Li Xixue found out that Murong Wan and Luo Ningyu had also come, and turned around to flirt with them.

She found that playing with them was more interesting than complaining to Gu Junqing.

Seeing them playing around, Gu Junqing was a little emotional.

Now he is smug.

What is the protagonist, the widow wants to lead the entire Gu family and lay down a big harem.

Jun sweeps the heaven and earth, and the tiger sees He Xiongzai!

In the past few days, Su Chen has been trying to provoke Gu Junqing to do it.

But obviously Gu Junqing looked at him like a clown and ignored him at all.

It's not that Gu Junqing is cowardly, it's that the time has not come yet, and it is useless to defeat him.

It may even become the opportunity for Su Chen to break through, not only to save the day, but also to gain progress.

Gu Junqing doesn't want to be a baby of experience, to give the protagonist nourishment for progress.

Now he can only attack the hero's self-confidence, win the heroine, let the hero do extreme things, and even blacken the hero, which is a more effective method.

On the mid-term exam field.

This time is considered to be a very important exam before the college entrance examination, except this time it is short of the entire Luodu unified exam.

Su Chen has a strong learning ability since he was a child. He can quickly understand the meaning of many learning materials given to him by his teacher, with God's help.

Moreover, his memory ability is good, and he has been studied systematically by Tianlin High School for so many days.

He found that his own learning ability and methods have improved compared to the original.

Therefore, this time, he intends to make a big splash, change the originally unknown situation, and start his rise from now on.

Even, try to see if you can surpass Gu Junqing and become the number one in the whole school!

If it succeeds, it will break the myth that Gu Junqing has won the first place for six consecutive years. You must know that Gu Junqing has not yet reached the second place from middle school to high school.

At that time, he may become as popular as Gu Junqing, and even surpass him.

In this way, his future development will attract the attention of many people. After all, the people who can defeat Gu Junqing are not ordinary people.

Not to mention defeating Gu Junqing, even being able to catch up with Gu Junqing is an extravagant hope.

After all, Su Chen is still in the state of just coming out of the mountain.

I have not yet received the beatings of the society.

How did you say that sentence, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, and it was Su Chen who was talking about it.

Gu Junqing's vain attempt to challenge him has already been crushed.

There is a tradition in Tianlin High School that they will write down their target rankings before the exam.

And when everyone found out that Su Chen was number one, everyone burst into laughter.

Everyone felt that he was overwhelmed.

"Since you haven't seen my strength, why are you laughing at me?"

Su Chen said lightly.

A classmate kindly gave him popular science.

"Gu Junqing had 500 competitors for the first place in the first year of junior high school, 10 in the second year of junior high school, and only a few people in the third year of junior high school would still want to be the first place, and everyone else competed for the second place. name."

"And after high school, there is only one person who will set the goal as the first, and that is Murong Wan in our class. After all, she has been second all year round, so she can only apply for the first place."

"You said that you still set the goal as the first, how ridiculous!"

The classmate laughed at his overreaching while becoming popular science.

Murong Wan was suddenly caught by the cue, and turned her head to stare at that classmate.

"Hmph, this is obviously my disgraceful history! How many years, how many years, I have never surpassed that big pervert once, I am not reconciled."

Murong Wan complained secretly, after all, it has been many years, although she has fallen in love with him now, but this is a matter of study, not of feelings.

However, is this another kind of romance, where the hero comes first and the heroine comes second.

Their relationship is just like their names are two centimeters apart

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