Color Resistance

Chapter 126 Parasitism

Chapter 126 Parasitic

Needless to say, the former fervent warrior was just Su Yun's avatar.

After upgrading the mirror image to level 100, you can consume 500 killing experience to form a real flesh and blood clone, which lasts for 1 hour.

The death of the clone will not cause any damage to the main body.

On the contrary, the monsters killed by the avatar will also be counted as killing experience to give back to the main body.

In a state where there was no threat of death, Su Yun turned into a berserker for the first time, fighting monsters in the most bloody and violent way, harvesting more than a dozen monster lives in one fell swoop, turning them into more than a thousand killing experience.

In fact, the most fundamental reason for doing so is that the spell slots are used up.

In "Fantasy World", the limitation of spell slots means that low-level mages are doomed to be field controllers, and fighters, rogues, etc. are the strongest output!

"What an unpleasant rule!" Su Yun frowned.

Needless to say, with three more fireball spell slots, he can easily kill all those monsters!

"It seems that we must obtain divinity as soon as possible and continue to improve the skill level!"

After the skill is upgraded to level 100, it will become a spell-like ability, which is equivalent to one more spell slot per day.

But divinity is hard to come by.

The most well-known divine creature is naturally the Son of God. For example, Angela had at least seven or eight points of divinity in her body, but it was a pity that she was snatched away by the Iron Duke.

Those powerful demons and demons also often contain divinity.

In addition, there are many powerful alien creatures, or some aboriginal false gods, etc. all possess divinity.

But these existences all have great strength, and the weakest ones are close to legends. They are not something that he can fight against now, so he can only talk about it later.

In addition to improving the skill level with divinity, you can also get extra spell slots through some extraordinary equipment. But these things are hard to come by, and it is not easy to get them.

He stared at the strange insect in front of him, wanting to study the parasitic characteristics and principles of the other party, and find some rules from it.

The avatar and the main body share the personal space of the system, so these strange bugs can be taken away.

The strange thing is that only dead objects can be stored in the personal space, and creatures will die if placed in it.

Because there is no air in it, there are no conditions necessary for the survival of any creature, and time is almost static.

But after these bugs were taken out, they didn't die, and their vitality was unbelievably tenacious!

Next to the test bench, Eve kept staring at the bug in his hand, like a beast staring at its prey, with a super fierce look that might pounce on it at any time.

"You can't eat it, I still need it." Su Yun glanced at her and ordered.

"Well, I won't eat, I won't eat!" Eve took a few steps back, sat on the small bench next to her, took out a thick book and continued to read.

But involuntarily put his fingers into his mouth, staring at the monsters painted on the book with bright eyes.

Why do you always feel that this little thing is the most ferocious monster?

Su Yun looked at the other party and felt very disobedient. After eating those two strange spores earlier, the other party had initially awakened some kind of power.

It's a pity that I don't know if I ate too little, and I haven't fully awakened.

After checking his body earlier, he found that the other party had only improved his physique a little bit, and his professional level hadn't improved at all, it was still at level 0.

What a weird little thing.

Su Yun focused on the bug in front of him and began to conduct a preliminary inspection.

The worm has gradually recovered, and revealed a ferocious side, with sharp mouthparts trying to bite him.

He didn't dare to underestimate this kind of bug. Before, a group of bugs gnawed away his mage armor, and even this kind of force field defense could be eaten away, let alone a flesh and blood body.

Click! Click!

The invisible alchemy hand manipulated the lancet to cut off all its limbs and wings. The touch was as hard as steel, and the lancet almost collapsed.

Afterwards, Su Yun brought a squirrel and put the bug on it.


The strange insect easily bit through the squirrel's fur, and under his watchful eyes, injected something into the squirrel's body.

After doing all this, it suddenly fell to the ground and completely stopped struggling.

Obviously, this is the meaning of its life!

Squeak! Squeak!

The squirrel let out a piercing scream, woke up from the coma, and began to struggle violently.

The hair on its body began to fall off in large chunks, and it soon turned into a hairless mouse that was donating blood.

Immediately afterwards, brown marks began to appear on the tender flesh, and spread rapidly, quickly turning into brown scales, changing from soft to hard.

Not only that, bone spurs protruded from its back, and the claws of its limbs began to be covered with a layer of horny layer, turning into sharp claws gleaming with cold light.

In less than ten minutes, from an ordinary mouse to a terrifying and weird monster!


Its eyes were full of blood, and its limbs suddenly bounced off the ground, heading straight for Su Yun's eyes.


However, just as it jumped up, an invisible hand grabbed it tightly, and it was impossible to break free.

Su Yun manipulated the alchemy hand without changing his face, and cut off his limbs, saving him from running around.

Then manipulate the lancet to cut open its abdomen and observe the changes in its body.

After dissection, it can be found that the bones, flesh, organs, etc. of the squirrel have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Apart from its original appearance, it was no longer a squirrel, but a monster in scales.

If this squirrel is released, it will definitely eat an ordinary house cat easily!

"Terrible parasitic spores!" Su Yun's eyes flickered. This kind of parasitic ability is simply insane. It can cultivate a large number of monster minions in a short period of time.

Now, he finally experienced for himself why the ancient evil was called a symbol of the doomsday.

Just imagine, once the other party descends on the main material plane, and the rain of spores rains down, countless creatures will be parasitized to undergo such amazing changes.

At that time, countless powerful monsters will turn into a surging tide, sweeping the entire world, and completely destroying the original ecological system!

Su Yun dare to assert that the more powerful monsters become more powerful after being parasitized!

If the giant dragon is parasitized—it's unimaginable!

Next, instead of continuing with the parasitic experiment, he let the little loli who was watching helplessly come over: "Eve, come here, brother needs your help."

"Brother, what do you need me to do?" Eve hurriedly threw away the books, trotted over, and looked up at him.

"Stretch out your hand." Su Yun said with a smile, "There will be a little pain in the future, bear with it."

"Well, Eve is not afraid of pain!" Little Lolita just nodded in agreement, and screamed in the next second. Both of them looked at him with teary eyes: "It hurts! Brother, did Eve do something wrong?"

"Relax, you'll be fine soon."

"No, don't come here, it hurts!"

"Wait a minute, the pain will be gone soon."

"It hurts! Brother, let go of Eve!"

Eve couldn't help crying, looking extremely pitiful.

"It will be fine soon." Su Yun grabbed her thin arm with a smile, put a test tube on the bleeding place of the other party, and collected the blood that flowed down.

PS: To make a correction, fireball has been raised to level 30, not level 50.

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