Cheeky Sword God

Chapter 661: Despicable, you use a hidden weapon!


This is not something that skills can make up, but an absolute difference in strength!

It is true that Ling Feng can't use ultimate moves, but in the same way, facing such a situation, Wu Chi can't use Wanjian to unite! Otherwise, it would be an excuse to kill Ling Feng. Product Book Network


After barely supporting a cup of tea, Wu Chi finally couldn't hold it, and a flaw was revealed. In an instant, a deep blood mark was drawn on the chest by the wind blade, and the skin was broken.

A wrong step is a wrong step!

Once he can't stop it, it means that Wu Chi has completely fallen into defeat, and will only become more and more depressed. If this situation continues, I am afraid that it will not take a moment before he will be hit hard and completely defeated.

However, almost at the same time, Xie Changning's voice suddenly sounded in Wu Chi's mind.

"Raise your hand!"

The two abrupt words, even Wu Chi seemed a little confused, almost subconsciously raising his palm.

Wu Chi has always used a sword, and such abrupt movements naturally immediately attracted Ling Feng's attention.

It's just that even Ling Feng didn't have time to react at all.

Almost the moment Wu Chi raised his hand, a silver light suddenly burst out of the air, easily breaking the wind blade in front of him and heading straight to Ling Feng's critical point.


Wu Chi couldn't even see the trace of the silver needle, the terrifying silver light had already exploded on Ling Feng's body, and the skin was also spattered.

"Idiot! What are you waiting for?"

Almost instantly, Xie Changning's voice rang in Wu Chi's mind again.

In fact, Wu Chi was indeed frightened by the power of this silver needle.

How terrifying is Ling Feng's strength, Wu Chi is very clear, is the name of the Immortal Dao Tianjiao a false pass?

But just like that, Ling Feng couldn't even stop the flying needle in Xie Changning's hand. What a terrifying strength this was!

The most important thing is that Xie Changning made such a blatant move, and no one could see the slightest clue, as if the flying needle itself had been shot from Wu Chi's hand.

You know, today's gambling platform is supervised by the Immortal Palace Elder.

The strength is definitely at the real Star Monarch level. Moreover, it is not an ordinary star.

But even so, I didn't even notice Xie Changning's shot, this is the most terrifying place!

How can Wu Chi not be shocked?

Only after being scolded by Xie Changning, Wu Chi suddenly reacted.

Xie Changning's flying probe was terrifying, but after all, it was impossible to directly intervene, and its power was limited. It is impossible to defeat Ling Feng with the flying needle completely, and it seems too fake.

But if you can seize this opportunity. Taking advantage of the situation and taking advantage of Ling Feng's flaws, he would naturally win.

This is the meaning of Xie Changning's secret help.

At this point, Wu Chidang reacted, his figure swayed slightly, and he attacked Ling Feng again.

"Raise your hand!"

Xie Changning's voice reverberated in his head, but Wu Chi smiled openly when he heard it, pretending to raise his hand to make a hidden weapon, and then he flew out of the needle again!

Ling Feng's wind shadow step was originally almost perfect. It was impossible for Wu Chi to find a flaw, but under this small flying needle, there was absolutely nothing to hide!

Every time Xie Changning made a shot, he was bound to hurt Ling Feng and force him out of the rhythm of Fengying Step. In this way, Wu Chi would naturally be able to accurately capture Ling Feng's breath. A counterattack came.

After all, although Wu Chi's strength is far from Ling Feng, it is not completely without the power of a battle after all.

If you can't catch this opportunity, you are dead and deserved.

"Despicable! You use a hidden weapon!"

Once again stabbed by a flying needle, Ling Feng was suddenly vomiting blood.

Until this moment. He really understood why Wu Chi had the confidence to challenge him.

Simply relying on this weird hidden weapon to bully people.

It's just...Where did Wu Chi get such a powerful hidden weapon?

In fact, the audience was in an uproar when they saw the flying needle shot.

No one would have thought that Wu Chi would still use hidden weapons, and the power would be so amazing!

No one is stupid. Naturally, he understood how precious the hidden weapon that could threaten Ling Feng was.

It is no exaggeration to say that it must at least be a life-saving thing that the top star can make.

No one can get such treasures, and they must not be careful to cherish them, and save them for life-saving only at the most dangerous moments.

But Wu Chi was completely trying to fight Ling Feng, so he used it so extravagantly, it was too violent.

However, after a second thought, everyone thought of Wu Chi and Ling Feng's bet again.

Naturally, those star stones don't need to be mentioned, they are of little significance to both of them.

But a true Immortal Dao decrement is undoubtedly worth the price.

If you get up like this... Could it be that Wu Chi had already calculated it in the morning? This is too despicable, right?

In fact, let alone other people, even Liu Changtong, who is familiar with Wu Chi, has already been dumbfounded at this moment.

After having been in contact with Wu Chi for so long, they never knew that Wu Chi had such methods.

Only the elder of the Palace of Wind who was in charge of this competition frowned slightly.

Vaguely, he seemed to notice that this flying needle was a little weird, but no matter how seriously he stared at Wu Chi, he couldn't notice the slightest abnormality at all.

Every flying needle seemed to fly out of Wu Chi's sleeve, and there was no flaw in it.


The continuous flying needles also completely disrupted Ling Feng's rhythm, and was forced to be within three feet of Wu Chi!

Relying on the advantage brought by the flying needle, Wu Chi finally seized the opportunity to expand the three-foot sword domain, burst out all his strength, and severely slashed out the sword.

Three feet in front of you, the sword is invincible!

At such a close distance, Ren Wu Chi made a full shot, even Ling Feng would also feel the great pressure.

What's more, in addition to this terrifying sword, there is also that all-pervasive weird flying needle!

In an instant, Ling Feng's perfect defense was torn apart.

A mouthful of blood spurted The whole person flew out.

With Wu Chi's strength, it is naturally impossible to pose a fatal threat to him.

But on the gambling platform, there is no difference between life and death, only victory or defeat!

In this way, Ling Feng had already been defeated at this point.


The voice of the Elder Immortal Palace suddenly sounded, which also meant the end of this competition.

"Senior Brother Ling Feng, we have accepted."

With a smirk, Wu Chi looked like a villain, and people couldn't help but want to beat him up.

The face was dark and terrible, and Ling Feng at this moment was almost on the verge of running away.

If he didn't know, he wouldn't be able to kill Wu Chi anyway here, I'm afraid Ling Feng could not help but want to kill Wu Chi with a killer. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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