Three hundred humans appeared.

They either held swords or handed giant axes, divided into ten teams and marched in ten different directions.

Arya was wearing a small and heavy armor, like a huge can, carrying two giant axes higher than her in her hand, leading everyone in one direction.

The sky of the abyss was full of blood and gray.

The air was not very good, and everyone had to walk a distance and stop for a while.

Strange twisted plants grow on the ground, and black mountains in the distance.

Everything in this world moved closer to the dark blood.

Arya walked carefully. He was the youngest in the team, but his strength had already been recognized by 30 people, so he followed her honestly.

Suddenly, a gray figure rushed towards the team.

"Be careful, there are monsters!" the girl in charge of the investigation in the team said loudly.

"Don't panic, let me come!" Arya came out more and more, her calf bent slightly and bounced up with a bang.

The huge axe in his hand fell from the sky.


Huiying roared and was split in half.

"Captain Arya is getting better and better. If only I could be that strong."

"If you want to be as strong as Arya, you should at least lose three hours of sleep every day."

"Yeah, Arya has worked so hard to cultivate, and she should have such a strong strength. WeChat search for [Sheng Ying Download] applet, more free TXT unlimited downloads"

Arya steadily landed, and the voice of the team members' discussions came in her ears.

Her small face was expressionless, as if she had crushed an ant to death.

"The rear team is responsible for carrying the monsters!"

She simply divided the team into three teams. The front team is responsible for investigation and combat, the squadron is responsible for the side response, and the rear team is responsible for logistics and transportation.

The rear team quickly carried the monster over, and everyone looked at it, but saw that it was a bug similar to an ant.

This worm is very big, half a meter long, and its hideous mouthparts and sharp nail tongs are daunting.

The monster was transported, and then dismembered, leaving only some useful shells, armor clamps, teeth and the like, and everything else was abandoned.

They can't bring much.

The team continued to walk, killing dozens of monsters along the way, and finally came to a high mountain.


"Captain Arya, this place is dangerous, I suggest you go around."

Arya frowned, let the others wait where they were, and ran directly to the mountain.


A lizard full of slime roared at her.

After killing this lizard, he found a treasure.

A black stone, a little warm to the touch, seems to be a good thing.

After receiving it in her arms, she found more black stones. She was overjoyed and put these stones in the package before she began to descend.

Suddenly, a huge roar sounded from the mountain.

Then a huge flying monster flew over.

Arya's face changed drastically, she ran down the mountain and shouted: "Run, run back!"

Everyone ran back, Arya broke.

She was inferior to the flying monster several times, which made her very angry.

Suddenly he took out a pill and swallowed it directly.

Suddenly, his momentum rose by three points.

"Go to hell, monster!"

He jumped ten feet high, grabbed the flying monster's neck, then dropped the axe, and his small fist hit the monster's neck fiercely.



The monster was smashed to death and crashed to the ground.

"Huh, I was finally killed. If it weren't for the pill given by the gods, I would have to escape."

"If such a big monster is dragged back, it will definitely shock people."

Pulling the tail, inserting the double axe behind his back, just dragged it back.

Outside the space door.

"Why hasn't Captain Arya come back? Nothing will happen, right?"

"Crow's Mouth Bah Bah Bah, Captain Arya is a person blessed by the gods, and there will be no accidents."

"Look at it, Captain Arya is back."

When Arya's figure appeared, everyone exclaimed.

"Wow, such a big flying monster has been killed, Captain Arya is amazing!"

Arya smiled and brought everyone back to World One.

Number One was sitting in the clouds eating peanuts, and suddenly found that it was very lively below, and landed from the sky.

Arya is the first team to come back.

When the number one landed, Arya and others immediately saluted: "My God!"

"Well, very good results, let me see."

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