Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 625: 1 artifact sets the universe

Chapter 626 A Divine Weapon Sets The Universe (Second)

"A scout didn't catch it?" Pubaluo, who was riding on the horse, asked his generals.

"Their horses are no worse than ours, and our scouts can only see the horseshoe prints they leave along the way."

A Tubo general who was in charge of scouts was very depressed.

The team was advancing, scout riding all around, found the extra horseshoe traces, chased along, and couldn't catch up no matter what.

Sometimes the enemy's scouts leave marks between the two scout teams on their own side.

And chasing and chasing, the number of scouts on one's side was small, and the scouts on the other side assembled for a surprise attack.

Until the bottom of Songzhou City, I finally saw the enemy's scout.

"Besiege, camp." Pubaluo didn't know the situation, calmed down and arranged.

In Songzhou City, the scouts are resting, bathing their horses, and they are temporarily out of use.

A scout team consists of ten people and thirty horses.

One team has a binoculars, and when they see a small spot of the enemy scout, their team turns around and ran.

A team always keeps the enemy invisible and keeps the distance of vision.

When I ran, I found that the enemy squad was too aggressive, so I contacted my surrounding teammates and arranged a good distance.

Hundreds of people have beaten a dozen people, but they are still surrounded.

"The telescope is so easy to use. First see the enemy. If you had such a good telescope in the past, you wouldn't have killed so many brothers."

A team leader stroked his hand on the assembled telescope casing, tears in his eyes.

The scouts must be elite, comparing each other, fighting skills, and even conflicting.

But on the battlefield, even the comrades who were going to fight down last night did not want the opponent to be killed or arrested.

"I want to have the opportunity to go to Chang'an to see Dongzhu Li and see what he looks like. He must be a great craftsman with a crack in his hand, and he has made one telescope one by one."

"He's only eighteen. From the second-ranked prose officer, his hands are cracked. People who have money must have tenderer hands than women's hands."

"In the future, we will go deep into Tubo to fight. If we see our people who have been arrested, we will save them."

"Yes, with telescopes, we can see them, they can't see us."

The scouts gathered to chat, not caring about the battle at hand.

Instead of fighting back one by one, the scouts should go out.

"The enemy has more than 4,000 cavalry, more than 6,000 infantry, and more than 5,000 luggage units, totaling 15,000."

Sun Renxian was introducing to Guo Ziyi the information brought back by the scouts.

Guo Ziyi nodded: "The information from the hot air balloon came back, and the number of people is consistent. 15,000 people dare to come to surround Songzhou."

Guo Ziyi curled his lips. There were two thousand cavalry in Songzhou City and three thousand Yulin cavalry.

As soon as the Tubo released four thousand cavalry, it could swallow the troops coming from Tubo with the cavalry force.

Yulin Feiqi's one-on-one, suppressing most of the Tubo archers.

With a smile on Sun Renxian's face: "Don't worry, spend a few days with them, I want to leave all 15,000 people behind."

In history, he defeated the enemy, and the enemy ran away many people. He couldn't catch up, and he didn't dare to pursue it.

At this moment, his thoughts are different from those in history. He has to clean up all of them and don't even want to run.

"The enemy besieged the city and may divide the troops to harass the rear. I let the people on the hot air balloon watch them, and when the troops are separated for more than ten miles, we will kill them.

Guo Ziyi said, looking up at the hot air balloon rising to a height of hundreds of feet in the sky.

Compared to alcohol blowtorch, gasoline blowtorch is better.

Even if the wind is strong, the height must be lowered when the height is reached, and the three ropes below are fixed.

Sun Renxian also looked up: "When encountering a particularly strong wind, it will blow quickly, and the top will be crooked? Then it will fall off?"

"It will cut the rope, let it fly, run along the wind, find a chance to come back, or land where."

Guo Ziyi explained that Yulin Feiqi is proficient.

In Lijiazhuang Zhuangzi let go when nothing happened, and floated everywhere, and even floated into the palace.

What is hanging on the tree, falling into the river, the people’s house being burnt...

After that, they won’t fall into the people’s houses.

"I heard that in the southwest, hot air balloons have done a great job."

Sun Renxian looked at the observation deck on the city wall, compared the hot air balloons, and found that the observation deck was not comparable.

Guo Ziyi looked at the Tubo army movement under the city: "If the wind is good, you can attack them now. Where is the Tubo commander?"

He pointed to a location, and the person next to him estimated that it was about a thousand steps, about 1,500 meters.

Sun Renxian raised his binoculars: "He wanted to lure our army out of the south gate to attack him. He defended the formation with infantry and supported by cavalry."

"Is the general in the middle?" Guo Ziyi asked again, turning his head to look at Fan Fan.

Fan Fan carefully put the box on the ground, wiped his hands first, and began to assemble the sniper rifle.

When the scope was finally installed, he placed his hands on Guo Ziyi.

Guo Ziyi opened the gun holder, seated it on the crevice of the city wall, and stood and took aim.

The scope of the sniper rifle is much better than the telescope made by Lijiazhuang.

After looking at it for a while, Guo Ziyi gave the gun to Fan Fan, who disassembled it, and put it in the box again.

"This is?" Sun Renxian discovered that the mirror on that thing seemed to be much more delicate than the one on his own hand.

No, the whole thing, every part looks exquisite.

"Weapons and guns that can kill enemy generals here. When he divides his troops, it's best to attack the city."

Guo Ziyi has confidence, the other party stays so far away, he kills if he wants to.

He even had a sniper rifle and practiced twenty rounds in Zhuangzi.

Since then, Li Yi has been reluctant to touch a gun. Some people are just unreasonable in talent.

Sun Renxian didn't understand Li Yi's depression, his eyes were obviously wider and his face was shocked.

"Guo Changshi, this thing can hit that far? How many times farther than the crossbow?"

As the governor, Sun Renxian knows how powerful the weapon is now capable of killing enemy generals.

No wonder Yulin Feiqi is always vigilant around that box, artifact.

"If you go a hundred or so steps away, you can still get it, you need two more shots." Guo Ziyi gave an answer.

"Can it be equipped?" Sun Renxian asked in a trembling voice.

He wanted to take the initiative to attack Tubo. With a hundred, no, ten of the same weapons, he felt that he could kill all the way forward.

"This is the only one in the world. It is Li Dongzhu's weapon. Let me use it." Guo Ziyi expressed regret and shook his head.

"It should be placed in the Sun Renxian naturally considered that weapons with such a long killing distance would not work outside.

"Dongzhu Li said that it should be placed in my hands. I bring it with me every time I come out, otherwise it will be a pearl in the dust."

When Guo Ziyi said these words, his eyes were slightly red, and there was a feeling of death for the confidant.

Your Majesty doesn't want such a powerful weapon, saying that it is useless to bring it around.

Dongzhu Li didn't keep it either. In case of war, Yulin Feiqi led the team and gave it to himself.

"Well, wait a minute, when you need it, trouble Guo Changshi personally."

Sun Renxian felt that the sun was shining brightly, and looking at the generals in the opponent's camp below was no different from looking at a dead man.

The other party couldn't think of it, there was a weapon a thousand steps away, and it still shot.

The Pubaluo on the opposite side knew at all that he had been spotted just now, and he had his own calculations.

(End of this chapter)

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