Color Resistance

Chapter 117 Post-War Ruins

Chapter 117 Post-War Ruins

This is the power of faith!

Su Yun took a deep breath, he was shocked by this unexpected change.

If he can really absorb the power of faith, it means that he can become a god in disguise.

"No, if there is no godhead, there is no way to condense beliefs. In other words, this is the belief of ordinary people, and it cannot be used to confer gods."

He reacted quickly and realized that he was thinking too much. This kind of energy was the same as the energy contained in the fragments of the Juggernaut's weapon. It was a kind of faith sustenance, not faith.

This means that some people regard him as a spiritual sustenance, thinking that he can bring them hope.

In fact, in the real ancient history, those who can lead the poor people to rise up in uprisings also condense a huge power of faith, and are often accompanied by the blessing of the mysterious power called "Qi Luck"...

In just one minute, the belief points have increased by more than 100 points, and they are still continuously improving!

Although the speed has started to slow down, it is constantly improving after all. If things go on like this, it will definitely be an extremely considerable wealth!

It is foreseeable that as the legendary things he does spread, he will get even more belief points.

Even, this can lay the foundation for his future apotheosis!

Conferring the gods is actually the process of spreading beliefs, igniting the fire of the gods, and condensing the godhead.

In this process, the power of faith is the foundation and the fuel for everything.

Therefore, every strong person who is interested in becoming a god will have the most extensive reputation or gather a large number of believers. It is impossible for a lonely and reclusive strong person to become a god!


The bold idea that had once arisen in Su Yun's mind flashed.

Perhaps, with the Tome of Netheril, he could follow a very different path, one that was different from that of the gods and the great arcanists of Netheril.

If he can do it, the entire pattern of the multidimensional universe will be broken by him!


The battle beyond the legend soon came to an end, the two sides won each other, and finally the evil god took the initiative to retreat.

Obviously, even if the preparations are adequate, it is still difficult for the three evil gods to join forces, and it is difficult to defeat the power of the Temple of Dawn, the number one temple on the main material plane.

The dark sky was completely destroyed, and the bright light once again shone.

In the end, the incarnation of the God of Dawn, with the assistance of the Angel Legion, erupted with dazzling light covering the entire city, killing all the remaining undead creatures and strange beetles.

After doing all this, the incarnation of the God of Dawn disappeared.

And the priests and knights of Chenxi also left the city one after another.

"This is the gods! They use Ryan City as a buffer zone, so both sides leave at the same time."

Sword Master Salo sighed, and in his tone, he didn't have much awe for these great beings worshiped by countless people.

In fact, as a legendary sword master, he has gradually seen through the essence of the gods, only respecting his inner beliefs, instead of pinning everything on the blessings of the gods.

As for the legendary mage——

The mage alliance and many mage forces have secretly mastered more than one method to slaughter the incarnations of the gods, so that the gods have to be polite to them!

"Isn't this better?" Su Yun smiled.

He stayed in Ryan City at such a risk just to stay by that woman's side, so as to find a chance to drive both of them away together.

Not only the life sacrifice ceremony, but also many of his subsequent actions are not visible.

The presence of the Temple of Dawn is a thorn in his flesh, and if he doesn't get rid of it, all his achievements will come to naught.

Now, his goal has been achieved, and both sides have given up Ryan City.

It's just that the price is too heavy...

He looked around, and under the afterglow of the setting sun, it was a scene full of desolation.

With the temple and the magic crystal tower as the core, it radiated thousands of meters around, and the houses in the whole area were turned into powder in the terrorist battle. Some places are still burning with flames, billowing thick smoke.

The whole city, like a battlefield after a bombardment attack, is filled with scenes of unfinished destruction.

The most tragic thing is that thousands of corpses fell to the ground, and there were corpses everywhere, and it was impossible for them to stand up again.

It can be predicted that after this catastrophe, the population of the entire Ryan City will drop by at least one-fifth!

And many more people would flee the city, bringing the population down to appalling levels.

But it doesn't matter, the rebirth after Nirvana will usher in a new glory for this city.

In Su Yun's mind, a series of plans have already begun to emerge to calmly deal with the current catastrophe.

Now, let's start with the post-disaster remedial work.

There are still countless corpses in the city, but only a few temple knight priests are left to help purify these corpses and prevent them from turning into evil and terrifying undead creatures.

Corpses buried in the soil may indeed be used as raw materials for zombies or skeletons.

However, the corpse purified by the priest will no longer be able to become an undead creature, and will soon rot underground.

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, peace to the dead, liberation to the living..."

The priest's prayer sounded throughout Lane City.

Su Yun actively mobilized the surviving city guards and gods, and asked them to help rescue and appease the people after the disaster with many promises, and entered the most intense and busy post-disaster rescue work.

And he himself wandered around the places where the victims of the disaster gathered, appease their pioneering hearts, and took the opportunity to gain more belief points.

Today, he is already the greatest lord in the eyes of most people in Lane City, a savior who saved the city!

While he was busy, the guard captain of the City Lord's Mansion hurried over on horseback, walked up to him and said solemnly: "Master, the Earl vomited blood and fell into a coma, and he hasn't woken up yet!"

"Ha, didn't Father come to Leiser Manor, did he get attacked?" Su Yun's eyes widened.

After hearing the news earlier, he tricked cheap father out of the city by means, and even took little Lori Eve and many people from the family to the villa to play.

But now, the other party actually told him that Earl Buyano had vomited blood and passed out!

"It's not a sneak attack!" The man in silver-gray armor lowered his head and responded with a sigh, "The Earl vomited blood and fell into a coma after seeing the roar and explosion from Lane City and knowing that the city was destroyed..."

"Uh, okay." Su Yun shrugged helplessly.

Previously, the disappearance of the elite of the family together with him, the only heir, had already made the other party lose their hair overnight.

Now, the entire Lane City has encountered such a terrible disaster, and the family's foundation can be said to have been completely destroyed. It is understandable for the other party to have such a situation.

As a high-level fighter, the other party is a little fragile...

It seems that you can't count on this cheap old man.

Su Yun shook his head, standing on the scorched earth between the original magic crystal tower and the temple, quietly added a card in his hand, with a misty rune light flowing on it.

In the center of the card, an extremely gorgeous throne appeared, just like the throne of an emperor that overwhelmed the world!

Vientiane Impermanence Card · Throne!

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