Cheeky Sword God

Chapter 686: Shadow of Tsing Yi, Voice of the Avenue


"In any case, at least it must not fall into the hands of people in the demon domain. http://%77%77%77%2e%76%6f%64%74%77%2e%63%6f%6d {new dagger Odd Chinese novel m}"

Lifting his head, Fu Lei said seriously.

"Not bad!" After a glance at Wu Chi, Chang Sun Sheng said immediately.

He knew exactly why Wu Chi stepped into the preaching land. The opportunity he could obtain was only a piggyback. Wu Chi's real purpose was to find Princess Changning and help Princess Changning deal with Yan Beichen.

Now it seems that there is no doubt that the opportunity here must be extremely important, otherwise it will not let Gai Jiuxiao stay here for so long.

In this way, even if Wu Chi couldn't get it himself, he would definitely do his best to prevent the people of Demon Region from getting it. Even if he knew Gai Jiuxiao, he would not give in.

In such a situation, there is actually a basis for cooperation.

"Since we can trust each other this time... Then why can't we continue to trust like this?"

Slowly raising his head, Wu Chi said softly.

In an instant, the three of them reached out their hands at the same time and held them together tightly.

.......... .

This is the most central location in this star field, and the biggest star!

Of course, there are also the most masters gathered here today.

Without the strength of Xiandao Tianjiao, he would not be qualified to survive here!

Even if it is easy to see the prohibition on other stars, here, it often requires struggle to obtain it.

Because everyone knows very well that only here can you have the best chance to participate in the fight for chance. In this way, even if it is worse, as long as you stay here, there will always be a chance to hit your luck.

Of course, when Wu Chi and the three of them set foot on this star, they didn't encounter too much trouble. Even after most people saw them, they would directly avoid them.

Without him, everyone could clearly see the scene when Fu Lei broke into the starry sky with a light sacrifice.

Such an enemy, if not necessary, absolutely no one wants to provoke.

Even Gai Jiuxiao would not conflict with them in advance at this time.

In this way, in fact, it makes Wu Chi quite regretful.

He had always wanted to find a chance to get more star stones, if he could grab some more meteors, it would be even better.

Robbery is addictive in itself.

Unfortunately, no one came to ask for trouble, so he naturally had no reason for it! As for taking the initiative to **** others... Even though Wu Chi has a thick-skinned face, he still can't do such a dishonest thing.

Easily cracked the three bans that were close to each other, and the three set up the magic circle again. This time, even Wu Chi participated in it.

It is no exaggeration to say that once the magic circle is activated, even a star-jun level powerhouse, I am afraid that it will not be able to break through the defense in a short time.

Coupled with Chang Sun Sheng's position, it is enough to deal with most situations.

Time passed slowly, and before I knew it, another skyfire meteor attack came again.

However, this time when the signs appeared, everyone couldn't help but suddenly shake their heads and stared at the starry sky.

It was completely different from before, the glow of red in the sky just appeared, and a figure was vaguely revealed in the starry sky!

Everyone is not unfamiliar with this figure, because when they first stepped into the preaching place, almost everyone was affected by the sound of the great road. At that moment, the figure sitting vaguely in the starry sky was impressive. It is the Taoist in Tsing Yi preaching in the stars in the Voice of the Great Avenue!

As long as you are not stupid, you can realize the problem when you see the figure of the Taoist man in Tsing Yi.


In an instant, Wu Chi, Fu Lei and Chang Sun Sheng glanced at each other and said softly.


The next moment, the sky fire suddenly swept over, and the entire starry sky seemed to be completely enveloped by the sky fire. Within a few breaths, the sky fire meteor suddenly hit.

At the same time, in the starry sky, the figure of the Taoist man in Tsing Yi became clearer.


In an instant, the sound of the avenue suddenly sounded!

As if in an instant, the Taoist in Tsing Yi began to preach in the starry sky.

Everyone seems to be lost for a moment at this moment!

Wu Chi and the others are still under the ban. Even if they are lost in the Voice of the Great Avenue, there is no danger, but for those who fail to break the ban, this moment is undoubtedly a huge crisis.

You know, this is different from when you first stepped into the preaching ground. Even if you get lost in the voice of the avenue, there is not much danger. When the voice of the avenue is over, you will wake up.

Now that terrifying skyfire meteor will not stop because of the sound of the great road.

Once lost in the meantime, he will be bombarded and killed by the skyfire meteor in an instant!

In fact, in just such a short period of less than a hundred breaths, at least dozens of people have died under the attack of skyfire meteors.

However, just as other people tried their best to break free from the influence of the voice of the great road, a blood moon suddenly vacated!

In almost an instant, Gai Jiuxiao's whole person was already turned into a blood line, facing the attack of the skyfire meteor, rushing into the starry sky.

Just barely breaking away from the influence of the Voice of the Great Avenue, Wu Chi and Fu Lei saw this scene, and the shock in their hearts was beyond words.

He gritted his teeth fiercely, and a bright color suddenly appeared on his body. Between one step, Fu Lei also stepped out of the restriction, and flew towards the stars.

At this time, Wu Chi naturally couldn't give up too!

The next moment, the warriors of the Primordial War broke out of the sky and followed Fu Lei.

In the starry sky, Gai Jiuxiao glanced at Fu Lei and the ancient warriors behind him, his eyes full of indifference.

Once you step into the starry sky, not only will the attack of the skyfire meteors be stronger, but the influence of the voice of the great road will also be deepened. Any single mistake will lead to a dead end.

Although Wu Chi did not come by himself, since he controlled the ancient warriors to fly into the starry sky, and his spirit attached to the ancient warriors, he would naturally also be affected by the sound of the great road. In this case, I want to help Lei competed with him, and the difficulty was undoubtedly even greater.

Without even paying attention to Fu Lei's intention, Gai Jiuxiao was enveloped by the blood moon and accelerated again, continuing to rush towards the position of the Taoist Tsing Yi.

Not to mention how much pressure Fu Lei and Gai Jiuxiao are under at this moment, but Wu Chi's mind is almost bursting!

The Voice of the Great Dao constantly passed back to his mind through the divine thoughts in the ancient warriors. Even if it was just to make the ancient warriors take one step forward, great efforts had to be made!


Between the backhands, Chengying Sword suddenly started, but suddenly plunged into his own thigh.

Blood dripping!

It was also through this severe pain that Wu Chi made himself sober again from the influence of the Voice of the Great Avenue.

Be cruel to others, and be cruel to yourself!

The pain and blood completely aroused the madness in Wu Chi's heart! Now it's not just his own business. To a certain extent, Fu Lei's life and death are actually all related to him!

Under such circumstances, Fu Lei rushed into the starry sky without hesitation, and it was precisely based on his trust in him!

In any case, Wu Chi could not convince himself to live up to such trust!

Even if you do everything, you can never let yourself take a step back.


In the starry sky, Gai Jiuxiao was only less than a kilometer away from the Taoist figure in Tsing Yi!

However, it was this short kilometer distance that made Gai Jiuxiao had to stop.

It's not that he didn't want to go anymore, but... he didn't dare to get closer.

At this position, the surrounding sky fire has completely turned golden, and the terrifying meteorites are so dense that it can hardly be avoided! More importantly, the terrifying voice of the Great Dao had already faintly affected him.

Gai Jiuxiao had a hunch that as long as he dared to take a step forward, he might get lost in the sound of the great road.

In this case, even if it was just a moment of loss, it was enough to make him utterly uttered.

As for Fu Lei, it was even more unbearable, as he had to stop three kilometers away.

Such power is too strong, so strong that it is almost desperate!


During the ban, Wu Chi's face was pale, and he had to put a handful of healing pills into his mouth.

Manipulating the Taikoo warriors closely followed Fu Lei to stop at such a distance, the influence of the voice of the avenue, and Wu Chi almost completely lost control!

On his thighs, there was almost no place to drop the sword. Even so, Wu Chi could feel that even though he was relying on the severe pain caused by self-harm, he was already unable to support it.

"No, it won't work!"

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind quickly, and Wu Chi forced himself to calm down again.

My heart moved slightly, and the ancient warriors suddenly withdrew from a distance of nearly a kilometer, and the pressure finally eased slightly.

"Preaching, preaching... No, it shouldn't be so brutal!"

After calming down, Wu Chi's heart suddenly became clear.

This is the place of preaching. Whether it is the sky fire meteor or the sound of the great road, the original intention of the great ancient power should be for preaching, not to embarrass anyone.

Now forcibly advancing against the sky fire meteors and the sound of the avenue ~ is simply going against the other side's will!

Such a move is simply going against the old Taikoo Powerful!

Even if the opponent is no longer here, the only thing left in the starry sky is the phantom of the Great Dao, I am afraid that he can't compete with his own strength.

Hurry up!

Perhaps, this kind of purely coveting the opportunity left by the other party and wanting to **** the idea itself is wrong.

The other party left these restrictions in itself to help people understand the great way.

So... what if you step back?

Let go of other thoughts for the time being, how about just treating this as an opportunity for insight?

The voice of the great avenue can make people lost, but isn't it the other party's way of preaching?

In an instant, Wu Chi suddenly relaxed his mind, and no longer resisted the influence of the sound of the avenue, but instead allowed himself to actively immerse himself in it, using the sound of the avenue to perceive the meteors!

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