Cheeky Sword God

Chapter 1408: flaw

The destruction of the entire sky formation, and even the twelve gods and demons, issued the strongest blow at the cost of falling. It was so powerful that it could destroy the world.

Neither Wu Chi nor Yan Beichen had the confidence to resist this kind of power.

As Xuan Ming said, it is the most normal result to go to the end, dragging Wu Chi and Yan Beichen to fall together, even if the twelve capital gods and demons die, they will die heroic.

There seems to be no problem with all calculations, but the problem is that neither Wu Chi nor Yan Beichen can use common sense to predict.

For others, this is certainly a desperate situation, but for them, they have experienced countless despairs, but the result is that they can break through the deadlock every time and escape from the dead.

There was a cold glow in his eyes, and at the same time that the Dutian Great Array collapsed, Wu Chi's divine consciousness also ran wildly, constantly deducing the flaws in the Dutian Great Array.

Before, Wu Chi was able to contend with the Dutian Great Formation by virtue of his instant Fanghua’s magical powers, but after all, that sword still failed to directly break the Dutian Great Formation, because, in fact, Wu Chi had not found Dutian. The flaw of the big array!

That sword just used the power of the Qinglian Sword Realm to form the sword intent supernatural power, the explosion of a sword intent universe, and its power was naturally terrifying, even if it faced the great formation of the sky, it also had the power to fight.

But after all, it was only a collision of strength. Wu Chi only used his strength to the extreme, but he could not see through the flaws of the great formation of the sky. It can be said that he did not really display the essence of the magical power of the moment Fanghua. come out.

Of course, part of this was because of the relative perfection of the Dutian Great Formation, which made it difficult to find flaws, and part of it was because Wu Chi hurriedly broke through and had not had time to completely stabilize the realm of kendo.

But now, the entire Dutian Great Array collapsed, but Wu Chi no longer had the opportunity to slowly realize it.

Between life and death, Wu Chi looked more thoroughly.

For a time, the entire situation in the sky seems to be in full view! The most important thing is that the collapse of the great formation of the sky, although it is the eruption of all power, is also the most vulnerable moment.

Under normal circumstances, the all-sky formation is completely natural. Even Wu Chi has never stepped into the realm of gods. It is difficult to detect the flaws in it, but once it collapses, it is almost equivalent to actively breaking this perfection. Show it to Wu Chi.

If Wu Chi still couldn't detect the flaws in the Great Array, it wouldn't deserve to be called born for a sword.

In a trance, it seems that time has stopped.

The collapsed Metropolis Formation was transformed into countless points and lines in Wu Chi's eyes. The entire Metropolis Formation was composed of these points and lines. The destructive power that burst out was also contained in these. In the dotted line.

These dotted lines are the basis for the formation of the great array of the sky, the rules of the heavens, and the origin of the evolving universe.

There was a hint of comprehension in his eyes, and the most crucial point in Wu Chi's heart suddenly collapsed, as if in an instant, he stepped into a brand new world.

Nothing is perfect in this world, even the way of heaven is no exception!

Even the world, even the universe, is actually nothing more than a structure of countless rules. It is almost impossible to violently break a universe, but as long as you target one of them, break the original balance of rules, and then Perfect rules will naturally also have defects.

At this moment, what Wu Chi had to do was to break this balance with a sword in his hand!

While breathing, Qinglian bloomed again.

The sword breaks the law!

In an instant, a sword is eternal!

The moment the collapsed Dutian Great Formation spread to Wu Chi’s side, it was directly crushed by the sword intent to shatter the Dao rules in it. In this way, the power that can really fall on Wu Chi’s body is almost impossible. The blooming green lotus can naturally resist these attacks easily.

In fact, at this moment, Wu Chi was even confident that he would directly smash the entire Sky Formation with a sword, so that this devastating blow would break into pieces before it had time to exert its power.

In principle, this is undoubtedly the safest and most secure way.

But the thought only turned around in Wu Chi's mind, and Wu Chi directly gave up this thought.

It's not because you are not sure, and it's not because you want to give the Twelve City Gods and Demons a face, but because Yan Beichen!

Yan Beichen felt the breakthrough in Wu Chi's kendo, and Wu Chi naturally also felt the changes in Yan Beichen's demon world.

Unlike himself, Yan Beichen is really stepping into the realm of gods, and, influenced by his sword, Yan Beichen has already begun to break through. Under such circumstances, if he smashes into a huge array, it is simply It was helping Yan Beichen to make a breakthrough.

This is what Wu Chi didn't want to see anyway.

In the old days when he was in the sea of ​​stars, Yan Beichen prevented Wu Chi from attacking the gods and demons, and even threatened with Princess Changning, Wu Chi had sworn to kill Yan Beichen.

Of course, this kind of oath has no binding force for a **** like Wu Chi, even if he has now become a powerhouse of half-step gods, in his concept, there is no oath at all. This concept must be counted.

But the problem is that Wu Chi knows very well that if Yan Beichen can threaten him with Princess Changning once, there will be a second and third time. Not every time he can make a concession to Yan Beichen's satisfaction.

Yan Beichen has a cold personality. When he stepped into the realm of the lord, in fact, his essence was no longer Human. For Yan Beichen, he only pursued his own way. Humans and other things were not released by him at all. In mind.

Once such a human race enters the realm of gods, misfortune is unpredictable.

At least, Wu Chi doesn't want to gamble!

What's more, both Wu Chi and Yan Beichen knew in their hearts that there was bound to be a battle between them, and it was a real life and death battle!

Now the twelve capital gods and demons have been determined to fall ~ ~ naturally it is the turn of Wu Chi and Yan Beichen to share life and death.

If Gu Qingcheng is naturally disdainful of any small means, he is willing to fight Yan Beichen fairly and defeat the opponent head-on to win.

But Wu Chi is not Gu Qingcheng after all!

He is proud, but he is not a hero like Gu Qingcheng!

Even if the time flies, he is still the little figure in the Iron Sword Gate. For the sake of justice, he can naturally spare no effort in his life and death, but more often, he is simply a wretched slut.

As long as he can win, he doesn't mind what method he uses.

Letting the twelve capital gods and demons and Yan Beichen fight and lose both ends is obviously the most in line with Wu Chi's mind.


In an instant, the Dutian Great Formation exploded in front of Yan Beichen, and the terrifying magic flame seemed to be exploded at this instant.

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