Cheeky Sword God

Chapter 91: Out of the waves


The same opportunity is in front of you, and everyone will gain something, but the size of the harvest may not be the same.

The waves hit the shells on the beach, and both of them found the pearls in the shells. One of them went happily with the pearls, and exchanged a sum of money. But the other person thought more. He began to think of ways to go to the sea to find pearls in other shells, which completely changed his life.

The person who sits on the floating platform cultivating is like the person who picks up the pearl and sells it. This precious one is their chance.

At this moment, Wu Chi is the one who wants to find more precious people in the sea.

Simply refining the origin of these waters is not the opportunity he wants, because no matter how much you refining, the origin of the water you get is limited and will run out one day.

Only by truly comprehending the power of the origin of water and integrating it into one's own cultivation, can it be inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

It seems that it is just a difference in thought, but in fact, the gain is far away.

And this is the gap between talent and potential

People follow the earth, the earth follows the sky, the heavens follow the Tao, and the Tao follows nature!

The force of nature itself is the best teacher of mankind.

Standing quietly on the floating platform, Wu Chi's mind had already swayed away with the undulating waves.

The water is soft and gentle to nurture life!

The water can also be strong, and the stormy waves hit the shore, all invincible!

This natural transformation between rigidity and softness is the wonder of the origin of water! In a trance, Wu Chi seemed to follow the huge waves ups and downs, transforming at will in rigidity and softness.

He didn't talk about that wonderful feeling, but he understood it naturally.

Suddenly, the huge waves swept once again.

Taking a deep breath, Wu Chi tapped his feet slightly, and when the huge wave hits, he stepped out of the floating platform in one step, and his whole person suddenly rose up, facing the strong man who could almost instantly shoot the peak of the liquid. Huge waves.

On the floating platform, no matter how immersive you are, you can't compare with this most direct contact. When Wu Chi stepped out of the floating platform, he really felt the power that was rushing to destroy the dryness, a kind of understanding naturally emerged in his heart, and he flew up with the huge wave, lightly stepping on the huge wave with the help of it, impressively Before the huge wave slapped him, he set foot on the top of the wave abruptly!

Stepping on the cusp of a wave nearly a thousand meters high, Wu Chi seemed to have truly blended into this huge wave, looking down on the vastness, truly feeling the majestic and majestic, and integrating himself into it.


Above the wave tip, Wu Chi suddenly drew his sword, and his sword intent rose to the sky. As the wave undulated, he didn’t need any special sword skills. He just freed his sword. At this moment, what he was looking for was the kind The vast and majestic sword intent as photographed by a huge wave.

As time went by, Wu Chi stepped on the top of the waves again and again, danced on the top of the waves, and practiced swords in the ups and downs of the waves.

Until the sea gradually calmed down, the origin of the water between heaven and earth completely dissipated.

Feeling the weakening of the source of water, Qingqing woke up from her practice. However, the moment she opened her eyes, she saw the figure walking on the waves, slicing out a wave as high as 100 meters.

At that moment, what Qingqing felt was an indescribable shock and fear!

Before, she had seen Wu Chi robbing those disciples who were fighting for the floating platform with her own eyes. Just as Wu Chi did not remind them after the stone carvings were found outside of the fairy house, she did not mean to remind Wu Chi at all. Secretly happy.

She originally thought that the half-step opportunity that Wu Chi had seized before would have been wasted, and she didn't need to bother about it anymore.

However, at this moment, she was shocked to find that she had already been thrown away by Wu Chi and disappeared.

Under the slap of a huge wave, leaving the floating platform and practicing in the face of the huge wave, what courage and amazing talent is needed to do it!

Just looking at it from a distance, she was sure that Wu Chi at this moment had truly realized the origin of water, and even incorporated it into the sword intent.

Such a stunning character even gave her an unparalleled sense of frustration in her heart.

However, after a brief loss of consciousness, her heart was involuntarily born with a monstrous murderous intent.

If it is said that before, she thought that the seven most advanced people were not far apart from each other, and everyone might have come to the end.

So now she can almost be sure that if she goes on like this, the last person will be Wu Chi.

Unfortunately, seeing Wu Chi's terrifying strength and sword intent at the moment, she no longer dared to attack Wu Chi.

After experiencing the baptism of the origin of water, Wu Chi has now stepped into the liquid to make up for his biggest shortcomings. Such an enemy, even if she has more killing intent in her heart, can only be hidden in her heart for the time being.

Stepping on her foot, Qing Qingjiao flew out of the floating platform with a smile, and hurried towards Wu Chi's position.

The current wave is very small now, and she can easily shuttle through it without any danger at all by leveraging on the water at will.

"Sister, congratulations to Brother Wu for stepping into the condensate realm, and for achieving such a powerful sword intent. It really makes people's envy eyes red." Looking at Wu Chi charmingly, Qing Qing twisted her body and leaned over.

When Qing Qing came over, Wu Chi had already felt it, and his mind naturally retreated from that state of cultivation. He took the sword back and said with a smile, "Girl Qingqing, don't make fun of it. I was just lucky for a while, so I barely broke through. So I can keep up with your footsteps."

Seeing Wu Chi not wanting to mention this, Qingqing immediately changed the subject, "Brother Wu, if you guessed correctly, the scenes in the other four channels should be similar to us! I don’t know what will be the test later, so let’s continue. How about traveling together?"

"That depends on what's going on behind!" After a glance, Wu Chi can already see the exit of the passageway, "Let's leave here first."

Before stepping into the passage, the test began, and naturally no exit was seen, but now that the test is over, the opportunity has also been sent, and the exit naturally appears.

At this moment, there is still some thin water origin aura. For others, it may be a little reluctant, but Wu Chi and Qing Qing have already gained enough, and don't care about it at all.

The most important thing is to try to get out of the channel as soon as possible and take the lead in the next test.

The battle for Xianfu's chance is always like this, one step first, as long as you don't make a mistake, you can easily lead step by step.

...... .

"Sister Zhou, the origin of the fire is already very thin now, there is no need to stay, what's more, Luo Jianguang has been staring at us all the time, and now we must leave as soon as possible."

Leaping out of the stone pillar in one step, and walking next to Zhou Boyan, Yan Pengxi said in a deep voice.

After entering the fairy house, he was worried that the people of Tianshan would attack Zhou Boyan and always followed to protect him. Sure enough, when fighting for the standing stone pillar, Luo Jianguang suddenly took Tianshan disciples into a sneak attack. If he hadn't been paying attention to Luo Jianguang, Zhou Boyan would have died.

In terms of strength, he and Luo Jianguang were originally on the same level, and when he didn't want to fight for life and death, he naturally had nothing to do with it.

However, with Luo Jianguang staring at him, he did not dare to relax his vigilance at all, and he must always separate a part of his mind to stare at the opponent.

If it weren't for the protective light curtain above the pillar of fire, which could block all external attacks, he would dare not even sink his heart to refine the origin of the fire.

"Junior Brother Ye, how about you join forces with me to kill the people like Kunlun first?" There was a trace of murder in his eyes, and Luo Jianguang asked bewildered.

When choosing the channel, he was lucky. He happened to choose the same channel as Ye Kai. After entering, he soon mastered the fire totem under Ye Kai's reminder!

Unfortunately, from the very beginning, Ye Kai focused on the origin of refining fire, and had no idea of ​​helping him kill Zhou Boyan. Otherwise, even if Yan Pengxi blocked him, he would be sure to kill these Kunlun disciples together.

Frowning, Ye Kai said in a deep voice, "Wu Chi had already taken a half-step advantage when I entered the Immortal Mansion! Now if I waste any more time, I'm afraid he will really get rid of it! It’s just a Kunlun disciple, why bother with life and death? The most important thing is to find a way to seize the inheritance of Emperor Donghua. You shouldn’t give up the last."

Although Ye Kai's strength is not as good as him, his position in Tianshan is far above him. Naturally, he can't force Ye Kai to do anything.

Hearing this, Luo Jianguang said in a deep voice, "I have seen Wu Chi. It is indeed extraordinary. He can be turned over by the self-slashing kendo brand! If he is allowed to seize the inheritance, he will surely become my Tianshan enemy in the future."

Ye Kai became a little impatient, "Senior Brother Luo, what do you want to say?"

"At the beginning, Wu Chi was able to work hard with Junior Brother Luo Kun for this Zhou Boyan. Obviously, he cared very much about her! Now since Junior Brother Ye wants to compete with him for the first opportunity, this can naturally be used!" Luo Jianguang slowly said.

My heart suddenly moved!

At this moment Ye Kai was really moved, "Are you sure, this is useful?"

"Whether it works or not, you can always give it a try. I will hold them here! Junior Brother Ye, if you meet Wu Chi in a while, it is enough to tell him the news." Luo Jianguang is confident. Said.

Based on his understanding of Wu Chi, as long as he receives dangerous news from Zhou Boyan, Wu Chi will definitely be upset!

Even if Wu Chi is really willing not to compete for the chance of inheritance, he will inevitably lose the opportunity under the chaos of his mind.

The inheritance of Emperor Donghua is a major event related to the rise and fall of Tianshan Mountain. He also knows very well that this time the leader puts hope on Ye Kai, can help Ye Kai reduce a competitor, and may also take the opportunity to kill Wu Chi for Luo Kun. Revenge, such an opportunity, he naturally did not want to let go.

"Okay! All the Tianshan disciples will stay, and you will be under your command! Be sure to hold them back for me." His complexion condensed, Ye Kai finally made up his mind, and ordered in a deep voice.


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