Bulgarian Empire

Chapter 11 Ethnic Issues

What should come is still coming, and despite the preparations, Ferdinand's mood is still not easy! This financial crisis came at the wrong time, and now Bulgaria is busy with big immigration?

Now they have to deal with the economic crisis. For the government, their work pressure is too great!

You must know that in order to ensure the smooth progress of the immigration work, Ferdinand did not even come up with the "Three Five-Year Plan" that had been prepared long ago, just to allow the government to concentrate on doing the immigration work well!

You must know that after the Balkan War, the population of Bulgaria has theoretically exceeded 10 million, reaching 11.43 million!

In fact, in addition to the original 4.3 million people, there are also more than 1.8 million Bulgarians distributed in the Balkans, who can be regarded as our own people!

They have always regarded Bulgaria as their only motherland, with the highest loyalty, and other ethnic minorities still need time to digest!

Among the remaining 5 million people, there are more than 1.4 million people who are deeply influenced by Bulgarian culture and are easy to assimilate. They are mainly distributed in Macedonia and East Thrace. Harvest, the latter is the result of Ferdinand's hard work after succeeding to the throne!

The more than 1.2 million people have been substantially Bulgarized, so assimilation is not difficult. They also agree with Bulgaria, and all of them have been replaced with Bulgarian ID cards, which can be regarded as basically digested!

In addition to these people, there are still some people who defected to Bulgaria during the Balkan War because of their hatred for the Ottoman Empire. They are regarded as a combination of interests and joined the big family of Bulgaria.

These people are distributed over a wide area, basically everywhere, including Albanians, Armenians, Macedonians, Blacks, Serbs and other ethnic minorities, with a total of more than 1.2 million people.

Of course, the Heizu and the Serbs had been given to Nicholas I by Ferdinand, and he newly established the Kingdom of Montenegro, which was composed of these two nations.

Many of these people also shared some of their interests after the war. The representatives were volunteers in the Constantinople War, and they were bought by Ferdinand.

As long as Bulgaria remains strong, they will have no trouble. Especially those who participated in the Battle of Constantinople were basically overwhelmed by the Bulgarian soldiers. They spontaneously cooperated with the government's work, and they were not troublesome!

There are more than 3 million people left, and nearly 2 million are diehards. Simply put, they have different religious beliefs and refuse to convert. They are all objects of deportation to the Ottoman Empire!

This is still based on the premise that Ferdinand has already expelled 1.8 million diehards in the Balkan War, otherwise this number will be even larger!

Since their leadership was wiped out during the Balkan Wars, these are now scattered all over the place, without leaders, and there is no major disturbance.

The real trouble is the other million or so people who, on the one hand, are close to Bulgaria in their beliefs, while at the same time clinging to their own cultural traditions.

I was reluctant to expel Ferdinand, and now the government has no time to spend with them and slowly assimilate them. More importantly, there are all kinds of them. Many of their relatives and friends have given up their insistence and joined Bulgaria. The government also has to consider the feelings of these people!

Originally, according to Ferdinand's established plan, the immigrants were scattered and resettled among them, using time to influence them, and assimilating them subtly, this time would take at least several years or even decades!

Now Bulgaria really doesn't have enough time to do all these things. When the economic crisis comes, people need to emigrate again. Who cares about them? This is forcing Ferdinand to be ruthless!

Of course, the Bulgarian government couldn't clearly understand this problem, mainly because according to the standards at the time, this group of people could be regarded as good citizens!

People honestly go to work, pay taxes, go to church to worship, and do not break the law. At most, they just engage in the traditional culture of their own nation in private.

Why can't they be called mobs?

But Ferdinand knew that nationalism had not yet erupted. After World War I, when nationalism exploded, it would become a big problem, and it would turn into a liberal fighter in minutes.


Ferdinand thought for a while and said: "It is a foregone conclusion that the export of processing and manufacturing industries to Russia has declined, but this problem is not difficult to solve!

The government is now informing domestic enterprises to prepare for transformation, cut some production capacity in the short term, and start to switch from foreign trade to domestic sales!

As long as the dozen or so large domestic enterprises hold on, Bulgaria's industry and commerce will also be stable!

The most troublesome thing is the issue of ethnic resettlement. In view of the current severe situation, there is a loophole in the ethnic integration plan we formulated before!

Once the economic crisis breaks out in full swing, the government will definitely have to make big moves and carry out resettlement. Now we have to think of ways to eliminate unstable factors in advance! "

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, apparently not keeping up with Ferdinand's jumping thinking!

Prime Minister Constantine was the first to react, and asked in surprise: "Your Majesty, are you going to start Plan B?"

In order to solve the ethnic problem, Bulgaria formulated three sets of plans, code-named plans a, b, and c.

Plan a: a gentle national integration plan, after expelling the diehards, through natural economic and cultural exchanges, the national integration will be subtly realized;

Plan b: Unify the language, characters, customs, and religious beliefs of the country through laws, expel all dissidents, and use force to eliminate dissidents when necessary;

Plan c is based on the failure of the previous two plans, and directly uses force to promote national integration. Since it cannot be assimilated culturally, it should be eliminated physically!

Plan c, basically, will come in handy in the age when nationalism is overwhelming. Now the top figures of all ethnic groups in the Balkans have been killed, and those who slip through the net will not dare to take the lead. There is no leader, and those who dare to rebel There are really not many people!

These three methods are very feasible in the Balkans!

The most critical reason is that among the more than 11.4 million people in Bulgaria, more than 2 million people who were deported were subtracted, and the remaining people were Bulgarians who accounted for the majority.

There are also many ethnic groups in other parts. There are more than a dozen ethnic groups, large and small. The number is only tens of thousands, and the number is only 700,000 to 800,000. Except for the Bulgarians, there is no other ethnic group with a population of more than one million. !

To be expelled does not count!

More importantly, quite a few of these farmers have no national consciousness, and no one can determine which nationality they are, so they have all been Bulgarized!

"That's right, let's use legal means directly, we don't have so much energy to spend, and use the shortest time to get rid of hidden dangers!" Ferdinand said after thinking for a while

After thinking for a while, Prime Minister Constantine said fiercely: "It is true. The workload of the government is already heavy. If the economic crisis breaks out, we will not have the energy to deal with these problems. Could cause us big trouble!

That being the case, then our cabinet will immediately formulate a detailed law and submit it to Congress for approval! "

Ferdinand nodded in satisfaction, and Constantine's act of jumping out and being scapegoated was in line with his wishes.

As the greatest Bulgarian king ever, how could he do such tainted things?

As soon as this law was promulgated, Bulgaria would not say that blood flowed into rivers, and cutting off thousands of children and eight hundred heads was just a small problem!

There will be tens of thousands of people who, in order to pass on the inheritance, will leave their homes and embark on the road of no return to the Ottoman Empire!

Then, the Bulgarian Congress once again used their high efficiency to let the world appreciate what is called super speed!

Immediately after the cabinet meeting, the next day, an interim meeting of the Bulgarian Congress was held to discuss the issue of Plan B.

There is no doubt that those who can become members of Congress are all big Bulgarians. It is in line with everyone's opinion to formulate a completely Bulgarian law. Naturally, they all agree with it. As for other nationalities, they are of course represented!

After the interim Congress approves Plan B, the specific rules will be handed over to the cabinet. It can be tried and revised at the same time, and then reported to Congress for review.

It is also called to adapt measures to local conditions and facilitate timely processing. In fact, members of Congress have jobs, are very busy, and are not professionals. It is too embarrassing for them to study legal provisions!

Time flies, and another three days have passed, and a "Bulgarian Language, Writing and Religion Law" has been released!

Contents include: 1. All Bulgarian citizens must use the Bulgarian language in public places, such as schools, governments, hospitals, and stations;

Any public official in the Bulgarian Congress, government, or army must be proficient in Bulgarian language and writing.

2. All Bulgarian citizens must believe in God, which one can be chosen at will, and religious persecution is prohibited. (Even if each branch transfers letters once a day, it is legal)

The content is not much, but the scope involved is very broad.

The standardized use of the first language is enough to make it difficult for other languages ​​to survive in Bulgaria, and it is simply impossible to move without knowing Bulgarian!

The second religion is even more powerful, directly making ** no place to stay. If you convert to God, is it still a ****?

Then these two decrees were immediately implemented throughout Bulgaria. Ferdinand thought that the nationwide turmoil had not come, and most people had an expression of indifference!

Except for some areas that rebounded greatly, but they have long been under military control, and they were supposed to leave. Ferdinand didn't care about their lives, and the change was suppressed bloody immediately.

In other areas, there are mostly discussions, as if they are protesting with their mouths! No, it should be venting the dissatisfaction in my heart, but there are not many people who are willing to sign up and leave!

Well, in fact, Ferdinand was wrong, otherwise he would not have made such a big circle, let the cabinet take the blame, and Congress endorsed it!

Cultural traditions may be very important to scholars, but to ordinary people, Bulgaria is a holy land, where they can have enough food!

Ever since they heard that the consequences of breaking the law would be deportation to the Ottoman Empire, everyone decisively chose to remain silent, whoever wants to go, whoever wants to go! Anyway, they want bread!

In contrast, religious belief is the key, but they believe in God. In their view, Bulgarian laws are nothing more than emphasizing religious freedom!

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