Climb To the Top

Chapter 139: "Director's Project": (29)

In particular, Zhangqiu turned his face and refused to recognize anyone, and even vomited Jiang Ting to death. Fortunately, Jiang Ting is not the kind of soft persimmon to be slaughtered by others. The other party is the first year of the first year, so don't blame her for the fifteenth.

On the spot, he stabbed Zhangqiu's face off.

"Well said." Qi Xinya next to her agreed with Jiang Ting's words.

The audience in the backstage had no special feelings for these directors who did not appear often, but they were very familiar with the goddess Qi Xinya who often appeared on the big screen. Naturally, it was right to agree with the other party, and followed her to agree with Jiang Ting.

"It's not bad, it's like a proxy shoot."

“What is a proxy shoot?”

"The movie "Red Eagle" he made before has won awards, but do you see this movie like "Red Eagle"?"

Jiang Ting next to him glanced at him and sneered in his heart.

Talk to you well, if you don't like to listen, then say something you 'like to listen to', she simply pointed at Zhangqiu's sore spot.

The host saw that Zhangqiu was no longer choking, and quickly asked Director Lu Qian to come out and say a few words to change the topic.

Lu Qian didn't want to cause trouble either. After all, he was a peer, and they were all in the circle. He never liked to be a nosy.

For example, he talked about the shortcomings of Jiang Ting's movies before. He said a few words, Jiang Ting listened to it, it didn't matter, but it didn't matter if he didn't, but Lu Qian wouldn't say anything more.

Fortunately, although Jiang Ting doesn't like to swallow her voice, she can also tell the good words, who is really good for her and who is to step on her, she can see through it at a glance.

At that time, she directly admitted Lu Qian and Zhangqiu's comments on the strengths and weaknesses of her movie. When it was Qi Lanyue's turn, she wanted to listen to each other's comments. Who knows that the other party doesn't care what movie Jiang Ting is making at all, but instead pays attention to the special effects technology. Then Jiang Ting has nothing to say.

Seeing the stalemate in the scene, Lu Qian still made a sound to ease the atmosphere of the current scene, said.

"Then let me say a few words, Zhangqiu, he used to be good at military themes, such as "Red Eagle" and "Battle Armor" are the best in this type of movies. But "Apostle Future" " is a sci-fi-themed micro-movie. The two seem to have similar themes, but one is modern military and the other is future military, and the difference between the two is quite big."

What about the play?"

Lu Qian's speech is very artistic, meaning that Zhangqiu just used the method of filming before, so the filming does not look like the future.

The biggest problem with Zhangqiu was not mentioned in the whole process, which was the emotional scenes of the hero and heroine in the movie that made countless audiences disgust.

Immediately afterwards, he shifted the topic to the actor again, saying.

"This Qiao Nan, I remember very clearly, she filmed Xiaojiang's "Demon Destiny" last week, I remember correctly!" After that, he turned to look at Jiang Ting.

Jiang Ting nodded.

The old man saw Jiang Ting nodded, smiled, and continued.

"This girl's previous filming is quite a set. If I have a new film for you in the future, don't refuse."

Lu Qian's words made the actors in the backstage explode again, just like poking a hornet's nest, they crowded around Qiao Nan and said.

"Hey, Qiao Nan, don't cry, Director Lu said he wanted to film with you."

"I'm dying of envy."

"Yeah, I'm envious too, if I cry a lot to win the favor of the big director, I can't wait to cry a few more times."

The actress of Zhangqiu group, while comforting Qiao Nan who couldn't stop crying, at the same time envy and hatred in her heart, this Qiao Nan's luck is really good, everywhere she goes, people support ?

Qiao Nan, who was still crying in the background, couldn't help but raised her head, looked at Lu Qian, then at Jiang Ting, and finally restrained her emotions of collapse.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Qian said that the actor, this time the film failed, most of the pressure from the outside world fell on Qiao Nan. Because Qiao Nan has become popular recently, whether it is to block her family, or some people don't want her to continue to become popular, after the failure of this movie, it is overwhelmingly Qiao Nan's poor acting. Some audiences who don't understand the situation really think that Qiao Nan's acting skills are bad to a certain level.

But in fact, the rotten pot of the movie can't be just thrown to Qiao Nan, because in this movie, there are people whose scenes are worse than hers, namely the male protagonist.

I only heard, Director Lu said.

"This male lead, in fact, in this movie, the responsibility is a little bigger. I am very puzzled, there is a scene in the play where you and the female lead are awkward, and then the two break up .I watched this episode, the reason for the breakup was because of unequal status, the male lead felt that he had taken on the responsibility of saving the earth and could not take care of the female lead and then broke up, right, I was right!"

Director Lu Qian took a look at Zhangqiu and Jiang Ting on the right, but found no one on both sides to answer. Fortunately, the host A Bao was very spiritual and quickly answered.

"Yes, yes, Director Lu is right, you continue to say."

Lu Qian glanced at her and continued, "Since the reason for breaking up is so helpless, why can't I see the helplessness and sadness of the male lead in the movie at all, I only see the female lead The lead actor is about to cry and beg the other party not to break up. What about the male lead? It stands to reason that the male lead should not want to break up, but he has to break up. So at this moment, his mood should be tangled, mixed, and even feel bad for the female Lord, the inner expression should be more enriched, but I did not see the inner drama of the male lead in the play."

After Lu Qian finished speaking, the backstage actors turned their attention to the hero of Zhangqiu Group's filming of "The Future of Apostles". The hero's name was Lin Hui, who was newly signed by Zhangqiu Company. Newcomer, the expression is a little unnatural at the moment.

Of course he knew that his acting skills were worse than Qiao Nan, so when the movie failed and found that there were already many black drafts on the Internet that Qiao Nan's poor acting skills led to the failure of the movie, he also let people know With a kick, he successfully dumped the blame for his bad acting skills on Qiao Nan.

I cried, but for the audience, it was still unbearable for this brutalist acting. Under the leadership of various black drafts, the male protagonist was gradually blurred.

Looking at Lin Hui's innocent expression, the surrounding actors didn't know whether to say Qiao Nan was unlucky, or Qiao Nan was unlucky?

Still a bit wrong.

Especially an actor like Qiao Nan, who has no backstage, did not dare to speak out when he suffered losses and grievances.

After hearing Lu Qian's words, Jiang Ting remembered the leading actor in Zhangqiu's play. She forgot his name.

But when she watched it before, she basically ignored the other party, not as good as Lan Fengzhi in terms of appearance, and Deng Qin beat him ten times in terms of acting skills. Even in this movie, Qiao Nan's acting skills can beat him.

Also, even if there is a problem with Qiao Nan's acting, isn't your director responsible? This sentence does not mean that Jiang Ting is deliberately partial to Qiao Nan. Most of the top directors have a strong ability to tune and teach actors, such as Qin Xiang, who is the best among them.

But there are also many directors who fail to make the film. The first thought is not to review themselves first, but to dump the blame first. Who is to blame, the actors are the ones who bear the brunt.

Jiang Ting especially hates this kind of person.

The failure of a movie is never just the failure of one person, and it is the act of the younger brother to throw the blame on the director or actor.

When Jiang Ting was filming before, there were many such people. When she became a director, she was very disgusted with such directors and actors.

I saw Jiang Ting expressionless, biting Zhangqiu and not letting go, said.

"There are indeed some problems with the performance of the male and female lead actors, but I think the problem with the director should be bigger. The audience may not know how the actors should film, but they actually need to communicate with the director first. It's not that the actor can shoot how he wants. Because the director needs to control the overall situation, and the actor is only assigned one role, many times, the starring and acting will deviate from the trajectory. At this time, the director needs to pull the actor back. "

"The film "Apostle Future" is obviously more responsible for the director Zhang. I can't see it as a sci-fi movie. It's a vulgar romance. I think "The Rotation of Love" has a bit more circles, but in terms of plot, it is not as vulgar as "The Future of Apostles". For example, the protagonist concealed his identity and broke up with his girlfriend. Then go to save the earth alone, maybe Director Zhang doesn't think, but in my opinion, this plot is really not very good."

Jiang Ting said at the end, he simply played self-defeating, shrugged his shoulders, and didn't care about the audience's reaction at all.

"The Rotation of Love" has become the most popular ghost and animal theme last year, and it has almost become popular on the Internet. The audience at the scene is also clear. When she said this sentence, the audience immediately burst into laughter .

"Hahaha, let me tell you, "The Future of Apostles" now has a rating of 2.3, which is a bit high."

"Director Jiang is unconvinced, why is "The Rotation of Love" 1.9, "The Future of Apostles" has a higher score than her."

"Hey, if I had to choose, I would rather choose "The Rotation of Love", at least the plot is not brainless."

"Who said that "The Rotation of Love" has a rating of 1.9? I just saw it online and it became 2.1."

The hilarious laughter spread by the audience, mixed with one or two sentences of approval for Jiang Ting's words, literally tore Zhangqiu's face off and threw it under his feet.

The side shows that in the hearts of the audience, "The Future of Apostles" is a worse movie than "The Rotation of Love", even if it is only a micro-movie.

Zhangqiu's face was ashen. At this moment, he really hated Jiang Ting.

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