sea of ​​thunder and lightning. The crazy thunder and lightning have penetrated the space, and countless black cracks are densely covered.

Then, this monster's tentacles were able to carry the cracks in space, stubbornly got through the summoning circle, and came to this world!

Thunder flashed, the sky trembled, and the scene of doom shocked all creatures who were fighting.

"What the hell is this?"

Those favored by the gods couldn't understand at all. They didn't know what this black mass of flesh was. It was even more evil and destructive than the abyssal demon, as if it was the incarnation of pure destruction.

Fortunately, this monster appeared behind the black dragon army.

After appearing, the tentacles spread wildly like a python, stretching for hundreds of meters, and its size has completely crushed the ancient black dragon.

The frightening thing is that it devoured all corpses and living things along the way, with hideous and ugly heads on it.

Hundreds of gnolls and ogres were casually swallowed by it, and a tentacle even entangled a glabra, sending it into the ten-meter-long tentacle in the center of its body. In the ferocious mouth.


Under the crisp chewing sound, the glabra screamed and was completely swallowed by it.

"Not enough! Not enough! Not enough..."

The strange fluctuations spread wantonly on the battlefield, making everyone feel a burst of cold and suffocating energy, and all the gods saw a line of reminders appearing in their eyes.

"Under a special attack, make a will test! If you pass the test, your HP will drop by 10 points, and you will enter a paralyzed state!"

Under this kind of fluctuation, the god-favored person and many monsters present were all frozen in place, unable to escape even for their lives.


The lightning flashed, and another bolt of lightning fell from the sky, breaking one of its tentacles once again.

"Damn thing, get out of here!"

Barlow the Balrog roared, swung the beheading sword, and a storm of flames rushed towards the opponent.

The raging flames burned hundreds of meters at once, completely enveloping the other party inside.

However, what is frightening is that the monster survived the flames unscathed.


The thunder continued, as if the whole world was angry, sending down destructive anger.

Only this kind of thunder can destroy the opponent. Baloo's attack is like scratching an itch. It can only be slightly blackened, but it does not cause any damage.

The monsters devoured all the creatures wantonly along the way, completely out of control, whether you were a wolf, an ogre, or a demon, they would eat them all.

Then, it took aim at the black dragon that just flew back from the camp of the favored ones!

"How did this thing appear!" The black dragon roared when he saw it, but his voice was full of panic.

He was no longer as fierce and domineering as before, as if he had become a bereaved dog all of a sudden, wanting to turn around and run away without hesitation.


The monster opened its mouth again and let out a strange roar, which made the black dragon's fleeing body freeze in place.

Tentacles seemed to penetrate the space, and instantly appeared behind it, wrapping around its wings.

Then, the mouth at the tip of the tentacles opened, biting fiercely on the black dragon's wings.


What was surprising was that the black dragon's powerful scales couldn't withstand the opponent's big mouth, and the scales were directly crushed, tearing off pieces of washbasin-sized flesh.

In other words, the opponent's black fangs are equivalent to a +5 armor-piercing legendary weapon!

It actually wanted to eat the ancient black dragon!

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