The catfish galaxy is named after the entire galaxy that resembles a catfish.

His namer is the great pioneer of the human world and the same galactic space.

In the Sith Republic, it is a humble but very important transportation hub.

Because in the catfish galaxy, there is a jump stargate.

In addition to being able to make the jump to the rest of the galaxy, this stargate has an extremely important destination.

The hinterland of the Sith Communist State, the Gasol Galaxy.

And the Gasol galaxy, only two galaxies away from the Sith Capital Star…

If the Gasol galaxy is the most important transportation core hub of the Sith Republic, then the catfish galaxy is one of the outposts of the Gasol galaxy.

So the Sith built an Optimus-class space station in the Gasol galaxy.

In the Catfish Galaxy, a star-like space station has also been built.

And An unbelievable look rose in Lu Ya’s eyes, could it be said…

Lu Zizhong wants to enter the hinterland of the Sith!?

This is an extremely bold idea!

You know, the heavy fleet cluster has just been formed, and it has only been alone.

Going deep into the heart of the Sith alone is an extremely dangerous move….

Lu Ya couldn’t help but say, “Is this going to be a bit risky?” ”

Lu Zizhong had a smile on his face and said softly, “This is our best chance…”

Although this plan, it looks extremely crazy.

If you are not careful, the heavy fleet cluster is in danger of being completely destroyed.

But Lu Zizhong saw it.

This plan, on the other hand, is the least risky plan!

Skol Star has always been a disputed area.

But it’s not just the Skol galaxy, in the dozens of galaxies around it, the border between the Federation and the Sith is quite blurred.

So both countries are building outpost defense line systems in these galaxies.

These stellar outposts are indeed a great trouble for the ordinary main fleet.

To break through the defensive line of the outpost, it is necessary to pay a no-cost price.

But for a heavy fleet cluster with the most powerful firepower in the human world, it is not a hassle.

Lu Zizhong knew very well in his heart what was the purpose of leading the heavy fleet cluster this time.

Is it to retake the Skol galaxy?

Or is it to forge the military prestige of the Federation?

No, neither.

His real purpose was to use the excuse of the war to get rid of Lee Willy and other people who had installed door valves.

Truly full control of this fleet!

Now that the Siths have entered a state of war readiness in the Skol galaxy, if they go directly to the Skol galaxy now, they are destined to fight a hard battle!

At that time, even the heavy fleet swarms won the battle.

The recovery of the Skol Galaxy will also suffer a heavy blow.

I am afraid that there will be many battleships that need to be restored back to the port, and it will be difficult to form combat effectiveness in a short period of time.

This is what Lu Zizhong does not want to see…

A heavily damaged heavy fleet cluster has no deterrent power, so it is difficult to help the Lu’s gate valve’s grand plan.

Lu’s door valve plan was already on the string and had to be sent.

The other door valves are not fuel-saving lamps, and the heavy schemes of Lu’s door valves will sooner or later find clues.

Now the military Li family has begun to suspect.

Zhou’s door valve may not be able to hide it for long…

The Presidential Office also created a new Federal Secret Service.

The interior of the Lu’s door valve has been confirmed, unless all plans are abandoned immediately now.

Otherwise, they need to do something within a year, the sooner the better!

Therefore, Lu Zizhong needed to fully control this fleet in a short period of time, while allowing the heavy fleet cluster to retain most of its strength.

Attacking the Skol Galaxy is not a good choice in Lu Zizhong’s view.

Then, in this way, the defeat in front of Lu Zizhong’s eyes, there is only one way…

Invade the Eastern Star Domain of the Sith!

Since the Federation had assembled five main fleets on the western star border, the Sith people also transferred all the main fleets of the eastern star domain to confront the Federation fleet.

This led to the emptiness of the sith’s power in the east.

In addition to the three main fleets in the Skol galaxy, there are only a few military space outposts and some local garrison fleets.

Those local garrison fleets are only second-rate fleets, and many of the ships are obsolete old starships, which have been in service for more than 100 years and are not strong in combat.

If Lu Zi re-invades the eastern part of the Sith, it will be unimpeded!

As for the recovery of the Skol Galaxy or something, Lu Zizhong has no interest…

Of course, this is the order of the Ministry of National Release.

Disobedience is a very serious act, if you change someone, you will be sent to court-martial when you return to the Federation!

However, Lu Zizhong was not worried.

The Bonaparte family did not dare to do anything with him….

Lu Zizhong ordered, “All fleets, heading is deflected to 135 angles, destination, catfish galaxy!” ”

Although Lu Ya still had some doubts in his heart, since Lu Zi had given the order, he immediately chose to execute it.

This order was conveyed to the various starships of the heavy fleet cluster.

Soon, the captains of the various starships received this order.

Although the officers were very suspicious as to why this order was contrary to the order of the Ministry of National Liberation, it was the duty of the soldier to obey the order.

Since it was the order of Lu Zizhong, the commander-in-chief, the captains of each ship did not hesitate to choose to carry it out.

Except for Lee Willie.

When Li Weili received this order, he immediately chose to request communication and questioned the order to Lu Zi.

On the communication screen, Li Weili looked solemn and paid tribute to Lu Zi.

“Your Excellency, Major General, as commander of the First Squadron, I think that your order contradicts the directive of the Ministry of National Release.”

Lu Zizhong casually returned a military salute and said lightly, “Major Li Weili, although the order of the National Release Department is to recover the Skol Galaxy, as the military commander of this fleet, the specific campaign plan will be formulated by me.”

You just have to execute it, that’s it. ”

Li Weili frowned, and he asked, “But Your Excellency, Major General, invading the Eastern Star Domain of the Sith in this way will trigger a war between us and the Siths!” ”

Lu Zi smiled heavily and said softly.

“Colonel Willy, I’m afraid you’ve forgotten one thing…

Our war with the Sith has never stopped….”

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