Yangcheng Welfare Institute is located outside the core urban area. It was originally a suburban county. In recent years, it has become urbanized and has become full of high-rise buildings.

However, since ten years ago, the Guangzhou Chamber of Commerce has taken the lead in funding the Yangcheng Welfare Home, which is far from being a pure charity.

The Yangcheng Chamber of Commerce provided funding and fund-raising for the Yangcheng Welfare Home. Among them, the upper-level leaders of the Yangcheng Chamber of Commerce gained political recognition from the Yangcheng official.

This recognition brings generous resources, political status, and public prestige to the president and vice president of the chamber of commerce... in addition.

Within the Chamber of Commerce, companies and enterprises that have funded the welfare home have also received corresponding 'tax exemptions' and even more generous profits.

But at this moment.

The Yangcheng Chamber of Commerce, with its superior gaze, wants to take back its mercy’?


On the bus, in the corner.

Ye Yuan covered his head with his hands, feeling angry in his heart.

What he recalled were many scenes from when he was a child and was still in the orphanage.

At the annual thank-you meeting, the white-haired dean, the grandmother, and the aunts all had fawning and hopeful expressions...

Those glamorous 'philanthropists' with hypocritical smiles... they posed in front of the reporters. He had a look of compassion... but when he turned around, his face suddenly turned cold.

Such changes once surprised, confused, and frightened Ye Yuan when he was young.


The terminal is almost here.

At this time.

There were not many passengers in the car. Next to the back door, in front of the first seat, was a middle-aged man in gray who got on the car and was holding a long-handled black umbrella.

Ye Yuan's eyes seemed to fall from him accidentally. He looked at it, and then looked out of the car window.

The building of the orphanage can already be seen...

Ye Yuan's expression was a little moved, and his emotions became complicated.

He felt guilty about this 'welfare home'...

During high school and until he graduated from college, he was very reluctant to return here!

He carefully guarded his fragile self-esteem, not wanting any classmates or friends to know that he was getting out of here... until his work got on the right track, his heart gradually became stronger and matured!

Ye Yuan began to desperately make amends.…


The bus stopped, facing the main entrance of the 'Yangcheng City Social Welfare Institute'.

Middle-aged man, go down.

But he didn't leave directly.

But at the platform, he turned around again, with a pair of eyes seemingly looking towards the opposite side of the station.


Ye Yuan sat behind the car.

He didn't get up until all the passengers got off the bus.

Walking through the carriage, my eyes passed over every step again.

He stood in front of the car door.

Take a step forward with your right foot in the air.

The steps stretched out of the car... the head leaned forward... the inertia of the whole body was the tendency to step towards that platform... but the next second.

Ye Yuan's steps suddenly retracted, and he stood in front of the bus door again.

‘puff! '

A dull sound exploded!

The curb in front of the platform was hit by a bullet from a small-caliber sniper rifle, creating a gap. The bullet penetrated into the ground of the asphalt road.


Without hesitation, Ye Yuan took a step forward.

He raised his head and glanced far away at the mirror reflecting the sunlight upstairs.

Followed the steps and took a step back.

Poker face.

Walking past the middle-aged man in gray...

The middle-aged man held the black fan handle with his palm without leaving any trace...

Ye Yuan turned his back to him.

He had a fierce look on his face, and suddenly, a short knife flashing with cold light was quickly drawn out!

The sharp dagger pierced the air and stabbed Ye Yuan's back to the heart without a trace of hesitation.…


‘On November 24, 2020, at 10:23:39 a.m., you stepped off the bus stop and you avoided the bullets fired at you.…’

‘On the same day, at 10:24:18 in the morning, you passed by a middle-aged man wearing gray clothes and 1.76 centimeters tall. At this time, he pulled out an umbrella that could The dagger that pierces your heart’

‘On the same day, at 10:24:31 in the morning, you turned to the left, with your back to the middle-aged man, stretched out your right palm, and clasped his shoulder...with your left hand, you took advantage of the situation and grabbed the middle-aged man's hand. The back of the short sword…’

‘Same day, 10:24:54 AM…’

‘On the same day, at 10:25:11 a.m., you left the station…’


The 'steps' in the path are engraved one by one with every action Ye Yuan should make.

Not a trace of hesitation. sideways.

He reached out his right palm and clasped the middle-aged man's shoulder.

Taking advantage of the situation, he stretched out his left hand and landed on the back of the middle-aged man's palm holding the short knife...

Ye Yuan's expression was calm and expressionless.

Just listen to a 'pop' sound.

The wrist of the middle-aged man in gray was broken... the sharp blade pierced hard into the middle-aged man's body... blood stained his clothes


Ye Yuan let go of the middle-aged man, took out a tissue from his pocket, wiped his blood-stained hands, and strode out of the platform.

At this time.

On the rooftop opposite, the gunman who missed a single hit had quickly moved to the next position.

Ye Yuan walked to the welfare home.

In front of the guard box.

Uncle Wu, who was already in his sixties, smoked dry cigarettes and frowned tightly.

In front of the platform.

The middle-aged man in gray clothes was carried into a van.

Both sides are very restrained, and everything is limited to the smallest possible range.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ps: Thank you for your support!

Bow and thank you!

The author wanted to make this book long, because after adding the shadow worldview, I found this worldview very interesting.

The current goal is at least one million words... If the results can support the author and he writes this number...

After all, the author also needs to eat.

Thanks again! above!

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