For Shao Xuan's request, the slave owner who led the team did not immediately agree, but carefully stared at the short, thin, sickly and weak old slave for several times, and really didn't feel that there was anything special about this slave.

As the largest slave organization, the slave owners in the organization have cultivated a pair of good eyes. They can tell which slaves can be sold at high prices and which slaves are worthless. Especially those with high positions, their eyesight is of course stronger. However, as a leader, he has sold more slaves than people in a tribe, but he just can't see anything unusual about the slave in front of him. There are so many slaves, and more than half of them are strong and suitable for coolies. Why did this Yanjiao man choose an old slave with nothing special?

"Know?" the leading slave owner asked.

"An old acquaintance." Shao Xuan did not deny it.

The slave owner who led the team looked suspiciously at Shao Xuan, and then at the slave. There were indeed many cases where people bought people they knew, but it always felt a little strange to put it on the Yanjiao people. Even if they really know each other, this "old acquaintance" is definitely not a friendly relationship. hater?

After much deliberation, I couldn't figure out the weirdness of this, but the team leader agreed. They are professional slave traders among slave owners, and their main task is to buy and sell slaves. Since someone wants to buy slaves, he will sell them, but at this price, Just pay higher.

Mu Qi came over and bargained with the other party. He had visited Qiucheng many times, and he also knew the market of the slave trade. He was very clear about what kind of slaves were worth.

In the end, Shao Xuan bought the slave with a water moon stone that was not too bright.

After the deal was concluded, the slave owner who led the team took off a gold utensil in the shape of a beast's tooth and the size of a palm that was worn around his neck.

This thing is called 觿(i), which is a tool used to untie knots.

When there were no gold locks, knots were simple, convenient and low-cost locks. Even if wooden locks and stone locks appeared later, knots were still the mainstream. Sometimes, for the safety of belongings, knots are tied with intricate knots. Some knots can create a nine-link effect. If you don't use tools, it will take at least half a day to untie, but if you use a tool like xi, it may take two breaths to untie.

If the knot is the earliest lock, then the 駿 is the earliest key.

The former slave owners would carry 觿 with them, and at the same time, tell others: We have slaves!

Sometimes a person will wear several kinds of 駿 at the same time, just like the 駿 worn by the slave owners escorting the slaves in front of them, some are short and thick, some are slender, some are straight, and some are more curved.

Some are simple in shape, some are more complicated, and there are even many hollow patterns.

Shao Xuan knew a lot about knots, so he could tell at a glance that there were nearly a hundred kinds of knots on the ropes binding the slaves in front of him, and more than half of them Shao Xuan had never seen before. Although some knots seem simple, Shao Xuan knows that such knots are not easy to untie.

It's amazing.

Different shapes of 觿 are used to solve different types of knots. Wearing too much will naturally give people the impression that "I have many slaves, so I need more knots because I have many knots".

Slaves are also a kind of wealth, and the behavior of slave owners is also a manifestation of showing off their wealth.

And as the craftsmen's minds widened, and the talented craftsmen with extraordinary skills appeared one after another with novel ideas, some more complex and stronger locks were born, but the production was difficult, costly, and very expensive. . The nobles who had the conditions to use gold locks realized the benefits of these new locks, and gradually reduced the frequency of using knots. In addition to being useful, the more ornate gold locks can also be used to decorate the facade, showing the noble status of noble slave owners, and are very popular among nobles.

With the replacement of strong locks, the knots in daily life no longer need to be fastened. Therefore, the 觿 used to untie the rope is gradually used less and less, but the 觿 has not disappeared. Today, 觿 continues to inherit, but its functions are constantly weakening, and it is developing in the direction of accessories.

The nobles have continued their pretentious habit of wearing 觿 to show their honorable status as slave owners. Since the 觿 is no longer used to untie the rope, there is no need for it to be durable. The 觿 made of beautiful gems is good. Ornament, more forceful. Some female slave owners also used 駿 to fix their heads as decorations. The production of Xi is also more inclined to the gorgeous appearance rather than the functional practicality.

Therefore, many slave owners still have the tradition of wearing 觿, but those who wear 觿 may not really use it to untie the rope.

But among the slave owners, there was a special group.

The members of the "Qi" organization have always had a special liking for 觿. The 觿 they wear are still used to untie knots. When escorting slaves, most of them still use knots, and the ropes are also specially treated and relatively strong ropes.

The people who give knots are all good at knotting. If you don’t borrow tools, it will be very difficult to untie. Of course, you can cut it with a hard sharp tool, but who will risk offending the "pie" The danger of going to snatch the slaves of "Zi"?

Most of the slaves who tried their best to break the rope and escape would still be found by the "given" by various means and punished in a more cruel way. Some of them were sold as food to cannibals after draining their labor. tribe.

Slaves who fell into the hands of the slaves seldom escaped unscathed.

The slave owner who led the team untied a knot connected to the slave team with a scimitar-like 觿, took the untied rope and handed it to Shao Xuan, and the other end of the rope was tied to the old man. slave.

"This slave is yours."

The other slave owners who escorted the slaves were overjoyed when they saw the deal was completed, and felt that the deal was a good deal, and they made a lot of money. There are few things like water moon stones here, and they can also illuminate. They are more valuable than ordinary gems. A person with little labor Old slave, it's not bad to exchange for such a gem.

But the slave owner who led the team didn't have much joy on his face. Instead, he became more and more confused. He didn't regret making this deal, whether it was a loss or a gain. He even looked back at the hunched old slave several times, but unfortunately he still couldn't see anything.

When the slave team left, went far away, and was out of sight, Shao Xuan looked at the old slave standing there with his head bowed and his body bent.

"Still pretending? When I don't know who you are?"

The others were made even more curious by Shao Xuan's words. They looked left and right, they had never seen this person before.

"I...I don't know...what are you talking about." The old slave's hoarse voice tremblingly spoke in an authentic local dialect. Even the Longboat tribe who came here had already learned the words here. , What he said was not up to his standards.

Guihe and the others were even more confused, who is this? Could it be that Shao Xuan met when he came here? Those of them who have been on the other side certainly don't know this one.

Just as he was thinking, Gui He heard Shao Xuan say: "Stop pretending, Thief Qi."

Steal seven? ! !

Thousands of pairs of knife-like gazes swept over.

If you want to talk about Yanjiao people's views on "thieves", it's like seeing disgusting shit. Since people who know about "thieves" came here, Yanjiao was excited and gloated. Now, they actually saw the "pirate" again! What an old acquaintance!

Pirate Qi went to Yanjiao's farmland to steal cabbage and was caught. Shao Xuan beat him down. Later, this man joined other robbers and wanted to steal green-faced fangs, but Shao Xuan chased and beat him. As a result, the whistle was blown for help. Now, it happened again.

Knowing that he couldn't hide, Pirate Qi was so entangled that he was distorted.

Before being in this team of escorting slaves, he was still thinking in his heart that he is really a genius, and when he gets in Chaoqiu City, he can find a chance to sneak away, people who are so mad, la la la la~

The victory song of the "Pirate" organization was constantly circulating in his heart, and Pirate Seven was very proud. As a result, he met Shao Xuan, his nemesis, before he arrived in Chaoqiu City. He pretended to be like this, yet Shao Xuan still recognized him!

Every time I meet a Yanjiao person, it's not a good thing!

Pirate Seven felt that he was so unlucky because he hadn't paid homage to his ancestors before this operation.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the old slave was weathered, sluggish, and weak, and gradually began to change. He was no longer stooped, his back was straight, his shriveled body was also bulging like inflated, and there was a burst of crackling bones. Misplaced sound.

Guihe and the others looked at the slave's eyes, from surprise at the beginning, to doubt, to anger, and a word came out in their hearts at the same time: Damn, it's really this guy!

"Thieves seven!"

The people in Yanjiao moved their shoulders wildly, surrounded Bandit Qi in the middle, sneered again and again, their eyes seemed to say: "See if I won't beat you to death!"

Pirate Seven seemed to be frightened, and stood there in a daze, his eyes glazed over, but Shao Xuan knew that this guy must already be thinking of a way to escape.

Looking at the surrounding terrain, he was sure that it was very difficult for Pirate Seven to escape, so Shao Xuan asked again, "Tell me, what did you steal this time?"

People who "steal" don't cover up after stealing things. Others steal things because they are afraid of being known, but they are afraid that others will not know, and they will even show off. The more precious things are, the more crazily they show off. Everyone knows.

However, Pirate Seven may not tell the truth in order to protect his achievements.

Sure enough, Pirate Seven didn't say anything about Shao Xuan's question.

Shao Xuan didn't urge him, but said, "We will go to Wangcheng this time, and at the same time, we will bring a piece of news."

Pirate Seven still lowered his head and didn't move, but Shao Xuan knew he was listening, and continued: "We will tell the people in Wangcheng that the majestic Thief XNUMX tried his best to steal the underpants of Chaoqiu City Lord Chaowen. "

Pirate Seven suddenly raised his head to look at Shao Xuan, "This is an insult to my stealing skills!" Not to mention Chao Wen's underpants, he could easily steal the underpants of those people in the royal palace! This kind of low-level method is something that some new talents do. How could he do it? ! He is going to be a robber!

Large-scale caravans and long-distance teams come and go in the royal city. Such an entertainment news will probably be spread widely. Perhaps, some people who have already been murdered by robbers will spread the news of the robbers more enthusiastically. "Results", which add some material to make the message more interesting.

Obviously, Pirate Seven has thought of a lot.

"Heh, do you think others will believe it?" Robber Qi didn't care.

"You can try." Shao Xuan said calmly.

Pirates said nothing. If the Yanjiao people threatened with force, he would fabricate all kinds of lies to deceive the Yanjiao people, but what Shao Xuan mentioned was a matter of reputation. This is simply sewage forcibly poured on his reputation!

Moreover, other people say that this statement is not very lethal, but it is said by the Yanjiao people, Pirate Seven should pay more attention, he is afraid that the Yanjiao people will hold him more shit. He is now preparing to compete for the rankings, and he doesn't want to be affected by this.

After thinking for a while, Pirate Seven made a sound, and said listlessly: "Zi. It's a Zong. People call him 'leading bone fault'."

After talking about Pirate Seven, he couldn't help being proud. He stole this from the leader of the organization, and he planned to use this to rank among the "thieves". 8


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