Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 272 Important things

Why did the ancestors of the tribe put so many boxes here? It's not just a day or two away from the tribe. If there are no dangers in the mountains and forests, it is not a long distance, but there are many dangers in the mountains and forests. Of course, Shao Xuan came all the way. Even a thousand years ago, it would not be too different.

Shao Xuan walked over with the torch, and the boxes were tied with some straw ropes, presumably so that the lid would not fall off during transportation. However, if you look closely, you can clearly see that the binding methods used in several of the boxes are more complicated, and even the straw ropes used for binding are different. The paint has been smeared, and the knot in the middle is the symbol of the witch.

As for the others, the straw ropes used are relatively common, but it cannot be said that the things in these boxes are necessarily unimportant, and the things that can be carried here by the ancestors must have its important retention value.

Shao Xuan intends to first look at the special boxes with knots. However, he found that those knots were difficult to untangle, and the ropes were also very strong.

cut off? Burn out?

Forget it, if the people of the tribe know, there will definitely be opinions, thinking that he is disrespectful to the ancestors.

Putting the boxes with complicated knots aside, Shao Xuan turned to look at the other tying techniques that were more common. He raised his hand to untangle the knot, but Shao Xuan just touched it with his hand, and the straw ropes tied to the box were broken, and the broken part shattered into powder.

If you squeeze the other places on the straw rope, it is the same. Perhaps because of too long, these straw ropes have also lost their original toughness and are no longer strong.

The previous ones had high security and used different ropes. Now these security levels are low, and Shao Xuan has no pressure to look at the contents of the box.

Opening the box, Shao Xuan saw numerous animal skin rolls neatly placed inside.

Shao Xuan picked up one and spread it out to take a look. This piece records something that happened in the Yanjiao tribe in a certain year, such as a bumper harvest and disputes.

Pick up another one, which records the various wars between the Yanjiao tribe and other tribes in a certain year. It also involves several tribes that Shao Xuan is familiar with, such as the Thousand Faces Tribe, Weiba Tribe, etc. , There are basically records of the major tribes in the central region that Shao Xuan knows about.

The Yanjiao tribe used to attract hatred so much?

But soon, after looking at the other animal skin scrolls, Shao Xuan found that his guess was wrong. It was not that the flaming horns attracted hatred, but that in that era, everyone was particularly easy to attract hatred. According to the records in these animal skin scrolls, the tribes were not as peaceful as they are now.

Perhaps for tourists, life outside is already very difficult, especially in the resting places around the market, where the expedition teams of various tribes fight every day, and then bring disaster to the pond fish.

However, compared with these on the animal skin scroll, it is really nothing. At best, it is only a conflict between the expedition teams, but what is recorded on the animal skin scroll is a large-scale conflict between tribes. A small dozen for three days and a large dozen for ten days, as normal as eating.

Dislike? beat!

Fancy a person? grab!

See something good? Grab again!

Everything is based on strength. If you can beat it, you can grab it directly. If you can't beat it, you can steal it. If you can't steal it, you can only give up. If you don't give up, you will be beaten and killed.

It can be said that once, the survival of small tribes was extremely difficult. According to the above records, many small tribes were wiped out.

The middle is even more chaotic. Because there are so many large tribes, there will be two wars in three days. Today you raided one of my teams, and tomorrow I will destroy your entire army of soldiers who went out!

Even the Mang tribe and Weiba tribe, who Shao Xuan always thought were good neighbors and close partners, were like enemies before. Not to mention that a bamboo of the Mang tribe appeared on the border of the Weiba tribe,

Even if there is a green onion that does not belong to their own tribe, those who are not eight have to uproot it.

And all the spiders and the like that entered the Mang tribe from the Eighth Tribe, as long as they are found, they will not be released again, either slaughtered or eaten. Are spiders bad? It's okay, as long as the people in Weiba are unhappy, they will eat happily!

Among them, there is a volume that I don’t know which Wu Ren’s own handbooks are. It is not so solemn and has a lot of bad taste. It also wrote a lot of scandals about other tribes, such as who’s corner was dug up, who was wearing a cuckold, and who was squeezed by his own brothers. The position of the leader is now... The words are slightly exaggerated, revealing gossip and excitement. Wu is not as serious as the old man now.

A family feud can easily turn into a tribal feud. War came too easily for those times. And the physique of the flaming horns and the dominant strength value make many people grit their teeth, and give others the impression of being rude and arrogant. However, Shao Xuan was able to see the pride and pride of the recorded people from these recorded words, no matter which one recorded it, most of them were like this. As one of the powerhouses in the past, Yanjiao does have the capital to be proud and arrogant.

It is hard to imagine that the chaotic environment in the past has become much more stable now. Although it still seems to be full of all kinds of barbaric violence and killings, compared with what is recorded on these animal skin scrolls, it is really Worlds apart.

Why did the tribes who were not used to each other coexist peacefully now? When Shao Xuan was with the expedition team, he also inquired about it. He didn't know for a long time. Anyway, in the past two or three hundred years, there has not been any major war. Except for the Wanshi tribe who always harassed those small tribes, other large tribes in the central region. Tribes, none of them are really at war with each other.

Speaking of the Wanshi tribe, until now, Shao Xuan has only seen the name of the Wanshi tribe on two animal skin scrolls, and it was also recorded that Ren Wu predicted that his tribe would disappear within five hundred years, but the fact is In the past, this tribe, which was more arrogant and unreasonable than the former Yanjiao tribe, acted brutally and aggressively, has survived to this day, and has become one of the large tribes in the central region.

Among the major tribes, let go of the previous hatred, let go of hatred, not to mention peaceful coexistence, at least it seems that there is a cooperative relationship, which can make them change like this, Shao Xuan only thought of the most likely answer - they have a common The enemy, this enemy makes them afraid, one or two tribes alone are not enough, they have to form a group.

Flaming Horn Tribe? No, even if the Yanjiao tribe was indeed strong, it was not strong enough to make these tribes fearful enough to hold a group together for so long.

Another thing that makes Shao Xuan strange is that there is no record of slave owners. There were also prisoners at that time, and those who were defeated would be dragged back to work, but there was indeed no record of slave owners, not a single one.

In addition to these, Shao Xuan turned over several other boxes with weak straw ropes, and learned a lot of information. It was not entirely a war between tribes, but included various aspects, such as records related to farming and animal husbandry.

The Yanjiao tribe a thousand years ago was also mainly hunting. After all, it was close to the forest, and most of the food was taken directly from the forest, but there was also planting. Just like the murals Shao Xuan saw at the beginning, there were planting, breeding, and picking. ... These records are all on this, and there may be some in the hands of the witches of the tribe now, but Shao Xuan believes that the records here are much more detailed than those in the hands of the witches.

Thinking about it, when the ancestors of Yanjiao left their hometown, they mainly wanted to escape, and there were not many records about planting and breeding with them. Maybe they didn’t take them with them when they left, because when the ancestors left, they didn’t take them with them. Didn't expect to be away for so long. The records in Wu's hands may have been written by those who left later based on their own experience.

There were too many rolls of animal skins in the box, and it was inconvenient for Shao Xuan to hold the torches inside, and worried that the torches would damage the rolls of animal skins, he moved the box to the entrance of the hole, and then opened the lights one by one.

Shao Xuan did not doubt the authenticity of these. All these were recorded by witches. On some animal skin scrolls that recorded important events, there were some seemingly meaningless words at the beginning. These were actually the language of witches. Are some things necessary? It is recorded that if there is a conflict within the tribe, the decision will be given to the fire and the totem. These seemingly meaningless words are actually a more solemn tone, indicating that these are decided jointly by everyone or through sacrifices, and there is no fraud.

In addition to farming, fishing and hunting, and animal husbandry, there are also handicrafts, astronomical phenomena, architecture, medicine, warfare, political life and daily life. Although many of the records are relatively vague and can not be considered detailed, it can be seen that the tribes were not proficient in this at that time. For example, there are many limited records in astronomical phenomena and handicrafts, which can only be regarded as immature. However, seeing so many aspects The record still shocked Shao Xuan.

What is important to the Flaming Horn Tribe?

Fire crystal? Various spar shell coins as property? Or other precious stones?

No, neither! In truth, all of these should be ranked at the back.

The more he learned, the more Shao Xuan knew, what was important to the witches of this tribe.

Among the tribes, the first thing is to find out their clan members, origins, totems, etc. The second thing is to customize clan rules, important weddings and funerals, support for leaders, and other systems. Major events are activities such as production, wars, and sacrifices. These are undoubtedly the contents that witches need to record and pass on to future generations.

And these contents, in layman's terms, are what people call - "history"!

In Wu's values, the longer the "history" and the longer the tribe has existed, the more it can prove the strength of the tribe. As for why the "history" of Yanjiao is preserved here, perhaps, because it couldn't be taken away back then, and because it was placed in the old place and worried about suffering, it was brought here to hide. After all, few other tribes dared to rush directly into the murderer. Beast Forest.

The people in the cave have been dead for a long time, and the only thing left is the kind of power that Shao Xuan felt before. For the invaders, it is a devastating force, but for this cave, it is like a guardian, unchanged for thousands of years, quietly guarding here, guarding the "history" of Yanjiao, waiting for future generations to return.

However, Shao Xuan regretted that there was no detailed record of fire in the things he had seen. Perhaps, the more distant things were all sealed in those boxes that could not be opened.

Forget it, when it's time to bring it back, let Wu open it and go to grind with Wu, as long as it's not some dark secret, Wu should let him see it.

Shao Xuan thought about whether to take these boxes and the seven ancestors back now, and then said to the tribe: Look, I have found the ancestors again. R1152

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