Cheeky Sword God

Chapter 75: Swordsman's heart is bright

   "Do you dare to ask what I did wrong?" Pointing at Wu Chi, the third senior sister snapped.

   lowered his head, took a few heavy hits on his body, and looked at the angry Third Senior Sister, Wu Chi couldn't even hide.

   "Master died to save you, the bones are not cold, just to let you open a restaurant to make money?"

   "The Iron Sword Gate was destroyed, so many brothers died tragically at Luo Kun's hands. They were tortured and unwilling to slander them, so that you would bear the name of betraying the teachers, so that you can spend the rest of your life so muddled?"

   The eye sockets were red, and the third elder sister trembled and cursed, "What do you keep saying, hold your sword in order to uphold your heart, without complaint or regret! Is it that you have no regrets or regrets if you eat and die?"

   For an instant, Wu Chi froze, his mind was blank, like being struck by lightning.

   Countless past events reappeared in the mind like lightning, the heart that was already somewhat numb, as if being pierced by a sharp knife, was so painful that he couldn't breathe.

   The inducement for the destruction of the Iron Sword Gate was that he stayed at Jianying Villa and took the Excalibur Sword.

   In order to save him, the master used the sacrificial sword and passed away. The brothers suffered all the torture. These things seemed to be vividly vivid, and it hurt Wu Chi's soul.

  How can he forget these, how can he dare to forget?

Seeing Wu Chi’s face pale, the third elder sister’s speech became much milder, she stretched out her hand and twisted Wu Chi’s face, "Little Junior Brother, look at me! I know your pain, and I also understand that the foundation of kendo is seriously destroyed, but all of this. , It's not a reason for you to give up."

   "Although our Iron Sword Gate is small, for so many years, even a Taoist powerhouse has never been out, but did the ancestors of the past give up?"

   "Big brother, the talent is not as good as you, and even the courage is not as good as you. Maybe this life is hopeless, but, look at him, have you given up?"

   "Master is upright and upright throughout his life, abides by the sword, and has high hopes for you! If you abandon yourself like this, how will you face Master in the future under Jiuquan?"

   "...I'm sorry, sister, sorry!"

   Tears fell uncontrollably, and Wu Chi said in a choked voice.

   No matter how strong he looks on weekdays, he is still just a boy under twenty years old.

Taking out a handkerchief from her body and wiping the tears from Wu Chi's face, the third senior sister said softly, "Little brother, it's human work! We fell into Luo Kun's hands and were sold into the dark auction. No one thought about it, you can save us. Let's come out! But didn't you do the same?"

   At this moment, Wu Chi suddenly felt extremely ashamed.

   Yes, the Iron Sword Gate was almost in desperation back then, but from the respected master to these brothers and sisters, has anyone ever fallen and accepted his life?

   Even though it is death, they are all fighting in their own way.

   Although the iron sword is small, its bones still exist!

   But what about yourself?

  Self-cutting the brand is a choice made by myself. Why can’t I accept this result now?

   What if the foundation of Kendo is destroyed?

   As long as both hands can hold the sword, as long as life is not over, no one can conclude that his sword is hopeless!

   What if the drunkard genius doctor decides that his road is hopeless?

   Kendo is only in your heart!

   Senior Sister San’s words were like a scream, awakening Wu Chi from that kind of haunting state.

   After one thought, my heart suddenly opened up.

   showed a heartfelt smile, Wu Chi bowed and saluted the third sister.

"Senior Sister, I understand! I will not admit my fate. My Wu Chi's kendo cannot be determined by anyone else. If the foundation of kendo is destroyed, I will repair it again! As long as I am alive, there will be no one, any It can stop me Kendo!"

   The haze of the past was wiped out. At this moment, Wu Chi's eyes revealed a strong sense of confidence!

   "This is my little brother!"

   patted Wu Chi on the shoulder joyfully, and the third senior sister said softly.

   "Come on, reopen the banquet, I want to pick up the dust for my younger brother!"

  ....... .

   After having a big meal and staying in the restaurant for one night, Wu Chi did not say goodbye to the third sister, nor did he go to see the honest and honest restaurant owner, and left quietly.

   Senior Sister San has already chosen her path, she doesn't need to intervene.

   And I also have my own path.

   Zhou Boyan is still waiting for him in Kunlun, the strand of blue silk is still in his arms, even if there are more difficulties, why does he give up?

   Returning to the valley, Wu Chi's mental state is completely different.

   "Senior, I'm back this time, but I brought you a lot of good wine."

   Seeing the old man in the pharmacy from a distance, Wu Chi shouted.

   Raised his head and saw Wu Chi, the old man couldn't help but stunned, and immediately smiled, "Good boy, I can still think of my old man, not bad, come on, let's have a good drink again."

  Walking out of the pharmacy, the old man still did not forget to greet Yuan Ziyi, "Little Ziyi, quickly prepare a wine bowl for us."

   After such a short time, Yuan Ziyi also walked out of the room, looking at Wu Chi with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

   "Fifty-year-old Nirvana, these ten jars of wine, but I stole it early in the morning, I don't know how people are scolding me." Taking the wine out of Qiankun's bag, Wu Chi did not sit down.

   "Haha, good! This kind of good wine, if you encounter it, you must not miss it. How can you not sell it?" The old man laughed freely, "Little Ziyi, pour the wine quickly."

   Pushing away the wine bowl Yuan Ziyi handed him, Wu Chi said with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "I won't drink it now, it's still early, so I have to practice a sword first."

   "Sword practice?"

  As soon as these words came out, the old man and Yuan Ziyi were startled at the same time, a little unbelievable.

When Wu Chi came back, the old man could see that Wu Chi’s spirit was obviously different from before he went out. Originally, he thought Wu Chi had figured it out, but unexpectedly, suddenly these two words popped out of Wu Chi’s mouth. .

   "Your injury is healed?" Yuan Ziyi asked in disbelief.

   "How is it possible!" Shaking his head, Wu Chi explained, "However, this time I went out, I figured out a lot of things. Regardless of the result, as long as I'm still alive and can hold the sword in both hands, I can't give up Kendo."

   This answer was obviously unexpected. The old man's eyes showed a gleam of brilliance, he took a deep look at Wu Chi, and then said freely, "Okay! Little guy, with such a mind, it's the old man that I look down on you."

   "The predecessors praised it." Shaking his head slightly, Wu Chi turned to Yuan Ziyi and said, "Ziyi, borrow the sword for a use."

   Looking at Wu Chi like this, Yuan Ziyi was happy in his heart, and immediately handed the sword down, "Do you want me to practice the sword with you?"

   "Bah! Don't want to take advantage of me!" Rolling his eyes, Wu Chi said angrily, "You wait, when I recover, I have time to clean up you."

   "The dog bites Lu Dongbin! Go, don't be an eyesore here, if you don't drink, I will drink with Grandpa Drunkard."

   grunted dissatisfiedly, kicked Wu Chi, Yuan Ziyi waved his hand like a fly, and drank the wine bowl he had just given Wu Chi.

  After Wu Chi had gone far, Yuan Ziyi turned to the old man excitedly and asked, "Grandpa drunkard, he really seems to want to practice sword? Is there any hope of recovery?"

   Looking at Wu Chi's back, the old man sighed a little, "It is commendable to have such a mind at a young age! If it weren't for this disaster, the future would be limitless."

   Obedient, Yuan Ziyi naturally heard that although the old man admired him, in fact, he was still not optimistic about Wu Chi.

   "But, I think his spirit is really much better, maybe there will be a miracle?"

"Wait and see! I said, nothing is certain in this world! However, since he is able to strengthen Jianxin, even if he really fails in the end, he will still be a master of a generation, just see if a miracle will happen. Up."

   took a sip from the wine bowl, the old man exclaimed, "Good wine!"

   "..." Rolling his eyes, Yuan Ziyi was lazy to deal with the old guy!

   Hmph, I can’t even say a nice thing!

  ....... .

   picked up the sword again, Wu Chi didn't have a different feeling in his heart.

   drove all distracting thoughts out of his mind, from the most basic iron sword gate sword technique to the shadow sword technique, to the Kunlun sword technique, Wu Chi used his familiar sword technique over and over again, and his heart was peaceful.

   Jianxin is bright! Before I knew it, the sword gall that had been silent in his body had a slight tremor, as if he wanted to recover.

   In fact, neither Wu Chi nor the drunkard genius doctor actually knew that the reason why Wu Chi was able to maintain the foundation of kendo had not completely collapsed after he was branded. It wasn't that Wu Chi himself had something special, but because he had already condensed his guts.

   and it is the most special sword and daring!

   The sword heart is not destroyed, the sword is not broken!

   As long as Wu Chi does not completely lose his sword heart, the sword gall in his body will not collapse. No matter how severe the damage is to the foundation of the kendo, it will naturally not completely collapse.

   When Wei Changtian was in Kunlun, it was precisely because of this that Wei Changtian could safely let Wu Chi go down the mountain, and asserted that Wu Chi would definitely be able to get out of the predicament and set foot on the road.

   Wu Chi himself didn't understand this, and the drunkard genius doctor, how could he not think that someone could actually condense this legendary sword into the heavens when he fell from the world.

  Before Wu Chi was utterly unconscious, almost desperate when he was struck, drunk and dreaming, his sword heart was dusted, and his sword was naturally dead.

   Of course, if Wu Chi really accepts his fate and sinks down, as time goes by, when the sword heart is worn out, it is time for the sword to shatter and completely cut off the hope of kendo.

   But now, Wu Chi's heart suddenly opened up, his sword heart was bright, and the silent sword gall naturally showed signs of recovery.

   However, the foundation of Kendo was severely damaged after all. Although the sword guts showed signs of recovery, Wu Chi couldn't notice it for a while.

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