Cheeky Sword God

Chapter 1340: Fierce Battle of Emperor Jiang

The broken bones fell to the ground, making people feel a sense of chill.

The death sickle is still embedded in Xuan Ming's bones, even at this moment, it seems that the gorgeous meteor shower is still vaguely falling in front of everyone.

The other gods and demons who returned, looking at Xuan Ming at this moment, couldn't help but feel chills in their hearts, but for a while the scene fell silent again.

Serious injury, the serious injury that really hurt the source!

It can even be said that if Xuan Ming hadn't chosen to burn the origin of the Great Dao, he might be directly killed by this knife.

Counting from the day the Twelve Capital Gods and Demons were born, Xuan Ming was afraid that he had never suffered such a big loss several times.

Who can imagine that the person who severely inflicted Xuan Ming this time was just an unremarkable human master, and it was definitely less than a hundred years to even step into the realm of the master. For Xuan Ming and the twelve capital gods and demons, this seems to be all It is a great shame.

In order to prevent any accidents, the other gods and demons were even forced to withdraw back, letting them escape the taboo.

Although with the strength of the twelve capital gods and demons, if they chase them now, they may not be unable to catch up. But after witnessing this battle, who would dare to chase it alone?

Don't forget, besides Ye Chenxing, there is also Gu Qingcheng!

If in terms of strength, Gu Qingcheng is truly the top, that is because he was injured. Once Gu Qingcheng is willing to work hard, who dares to say that he can stop his Allure sword?

"Not good, Dijiang!"

Suddenly remembering something, Shebi's face changed suddenly, and she said anxiously.

With this opening, the other gods and demons suddenly remembered that in addition to Xuan Ming, there is now a single Emperor Jiang!

If they were a bit disdainful of human beings like Wu Chi before, then this time Ye Chenxing's fight for life suddenly made them realize that they were really a little arrogant.

Even Ye Chenxing, an inconspicuous lord, almost killed Xuan Ming under his fate. Who would dare to say that Di Jiang alone was in no danger to Wu Chi?

Although they had seen Wu Chi before, they didn’t seem to really threaten the power of Dutian Gods and Demons, but don’t forget that Zhu Jiuyin did indeed die in Wu Chi’s hands. It’s really time to desperately. , I am afraid that Wu Chi's strength cannot be measured by his previous realm.

Thinking of this, the fastest Tian Wu, Li Zi, Qiang Liang immediately chased outside the Forbidden Land.

The twelve capital gods and demons can sense each other's position. It is not difficult to find Dijiang, but the speed of Dijiang is too fast, and it has been delayed for so long. They want to chase God Jiang, at least they have to have hundreds of breaths. time.

However, for the Dijiang at this moment, Bai Xi was already too long.

Coming out of the forbidden place, Dijiang chased it very easily at first. Even if he left the forbidden place, with his control of space, it was almost impossible for Wu Chi to get rid of him.

If it were not for the magical powers of the instant Fanghua to break free from the constraints of the law of time, Wu Chi would not even be able to escape.

However, just after several consecutive escapes, when Wu Chi used Moment of Fanghua again, he was no longer used to escape, but to counterattack!

Di Jiang didn't expect Wu Chi to even dared to fight back. He was caught off guard and was cut off by a sword!

Di Jiang was originally six-legged and four-winged, shaped like a yellow sac, and red like a pill fire.

Suddenly being cut off by one wing was also a severe blow to Di Jiang.

More importantly, starting from this sword meant that the offensive and defensive momentum was suddenly reversed.

The blood is red where the wings are broken!

Di Jiang's body suddenly stagnated, staring at Wu Chi.

"Dijiang, since you know that I cut Jiu Yin, who gave you the courage to chase me down alone?"

Holding the Shadow Sword in his hand, Wu Chi Senran said.

At this moment, Wu Chi also took up a touch of terrifying murder again.

Escape from the forbidden place itself is to attract the attention of other gods and demons and give others a chance. But Wu Chi did not expect that after escaping, only Dijiang would chase him down.

There is no doubt that the remaining Dutian Gods and Demons are still catching up with others, and this has obviously violated Wu Chi's original intention.

In this case, it is naturally meaningless to go back, so Wu Chi's choice is naturally very simple.

He must find a way to kill Dijiang, only in this way can he attract the other gods and demons over!

Of course, with Wu Chi's current strength, it is still very difficult and dangerous to contend with Dijiang head-on, but at this time, how can I take care of this.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of displaying the instant Fanghua, he made a sneak attack and slashed Dijiang, and Wu Chi fought back brazenly, with the same purpose as Ye Chenxing.

Speaking of Zhu Jiu Yin, Di Jiang also felt a sense of anxiety in his heart.

Until now, they didn't know exactly how Wu Chi killed Zhu Jiu Yin in the first place.

At this moment, facing Wu Chi's counterattack alone, there was a chill in Dijiang's heart unconsciously.

In a flash of thought, Di Jiang finally decided to take the lead.

In an instant, Di Jiang's body shuttled directly through the void, and his sharp claws took Wu Chi's head straight.

For Di Jiang, going directly through the void meant that there was almost no concept of distance in his eyes. As a result, the speed of his shots was naturally also fast to the extreme.

Even before you have time to react, Dijiang's attack has already arrived.


Almost relying on his instinct for danger, Wu Chi subconsciously raised his hand and blocked the claw with precision with his sword.

However, Wu Chi is fast, but Di Jiang's speed is even faster. He couldn't succeed in one blow. Almost instantly, Di Jiang's body suddenly penetrated the void, appeared directly behind Wu Chi, and launched an attack again.

With such a fast speed, even if Wu Chi reacts quickly, there will eventually be times when he can't keep up.

However, in the face of the existence of Dijiang, Wu Chi cannot react to you.

Suddenly, the instant Fanghua launched again.

Time seemed to stagnate again, and his figure shook slightly, Wu Chi easily avoided the blow from Di Jiang from behind!

With a touch of cold murderous intent in his eyes, Wu Chi suddenly unfolded the Qinglian sword world. In an instant, all his strength seemed to be concentrated in this sword.

When he was entangled with Dijiang before, Wu Chi had gradually adapted to Dijiang’s control of space. At this moment, by breaking free from the gap of the law of time, Wu Chi could see Dijiang’s control over space in an instant. Falling refers directly to the weakest node in the space around Di Jiang's body.


Almost the moment this sword fell, the effect of the instant Fanghua disappeared!

The emperor, who was aware of the danger, placed layers of space barriers in front of him almost instantly. These countless spatial barriers were far more mysterious than the folding space Wu Chi encountered before.

It's just that Wu Chi's strength at this moment can be compared to when he was trapped in the folding space.

One sword breaks ten thousand laws!

Facing Dijiang, Wu Chi finally fully used the power of kendo.

The sword breaks the ten thousand magic, itself is Wu Chi's strongest kendo magic.

It was also under the guidance of Gu Qingcheng that he finally realized the ultimate move, it can be said that Wu Chi's kendo was all interpreted in this sword.


In an instant, the countless overlapping spaces collapsed suddenly under this sword!

At this moment, a sense of fatal crisis suddenly rose in Di Jiang's heart. The sword came straight to the door, obviously unhappy, but it gave him a feeling of inevitable avoidance.

And because this sword was cut out by Wu Chi with the help of Instant Fanghua's supernatural powers, even if Dijiang wanted to change his tricks, it was too late.

With a cross in his heart, Dijiang's fierceness was also completely aroused, but he did not evade, and flew toward Wu Chi!

If Wu Chi's sword were to fall, he would also be able to tear Wu Chi's body with his claws.

The Dutian God Demon is physically strong, and now the emperor wants to use this to fight against Wu Chi!

Even if the injury is changed, and the injury is even more serious than Wu Chi, he will not hesitate to see who can't hold it first.

I have to say that Dijiang's judgment is very accurate!

If you really fight him like this, the person who died will definitely be Wu Chi!

Even if Wu Chi's body is tempered in a forbidden place, it is already extremely strong, but after all, it is impossible to compare with the Dutian God and Demon.

However, Dijiang still ignored one point after all, that is the Qinglian Sword Realm!

From the very beginning, Wu Chi never thought of sharing life and death with Dijiang directly. He used his sword to force Dijiang to fight with himself, and then involve him in the Qinglian sword world!

Under normal circumstances, at Dijiang's speed, it would be impossible to be involved in the Qinglian Sword Realm, but under such desperate circumstances, it would be too late to escape.

What's more, Dijiang couldn't think of anything unusual in Wu Chi's Qinglian Sword Realm.

Subconsciously, I only thought that Wu Chi wanted to expand the world and fight him desperately. With the strength of Dijiang, he would naturally not be afraid of the power of the world of a person who hadn't even stepped into the Lord Realm.

While breathing, Di Jiang was directly involved in the Qinglian Sword Realm!

When he noticed the abnormality, he wanted to escape again, there was no time yet.

The power of the Qinglian Sword Realm suddenly exploded, and Dijiang clearly saw that the embryonic form of the universe that emerged from the Qinglian Sword Realm It was at this moment that Dijiang truly realized the candle nine yin The reason for falling under Wu Chijian.

The prototype of the universe!

That is truly beyond the realm of the lord, as long as this step is taken, there is real hope to break through the realm of the lord and step into the realm of the real gods.

"Do not!"

Realizing this, Di Jiang really felt the deep despair and was involved in the Qinglian Sword Realm. Now even if he wants to escape, it is too late. With the control of time by the candle nine yin, Even if he couldn't get out, he couldn't do it.

At this moment, Dijiang seemed to have smelled the breath of death.

However, just when Di Jiang was almost desperate, he suddenly noticed that a crack had appeared in the Qinglian Sword Realm, and in a vague way, he could see a terrifying thunder blasting in along the crack.

Almost instinctively, Di Jiang took this opportunity to suddenly flee towards the Qinglian Sword Realm.

PS: I have come to my family, there is only one chapter today.

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