Bulgarian Empire

Chapter 13, Italian debut

One wave is not flat, another wave rises again!

The alternative Italy among the great powers jumped out again, just as Bismarck described it, "the teeth are moth-eaten, but the appetite is not small!"

Since July 17, 1894, Italy invaded Ethiopia and occupied Tigray in the north; in March 1895, Italy continued to launch a war of aggression and occupied Adiugra, Adwa and other places.

If you think this is the end, then you underestimate our Italian appetite! While invading Ethiopia, the Italians were also very interested in the British plan to carve up Turkey.

However, the Italians have a bigger appetite. Albania was added to the British plan, and the British agreed!

But this obviously aroused the dissatisfaction of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and this hand has reached out to its own backyard!

Does Albania matter? In essence, for the Austro-Hungarian Empire, that was the case, not worth mentioning! In the hands of the declining Ottoman Empire, it can be independent, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire has no plans to annex Albania.

But the prerequisite is that it cannot fall into the hands of the great powers, which will weaken the influence of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the Balkans!

In the Balkans, the Austro-Hungarian Empire is enough, and the Russian Empire is enough to extend its tentacles. It is a European steamroller, and labor and capital have to endure it!

What qualifications do you have in Italy? ? Is it because we are allies that I can tolerate you reaching into my back garden?

The Germans were also dissatisfied. Baron Holstair believed that it was the British who created conflicts in the "Triple Alliance of Germany, Austria and Italy" and thus disintegrated the Triple Alliance. He then instructed the German representatives to express that Germany had no interest in the Near East and refused to participate. The British partition plan for Turkey!

Without the participation of the Germans, the Austro-Hungarian Empire naturally withdrew. The Italians are still inseparable from the support of the Germans, and reluctantly expressed their non-participation!

Don't worry, Italy's business is not over yet. Although Ethiopia is a weak chicken, it depends on who it compares with?

Compared with European powers, or ordinary European countries, Ethiopia's army is really not good. But if you encounter an alternative among the great powers of Italy, everything will be different!

At the beginning, the Ethiopian government was frightened by the name of the Italian powers, and retreated step by step. Finally, the Ethiopian government couldn't bear it anymore.

On September 17, 1895, Emperor Menelik II of Ethiopia published the "Rescript to the People" that shocked the world.

Don't get me wrong, the edict itself can only be said to be quite satisfactory, but the influence it caused afterwards shocked the world.

Italy has set another world record, a record that can only be broken by the Italians themselves!

On December 7, 1895, Duke Maconan commanded 30,000 Ethiopian troops to fight a decisive battle against Italian troops on the Alaghi Pingdingshan.

The result shocked the world. The Egyptian army re-invented the army for the first time in the Alakhi Pingdingshan, annihilating 2,400 enemies, and regained Mekele in January of the following year. The Italians were defeated so simply and neatly!

This is not over yet. On March 1, 1896, the Battle of Adwa broke out. Menelik II personally led an army of 100,000 to fight another decisive battle with the Italian army in Adwa.

There is no doubt that the Italian army still played at a normal level this time, no, it should have played at a super level!

As expected, the Italian army was defeated again! But his casualty rate was the highest in the Italian army's previous wars. It can be seen that the Italians are not really that incompetent, they will also work hard!

The Egyptian army adopted the tactics of interspersed division and individual destruction, combined frontal assault and flank detour, wiped out 17,000 enemies (killed and injured more than 12,000 people, captured more than 4,000 people), and seized a large number of weapons and equipment.

After the Battle of Adwa, Italy was unable to fight anymore and was forced to conclude the "Addis Ababa Peace Treaty" with Egypt in October of the same year.

Recognize Ethiopia's independence and pay 10 million lire in compensation. This war was the first victory of the African people against the invasion of the colonists in modern times.

Well, none of that is the point! There are not a few examples of the failure of the invasion of the great powers, and the Italians failed a little bit miserably!

The point is that the Italians actually conceded defeat. It would be a shame to lose the battle, but as long as you win back later and win the final victory, it's no big deal!

The Anglo-Boer war is an example. No matter how much the loss was, the British persisted. In the end, they just exhausted the Boers and won the war without damaging the prestige of the empire on which the sun never sets!

But the Italian government didn't know what was going on, and was actually frightened. It directly conceded defeat to Ethiopia, recognized Ethiopia's independence, and paid 10 million lire of war reparations.

The Italian government cannot be completely blamed. The Crispi government fell after the defeat of the war, and there is no chance for revenge! Not to mention the new government, knowing that Ethiopia is a hard bone, why should it be chewed? ?

Isn't keeping it just to show the incompetence of the previous government? There will be harm only if there is a comparison. Only the incompetence of the previous session can set off the shrewdness of our current session! Why take the risk of failure to wipe the ass of the previous government?

This is terrible, the European powers can't beat the African chiefs! The whole world is watching the Italian joke, hence the name Italian Dough Army!

Ferdinand knew that the consequences were more than that. After this battle, the Italian Army's military spirit was gone!

If any country in Europe is fighting the Italian army, just think that the Italian army can't even handle the African chiefs, and their morale will be high and their combat effectiveness will be overwhelming. No matter how bad we are, we are better than the African chiefs, right?

Then in the following Europa Universalis, the Italian Army has always been the role of soy sauce, always the enemy's favorite opponent, and the allies' most troublesome teammate!

In any case, the Italians did a good thing and successfully attracted the attention of the great powers. The aftermath of the Baosai War was suppressed, in line with Ferdinand's low-key personality!

It is not so easy for the British to admit defeat. The Triple Alliance has not passed. Isn't it the French-Russian alliance?

The Franco-Russian alliance in this era is still overwhelming the Triple Alliance and has a stable advantage! As long as they get the support of France and Russia, the British goal of stabilizing the rear can still be accomplished!

It is a pity that the French are not interested in the Armenian issue. Gabriel Arnotto, the French foreign minister who once served in Constantinople, said: Without the intervention of the great powers, the Armenian issue will be better resolved!

The attitude of the French is obvious. They are not interested in carve up the Ottoman Empire, at most they are some economic interests. The diplomatic choice of the Armenian issue is to stand with the Russian ally.

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