Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 124: It turned out to be against the sky

     Yu Huaide found that something was wrong, and knew that it was in trouble.

   It's very troublesome right now, I can't go back to'home', curfew.

   can only go to the heaven and earth from Pingkangfang with the membership card of the heaven and earth.

  Of course, Pingkangfang also has places to eat and drink, and can rest, but there is no woman to accompany it.

   He took someone to find a tavern in Pingkangfang, and his opponent ordered, go, and find out what is going on with Li Yi.

   Not long after, the subordinates came back.

   "Treasurer, trouble, Li Yi wrote dozens of poems and tunes for the girls of Pingkangfang, even if it is a northern song, Li Yi is called Li Lang.

   Some time ago, the shopkeeper Liang and others offended Li Yi, and Ping Kang Fang refused.

   After that, the shopkeeper Liang and others found someone to talk about the item, and paid 12,000 yuan to get Li Yi forgiven. "

   My classmate told Yu Huaide that he looked left and right when speaking, and was guilty of being driven out again.

   It is winter now, there is no place to stay outside, I guess it will be...

   Yu Huaide took a breath: "Then Li Yi is so vicious?"

   Followed the class and continued: "They call Li Yi the prime minister and Li Jiazhuang, and repay the proprietor Li with virtue."

   Yu Huaide trembled, and his heart was cold.

   He finally realized it, no wonder the shopkeeper Liang and the others were willing to pay 2,000 yuan to see a doctor.

   When I didn't want it, I ran away one by one.

   But everyone in Ping Kang Fangsha turned their faces like flipping a book, and even the county prime minister was afraid.

   "Why? Why is he so domineering? More than me. How can he be so domineering? No one can control the whole Chang'an? What about Chang'an order? Chang'an..."

   Yu Huaide shouted, suddenly remembering what Li Yi said today.

   I thought he was bragging, saying that he knew Chang'an Ling, and he said that Brother Pei, could it be...could it be...

   "No, this Chang'an is not a Chang'an Ling, so other officials can't see it?" Yu Huaide reacted, and things were not right.

  Chang'an is not the Chang'an of Chang'an. There are countless high-ranking officials in Chang'an, but others are watching?

   The other one came back at this time and sighed when he heard the shopkeeper's words.

   said: "The owner, Li Yi introduced a new method of filling fertilizer, a method of green storage, as well as cutting and burying magic, sprouting horses, threshing artifacts, and shelling artifacts.

   There are countless living people, and all 22 counties in Jingzhao Mansion are promoting it. If it can be achieved, next year, it is assumed that Datang will be all over.

   He didn't take any cents, what he said, it is not my intention to seal the waiting, I hope Haiboping.

   There is also a three-character classic to teach children, a prescription for treating frostbite, with Gui Fu Jian.

  Everything that goes out is beneficial to the people. My boss, we can't do it. "

   All the people in the class understand that this Li Yi has gone to heaven, and all the things are taken out for nothing. How many people in the world benefit from him?

   Why doesn't the court care about his influence on Pingkangfang? Compared to this little thing, he did too much.

   Comparing heart to heart, if he is a high official in the court, he would not care about it, maybe even help him clean up.

   Followers who inquired about the news came back one after another, and Yu Huaide finally knew who he was going to deal with.

   The heaven and earth belonged to Li Yikai, and his Majesty is said to be behind him.

   Your Majesty has newly practiced Yulin Feiqi, and it is said that Li Yi personally helped practice it.

   The coal used in Chang'an City was figured out by Li Yi.

   More than 200 students are desperate in winter, Li Yi Zhuangzi provides a place.

   The man in Bei Tian Fang was ill and was sent to Li Yi Zhuangzi by the county magistrate. Yes, it was the one who didn't need money to see a doctor.

  His soy sauce can't be cracked by others now, and his boiled eggs make countless businessmen bow their heads.

   The toad he made for Zhangjiacun, Zhangjiacun has erected longevity tablets.

   The imperial village above has no other relationship with him, and Gao Lishi always goes to him for a stroll and brings back a lot of things.

  The underwear worn by the lady of Ping Kangfang, the menstrual towel, and the soap are provided by him free of charge.

   He is not in Chang'an City, but Chang'an accepts his love.

   At this moment, Yu Huaide's liver trembled.

   How powerful those people like the shopkeeper Liang are, they asked their relatives to ask them to apologize for 12,000 yuan.

   "According to this, it's not much for two thousand people to see a doctor?" Yu Huaide first counseled himself and gave himself an excuse.

   "The owner, it's not a matter of two thousand yuan, Pingkangfang knows, and Liangdong's and others know, and there is also the county's prime fan Aifan Shaofu.

   You said that you want Li Yi to kneel to see a doctor, but your minor illness is in that respect.

   Li Yi knelt after seeing a doctor. A woman had not eaten for two days and fell by the Bashui Bridge. Li Yi knelt to rescue. He pulled the mortal person back from the king.

   If you want him to kneel, you have to die once, and die in front of him before he can use his benevolent hand.

   It is said that when he kneeled, the king retreated three times, the judge did not dare to write, black and white impermanence turned around and fled. "

   talked to the class, almost crying, who did the boss offend?

   "Change your fate against the sky?" Yu Huaide's lips were purple, his face was pale, and his voice trembled.

   He drank, trying to paralyze himself with alcohol.

   It's dawn and the curfew is lifted.

   Yu Huaide fell down, convulsing all over.

  The attendants didn't even think about it, and drove the car with the owner to Li Yizhuangzi.

   Li Yi drank goat's milk in the morning, ate mutton shaomai, and an omelette.

   feels very comfortable, he is six minutes full, he can eat at any time, he does not need to eat every meal.

   He is very happy. The eldest brother, the third brother and the sister-in-law are all here and have a meal together.

   But the three of them ate mutton soup and siu mai. My sister-in-law’s mutton soup was deliberately adjusted, and there were a lot of dried vegetables on the liver and mutton.

   dried vegetables in lamb soup...

   Sister-in-law is very happy to eat anyway.

   The queen and the king had finished eating, pretending to stroll, and found Xi'er who was also up for a stroll.

   Xier needs to exercise to prevent sticky intestines.

   Of course she still can't eat, so she keeps on nutrition.

   The Queen said that she was going to talk to the poor girl, so Li Yi and her eldest brother and third brother went to transfer to Zhuangzi.

   "Xie'er, is it better? Yesterday I wanted to come over, but there is no excuse." The Queen asked with a smile while looking at her personal court lady.

   Xi'er's eye circles flushed, tears fell, and she wiped it and said: "The queen will be Xi'er's death from now on, so there will be no complaints."

   "What the **** is it? In my uncle, one carbuncle wants to die. Are you kidding me! Uncle's medical skills are superb." The Queen still smiled.

   Then suddenly his face was stern: "If you feel uncomfortable in the future, you can't please me and bear it. Thanks to your uncle, otherwise you are really dead, and the doctor is helpless.

   You are dead, your family outside the palace is no longer concerned, but also think about the lack of a close body in this palace.

  Does it still hurt? It hurts me to ask my uncle to give you medicine. Don't go back if you don't get it right. It's hard to die with uncle. "

   Talking about the queen wiping Xi'er tears, she wiped more and more.

   "Queen, um, that cut intestines, I saw it, he...he also saw it, what did he see, oops!"

   Xi'er covered her face with a shy look.

   "Xie'er, don't have any other thoughts. Uncle is a doctor, and he sees the parents of the doctor. He sees everyone the same." Queen Wang hurried to persuade, but nothing else could happen.

   What if I saw it? The concubine and the side room can be given to others.

   She was about to continue her relief, when a heart-piercing shout came from outside: "Help, Dongzhu Li, help my shopkeeper..."

   "Uncle has saved people. Everyone wants to find him. Uncle is alone. Can he save the world?" Queen Wang frowned slightly.

   Li Yi strolling outside heard the movement rushing over and saw shopkeeper Yu, a shopkeeper Yu who seemed to be dying.

   "Prepare for the stroller." Li Yi shouted and rushed over. The fur coat outside was taken off and laid on the ground.

   Yu shopkeeper was taken out and put on.

   He knelt there and started CPR.

   Yu Huaide finally got his wish, and Li Yi knelt, kneeling for a patient.


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