Cheeky Sword God

Chapter 1308: Strike again

After adjusting his breath for three days outside the Dutian Formation, Wu Chi broke into the Dutian Formation again. The difference is that he went into the formation with him this time, but not only the Exalted Master Realm exists. All the predecessors of Tianzhen have stepped into it together. ≥One small ≥say <﹤≤≤﹤﹤≤≤≤﹤

The mighty humans of the human race, the masters of the dragon race, and the top demon masters, there are hundreds of them alone!

Stepping into the formation again, the place where Wu Chi appeared was still near the human face and snake body, with his whole body crimson Du Tian. Of course, after communicating with Gu Qingcheng and Long Zun for a while, Wu Chi already knew that this A Dutian God and Demon is the candle that controls the Avenue of Time.

Without seeing these gods and demons in person, it would be difficult to understand the strength of the other party. Even Wu Chi would have a sense of insignificance in front of the gods and demons, let alone other powerful men and demon masters.

If it hadn't been for the entry, I had already learned in detail about the situation to be encountered, I am afraid I would have been lost in it.

Even Wuwang Demon Lord and Ye Chenxing had to admit that when Wu Chi and the others were trapped in the formation before, Ruo Yunshan’s judgment was correct, and if they entered the Metropolis Formation under such circumstances, even if they did not mention it The explosion of the Tianda Array itself must also be lost in it, and it can't help at all.

However, now that there is sufficient preparation, the result is naturally different.

The people who gathered near the same Dutian God and Demon soon united with each other and slowly leaned towards the Dutian God and Demon.

According to Wu Chi's instructions, no one dares to take action against the sleeping Dutian Gods and Demons, but the closer you get, the more likely you are to realize the source of the Dutian Gods and Demons. Naturally, you don’t need to be instructed to lean towards them as much as possible. All gods and demons.

In this case, only Ruoyunshan's reaction was completely different from that of others.

It's not that Ruoyunshan can't feel the temptation of Daoyuan on the Dutian God and Demon, but even in this situation, Ruoyunshan can still remain absolutely calm!

For others, this time breaking into the Dutian Great Array is to cultivate. They only need to avoid all dangers as much as possible and leave before the power of the Dutian Great Array explodes next time.

But for Ruoyunshan, he must have a comprehensive understanding of the entire formation, observe the entire formation from a higher angle, and find a way to break the formation!

Compared to the victory in this battle, his personal gains and losses have long been abandoned.


Above the altar, Luo Mou's face was extremely ugly.

When Wu Chi and the others escaped, he had already guessed that there would be this result, but he still did not expect that these people would be so courageous. Hundreds of mighty men and demon masters were all swarming. After pouring into the great formation, where do they think this is? Is it a holy place for cultivation?

But just as Wu Chi and Ruo Yunshan had guessed, his control over the Dutian Great Array is really limited. It doesn't hurt to rely on the Dutian Great Array to protect himself, but if you want to use the Dutian Great Array to kill, it will be very difficult.

In the final analysis, compared to other people, he just came in early, preemptively occupying the entire central altar of the great formation.

If he didn't dare to leave the altar, he would not be able to kill himself personally, and he could only promote the operation of the big formation according to the rules of the big formation itself.

Even if a little aggrieved, that can only endure.

However, the only good news is that if you don’t occupy the altar and dare not attack the Dutian Demon, other people will never be able to obtain the true Dutian Inheritance. To understand the source of Taoism by the Dutian Demon, the gains you can get are only fur.

As long as he occupies the altar, he is still invincible!

"You must be arrogant for a while, your good days... are running out!"

With a cold snort, Luo Mou simply closed his eyes and put all his energy on the altar again, adding to the resuscitation of the twelve capital gods and demons.

In fact, after such a long period of time, it was only a few short years before the twelve capital gods and demons were truly revived.

That's it, Wu Chi's intrusion, in fact, to a certain extent, also added this process.

The more people stepped into the Dutian Array, the more often the strength of the Dutian Array was touched, and the recovery process would naturally speed up.

This in itself is a mutual process.


Three years passed in a blink of an eye!

In the past three years, the power of the Great Array will explode every two months or so. If Yunshan and the others are stuck in the days before the explosion of the Great Array, Wu Chi and Yan Beichen will wait until everything is over. Will go out to tell them, let them step into the great formation of the sky again.

Of course, there are also some people who are greedy for the Dao Dao and who have a fluke mentality and haven't left in time, but without exception, these people have all died in the great formation.

Fortunately, the harvest is equally rich!

With the help of the insight into the source of Dutian God and Demon Daoyuan, in the past three years, seven people have broken through to the realm of the Lord!

Among them, there are four powerful people on the human side, Princess Changning, Ye Chenxing, Gai Jiuxiao, and Emperor Donghua!

The rest is Luo Jun and the other two demon masters!

However, whether it was Lord Luo or the other two demon masters who broke through, they were all people with extremely deep foundations, and the breakthrough was not accidental.

On the contrary, Wuwang Demon Lord and several powerful people who have lived from the time immemorial to the present, no matter how hard they work, they cannot break through.

This is enough to see that if you want to break through the realm of the Lord, what is really important is still your own talent. Any external condition is just a vassal ~ can increase the breakthrough process, but absolutely cannot rely on external forces. Forcibly break through.

Of course, it may be possible to inherit the Taihao Sutra or the complete Dutian inheritance, but having said that, you don't even have the qualifications to step into the realm of the deity, so why obtain this top inheritance? Even if you get it, why can you keep it?

In those days, for the sake of Tai Hao Jing, how many masters joined forces to besieged the Shadow Sword Master, and even led to the genocide of the human race!

Even Wu Chi, because of the shadow-bearing sword master, received the Tai Hao Sutra from Gu Qingcheng, he also experienced an extremely harsh test! It is no exaggeration to say that after changing anyone, I am afraid it would be impossible to comprehend the Tai Hao Sutra and gain inheritance in such a short time.

For the same reason, despite the fact that so many people are here now relying on the sleeping Dutian Gods and Demons to understand Daoyuan, it is absolutely impossible to obtain the complete Dutian inheritance in this way.

Moreover, Wu Chi could feel that the power of the Great Sky Array would be shortened by a few days every time it was touched, which was definitely not a good sign.

Luo Hou has been silent for three years. Once it comes to the real counterattack, it is difficult to say how many people will survive.

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