Cheeky Sword God

Chapter 69: Little Demon Girl, do you believe me?

   "Ghost Yasha!"

   Staring at the black spear that nailed the man to death, Yuan Ziyi's face became extremely ugly, and he spoke in disgust.

With one hand, the blood-stained black spear flew upside down. At this moment, Wu Chi could see that it was actually not a spear, but a three-stranded cross. His pupils shrank slightly, and Wu Chi looked at the still vague figure in the dark. At the same time, there was a warning sign in my heart.

   The strength of that person just now is comparable to Lu Feng, and can be regarded as a master, but in this person's hands, he didn't hide a single move. With this strength, Wu Chi asked himself even if he was in the peak state, he might not be able to win.

   "Fairy in purple clothes, I said, we will see you again."

  'S hoarse voice is extremely harsh, but it is a bit proud of it, which is especially ugly.

   "Isn't this girl who has never seen your disgusting look, what does she want to hide her head and show her tail?" Yuan Ziyi made no secret of her disgust, and sneered.

   Walking out of the darkness, Gui Yasha was wearing a green cloak, a mask on his face, and a red-eyed crow standing on his shoulders.

   "Is it disgusting? It doesn't matter, the days will be long, and you will gradually get used to it."

   took off the mask, and under the moonlight, the face of Gui Yasha clearly appeared in the eyes of Yuan Ziyi and Wu Chi.

  Blue face and fangs!

   Wu Chi never thought that someone could actually grow up like this, exactly the same as the legendary blue-faced fangs Yasha, this look, if it wasn't for Yasha, no one would believe it.

  Don't talk about Wu Chi, Yuan Ziyi is far from seeing Gui Yacha for the first time, but when he saw it again, he was still disgusted.

   "Don't dream, even if this girl is dead, she won't be with you."

   snorted slightly, Yuan Ziyi raised the sword in his hand slightly, "You have chased me all the way, what do you think you can do to me?"


   The red-eyed crow on the shoulder of Ghost Yasha made a strange cry, revealing gusts of dark wind.

   "Fairy in Ziyi, you can't run away! The woman whom Gui Yacha is fond of, has never escaped." Looking up and down Yuan Ziyi's body with desireful eyes, Gui Yacha spoke abruptly.

   The moment when the voice fell, Gui Yasha suddenly moved, the black three-stranded fork turned into a faint light, and it slammed toward Yuan Ziyi. The red-eyed crow on the shoulder also flew out at the same time, screaming and pounced.

   The moment Ghost Yacha shot, Wu Chi's heart suddenly sank.

  Although it's a bit disgusting, the strength of this ghost yasha is indeed terrifying. The prong that stabbed in the face is like a rainbow, opening and closing, with very few flaws! Even when he is at his peak, it is difficult to deal with it.

   As for Yuan Ziyi, I am afraid it can only be hard-wired.

   Purple air aspect!

Although   's mouth has repeatedly belittled, Yuan Ziyi also knows the strength of the opponent. She has never had the upper hand in the two previous fights! It took a lot of treasures to get rid of it.

  Whoever thinks, this disgusting guy has caught up again.

   Sword Qi swallowed, Yuan Ziyi didn't even have time to speak, and concentrated on the sword Qi to fight with him.

   In just half a cup of tea, Yuan Ziyi has completely fallen into a disadvantage.

   Yuan Ziyi's swordsmanship itself is coordinated with a ghostly body, which is strange and tricky, and can often form a lore.

   But the true theory of strength is obviously weaker than Ghost Yasha.

   However, Gui Yacha is fierce and calm, and every move is crushing, forcing Yuan Ziyi to confront it! As a result, Yuan Ziyi was very powerful and could only play up to seven points, and he lost three points before a fight.

   Zhen Qi was exhausted, even if Wu Chi was willing to help, he couldn't get in at all, so he could only observe the moves of both sides carefully.

  Although he had fought Yuan Ziyi before, in fact, this is the first time Wu Chi has seriously observed Yuan Ziyi's swordsmanship.

   Even though he only looked at it roughly, Wu Chi could still feel the subtleties of swordsmanship.

   It is not an exaggeration to say that this set of swordsmanship is the most exquisite swordsmanship Wu Chi has seen so far, and it is even superior to the Changchun swordsmanship created by the real Changchun.

   If it weren't for Ming Wu Chengying's sword intent, even if Wu Chi faced such swordsmanship, it would be difficult to parry.


   The three-stranded fork picked up the sword's front and fell on Yuan Ziyi's shoulder. With one blow, Yuan Ziyi was smashed out.

  Gui Yacha did not take advantage of the situation to pursue him, so he spoke in a leisurely manner, "Fairy Ziyi, I have no malice against you. As long as you are willing to follow me, I promise to love you forever."


   reached out to support the injured shoulder, Yuan Ziyi gritted his teeth and cursed.

  The time to speak, Yuan Ziyi has retreated to Wu Chi's side, glanced at Wu Chi, and said in a deep voice, "What are you still doing in a daze? I can't beat him. You can only stay dead."

   "I wanted to go, but he was so ugly, it scared me, some legs are soft, and can't run." Shrugged, Wu Chi said softly.

   rolled his eyes, Yuan Ziyi can hardly find words to describe Wu Chi.

   When is this, there are still thoughts to play tricks.

   "Hey, there is actually a little white face, fairy in purple clothes, you wouldn't say, what you like, is this useless little white face, right?" Gui Yasha's gaze fell on Wu Chi's body, revealing a trace of contempt.

   didn't even have the strength to shed an ordinary place. In the eyes of Gui Yasha, apart from being a little handsome, it was nothing good.

   As for Yu Jun, this is what Guiyasha hates most.

   "I hate little white face the most. This will help you kill him first."

   There was a murderous intent in his eyes, and with a three-stroke in his hand, You Ying threw it at Wu Chi! If it is hit, Wu Chi is bound to be directly nailed to the ground just like the man in the Demon Cave.


  The purple sword light flashed, Yuan Ziyi took a step, swung his sword and flew three-stranded prongs, his face was slightly white, and he withdrew several steps in a row.

   forcibly blocked the blow, and she was not well.

   "Why, you can't bear this little white face?" Gui Yacha asked with a sullen face, "Okay, as long as you follow me obediently, I will spare this little white face."

   "Make your spring and autumn dreams!"

   Yuan Ziyi's face was white with anger, and he tried to save Wu Chi, but he couldn't bear it for a while. It would be impossible to say that he was going to go with Ghost Yacha for Wu Chi.

   "You go quickly, I will try to help you delay for a while, don't look back, how far you can escape." Looking back at Wu Chi, Yuan Ziyi spoke again.

  'S heart warmed slightly, Wu Chi's impression of Yuan Ziyi suddenly improved a lot.

   Although this female demon doesn't blink at killing people, her heart is not too bad. At this time, she is still willing to help herself stop Gui Yasha and let herself escape.

   Based on this, Wu Chi was reluctant to leave her and escape alone.

   "Hey, Little Demon Girl, do you believe me?"

   folded his hands on his shoulders, Wu Chi raised his mouth slightly, staring into Yuan Ziyi's eyes and asked.

   "What did you say?" A little startled, Yuan Ziyi didn't react, and even ignored Wu Chi's call as a little demon girl.

   "Little Demon Girl, your barbecue craftsmanship is good, and so beautiful. If you are really bullied by this ugly monster, I can't bear to think about it." Wu Chi said with a joke on Yuan Ziyi's shoulders.

   "You!" His face flushed, Yuan Ziyi suddenly went crazy, kicked Wu Chi's butt, and kicked Wu Chi out, "Asshole, do you want to die?"

   "Why, are you going to kill this little white face and follow me?" Seeing Yuan Ziyi's hands on Wu Chi, Gui Yacha said with a smile.

"Hey, ugly monster, why are you so dumb?" After being kicked, Wu Chi turned to Guiyacha instead of annoyed, "I haven't heard of it. Is it love to beat you? You don't look in the mirror. Go, just look like you, if my purple clothes really sleep with you, won't you be scared to death when you wake up in the middle of the night?"

   Vicious, mean!

   Although Wu Chi often suffers from Zhou Xiaoniu's body, once he confronts outsiders, his venomous tongue's power immediately rises, which is completely maddening.

   Yuan Ziyi was quite happy when he heard Wu Chi scold him for being ugly and praised himself for being beautiful, but what did this guy say afterwards?

"What does it mean to sleep with him? Bah, I'm sick when I think about it, no, I can't even think about it!" Yuan Ziyi scolded with staring Then I remembered something again, Yuan Ziyi snorted, "Also, who is your Ziyi, surname Wu, are you impatient? You dare to take advantage of this girl?"

   When these two people sang a harmony, and fell in the eyes of Gui Yasha, it would really be no different from flirting!

  Fantastically, he has to change the law and call him ugly. Is this so bearable?

   "Little white face, I will kill you!"

   stepped on the foot, Gui Yasha waved the three-stranded fork frantically, bringing up a gleam of light, and killing him ghostly towards Wu Chi.

   If before, he only regarded Wu Chi as an ant that could be trampled to death at any time, without having to worry about life and death. So, at this moment, Wu Chi immediately rose to the point where the bug must be trampled to death.

   Seeing Gui Yacha kill, even though Wu Chi was angry with Wu Chi's nonsense, Yuan Ziyi still couldn't bear to watch him die, and swung his sword to greet him again.


   Sword Qi and Sangu Cha severely collided, Yuan Ziyi was forced back again, and the hand holding the sword even shook a little.

   became more and more annoyed at Wu Chi.

   "Asshole, if you don't leave again, I don't care about you! If you want to die, just go and die."

   Looking at Yuan Ziyi's annoyance, somehow Wu Chi seemed to remember the scene when Zhou Boyan was deliberately angry at the beginning, a smile overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and he spoke softly.

   "Little Demon Girl, don't be afraid! Listen to my words, go and beat this ugly monster again, I promise you can beat him all over the floor."

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