Bourne: Command and Conquer

Chapter 544: ,dagger

Chapter 544, Dagger

"this is yours!"

"this is yours!"

 Zhang Yong appointed Zhao Guanglin to be responsible for distributing Dayang.

 He is so gentle and kind, how could he have any bad intentions? I just can't see Zhao Guanglin being too idle.

Pang Yu came up in a hurry.

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 The speaker was Tong Zhongting.

 “Report to the military, I will catch the Japanese spies.”

 Zhang Yong:? ? ?

what's the situation?


His strength is overwhelming, and he is certainly capable of protecting Wang Dong's safety.

 Someone called out in a low voice.

How could it be Zhongzheng Sword?

Tong Linge saw Wang Dong.

 Obviously, he did not want to mention the heavy topic of the Northeast Army.

 Have never been so happy.

  This is an unhesitating expression of support!

 There is no misappropriation.

AK-47 combined with cavalry troops is definitely a weapon for long-distance attacks! How many Japanese invaders can resist it?

I don’t know if there is an AK after the system is started?

 “Pang Yu!”

 These people nominally want to avoid war and do it for the common people, but in fact they want to be traitors. Wanted to surrender to the Japanese.

General Tong made it clear that this was a witness to the Revolution of 1911.

 It is absolutely impossible for the former to say that they were completely unaware of the uprising. Most of them knew it and didn't bother to care. Anyway, it was Lao Jiang who was tricked, and he was happy with it.

 Zhang Yong observed the other party silently.

 Is there any RPG?

 “Indeed. I’m good at catching Japanese spies.”

 “It’s General Tong!”

When someone takes cover, he becomes a veritable king.

 Looking at Wang Dong quietly.


 Zhang Yong:? ? ?

ah? calls me?

Tong Linge did not ask in detail.

 “Is everything he said true?”

 “Two treasures!”

"Yes. My name is Wang Dong. I am from Yangliuqing, Wei, Tianjin. I also have an eighty-year-old mother at home..."

 The Japanese cavalry troops were very elite. The fighting ability is also strong. A truly noble troop.

"Da da da…"

 “Have you ever been a soldier?”

Zhang Yong did not expect that Tong Linge would appear here.

 I’m Zhang Yong, what’s wrong? Do you need a Wangdong now? Still need a Zhang Yong?

 “I am.” He simply admitted.

If any of you are jealous or dissatisfied, go and catch the Japanese invaders yourself. Whatever you catch is yours. It's all yours. How much do you all put in your pockets...

 “So anxious.”

 They really worked hard.

 “Your name is Wang Dong?”

 Zhang Yong suddenly realized something was wrong.


 However, if there is no action, Wang Dong needs to rest, and it will be difficult for you!

By the way, he doesn’t even know where Wang Dong lives...


 Having said that, the Twenty-ninth Army still has a lot of cavalry. There seemed to be seven or eight groups. Three cavalry brigades were formed. The exact number of people is unknown. But there are probably five thousand people. I just don’t know how effective it is in combat.

“On the order of Commander Pang, I came to receive weapons and equipment. Where are the things?”

 Tong Linge, national hero, anti-Japanese hero. He held on to Nanyuan and died unfortunately. Posthumously awarded to General of the Army.


“Ah, you still need to worry about getting a wife!” Zhang Yong couldn’t laugh or cry.

 Then, a gust of wind left.

 Two oceans, that’s a hundred. It's all his own. He earned it himself.

The man is also very tall. It doesn’t feel like a cavalry thing. More like a machine gunner. Worried about the horse under his crotch.

 “He is a…”

 Sometimes, even under the illusion, surrender is the mainstream. Too many people were attracted by the Japanese invaders. Many people still hold high positions of power. Or the richest party.

 The Japanese invaders were a trinity of sea, land and air. There are planes, tanks, warships, and heavy artillery. The two sides are totally different.

"to be honest."

 “Take them all away!”

Pang Yu himself was extremely happy.

How could it be possible to hide this from the Iron-faced Buddha?

 “You are really powerful, you have made this possible.”

 No corruption.

 This is a very fatal point.

 He is the deputy commander of the 29th Army! Actually came here in person?

 Sending out cavalry is definitely the most correct thing.

“I think your posture of standing at attention and saluting is quite standard.”

"Da da da…"

 At present, he is the deputy commander of the 29th Army. Preside over all military affairs.

 “I told my mother that I want to marry a wife by my own ability.”

Tong Zhongting suddenly came over, stared at Zhang Yong, and said in a deep voice:

 “You are Zhang Yong!”

Huh? Does Tong Zhongting know that Zhao Guanglin is a red party member?

 Well, there used to be representatives of the Red Party in the 29th Army.

This seems to offend a lot of people! real.

 “I learned it from others.”

 “Come and live with me!”

 Not long after, mules arrived pulling carts. So more things can be loaded.

 I feel relieved now. It's his father who comes quickly.

"This dagger has been with me since the Revolution of 1911, and I give it to you now. If you encounter any difficulty, just draw the sword and show it to him. Say it was given to you by me."

When he saw three 82mm mortars and loads of shells, Tong Linge's face turned pale.

 He must not be exposed now. You can only hide behind the scenes.


 There is no need to hide this. Because that's his special skill.

 Either you die.

 “The military seat is here!”

Pang Yu hesitated.

How many cavalry did the Japanese invaders have? One hundred thousand?

right. About 100,000.

Even if it’s a bullet, one shot is one shot and one shot is missing. There is no way to add.

Tell Zhao Guanglin to find more people, but this guy just refuses. If he was attacked by Japanese invaders, Zhao Guanglin would definitely not be able to withstand it.

Pang Yu looked around, lowered his voice and said quietly: "Catch a few more, and I will have enough money to marry a wife."

 To the east are the Japanese invaders. The 29th Army was also cut off from the outside world. Shanhaiguan and Bohai Bay are not accessible.

Tong Linge pointed at Zhang Yong.

 Fortunately, the red war horse under his crotch is also very burly. Even bigger than his master. After taking a few more glances, Zhang Yong felt relieved.

 My ability to earn a living is fair and aboveboard, so why should I hide it?

 “Pang Yu!”

 Then everyone else immediately shut up. Including Zhang Yong.

“Since you are good at catching Japanese spies, then go ahead and catch them! If you catch all the Japanese spies, I will give you a medal!”

 He doesn’t have as many scruples as Song Zheyuan.

He once served as the acting commander of the 29th Army. When Song Zheyuan was "ill", he was in charge of overall military affairs. He also ordered resolute resistance to the July 7th Incident.

 At that time, it may cause some unnecessary trouble.

 Is there a Zhongzheng sword at this time? Probably not yet.

 But it doesn’t matter, as long as I, Zhang Yong, are here, I guarantee that I can get more weapons and ammunition.

 However, he did not panic.

 “Brother, are there any more spies?”

Pang Yu hurriedly led the way.

 In other words, the 29th Army at this moment is actually surrounded. Weapons and supplies from the outside cannot be imported smoothly.

  It’s not too difficult to make the 82-gun barrel yourself. But there was nothing we could do with the shells. Can't even buy it.

If only Chiang Kai-shek had a few more Huang Baitao, he would not have been defeated so quickly.

 As long as they are beautiful women, I like them all. But I won’t marry anyone, haha…

 The Japanese invaders have not yet become so arrogant.

Hello guys, a big shot is a big shot.

 Tong Lin Pavilion.

People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong.

 It was also the fundamental reason why the 29th Army was unable to defend Pingjin.

 “Take them all away!”

 “You, come out!”

Halo, why did you ask me to go out?



 In ordinary gangs, those who can hold double red sticks are all gold medal thugs among gold medal thugs...

 This makes every cannonball very precious.

 Thinking too much…

To the south is Chiang Kai-shek, so it is impossible to provide assistance to the 29th Army.


 Fortunately, it was discovered in advance. Otherwise, these mortars alone would cause extremely serious chaos to the troops. It will also cause panic in the city.

 Wang Dong nodded. Says it doesn't matter. Just say yes.

 “Don’t call me Erbao…”

“Separately interrogate the living spies to see what information can be uncovered.”



 No matter how bad things get in the future, he will still be a warlord.

Liu Ruming is even more so. When it comes to the Huaihai battlefield, who is still willing to work for Chiang Kai-shek? Naturally, he is working hard but not exerting any effort, and just wants to preserve his strength.

 Come quickly. Walking fast too. Leaving in a grand manner.

 There is no income more legitimate and honorable than this.

 Other abilities seem to be average. Maybe not as good as me.

 It’s a pity that there is only one Huang Baitao.

 “Thank you, military seat!”

"Military, what I mean is that I am better at catching Japanese spies. As long as we catch Japanese spies, we should be able to figure out where the weapons and ammunition come from. We may also find more weapons and ammunition. I infer that the Japanese invaders are hiding in The weapons and ammunition in Beiping City are definitely not limited to this place. The quantity cannot be only this much."

 Next, more spies will be captured. More oceans and more weapons will be captured. What's two hundred oceans? It’s no problem to save two thousand oceans!

 As long as this Wang Dong works hard enough...


 Zhang Yong raised his head in confusion. I thought other troops also wanted to get a share of the pie.

  Quickly transport all artillery shells and mortars on war horses. There are extra horses.

 This again involves the issue of the Lord Peace Party.

 Did the Iron-faced Buddha call him?

 “Military seat!”

If you want to marry the person you like based on your own ability, it is indeed difficult. How nice to lie flat.

 The 29th Army is a pure army and does not even have a few barrel artillery pieces. There are some 75mm mountain cannons overhead. There aren't many shells either.

 “Who did you learn it from?”

 It is also to stand at attention and salute.

 “Tsk tsk…”

 In addition, there is a very fatal problem. That is, how were these weapons transported?

 Without the cooperation of the traitor, it would be absolutely impossible.

 “Continue to investigate! Be sure to find out the ins and outs of the weapon!”

“Pang Yu, pay attention to protecting Wang Dong’s safety. He is the key figure.”


Even if the Japanese invaders recognize him, he can lie with his eyes open. I am Wang Dong. I am not Zhang Yong. You are wrong.

 There is nothing dishonorable about it.

 Zhang Yong stepped forward steadily.

 “Okay!” Zhao Guanglin agreed very seriously.

 The strength of both sides is not at the same level at all. Even the level of war is different.

 “No need. Lao Zhao is enough.”

At this moment in Beiping City, only the cavalry of the 29th Army can move freely!

“I am new to Peiping and have no place to stay. How about I stay at Zhao Guanglin’s place temporarily?”

“Reporting to the military, the spies were discovered by Wang Dong. He is responsible for identifying them, and we are responsible for arresting them.”

 Zhang Yong thought this was fine. He also has no confidence in Zhao Guanglin.

  No matter when and where, this special skill will be displayed without any secret. There is no way to hide it. He didn't want to hide either.

 The Japanese invaders’ ambition to invade China is impossible to change. Sooner or later the war breaks out. It doesn't matter if it's earlier or later. It will not have any substantial impact on the entire historical development. It's nothing more than a change in some numbers.

 Zhang Yong also stood at attention and saluted. But deliberately shrinking among the crowd.

Everyone got at least one ocean letter. That morale was so high, it was just over the top.

“Oh? Are you experienced in dealing with Japanese spies?”

Tong Linge also nodded. This is very appropriate.


Then I heard the Iron-faced Buddha raise his tone and say, "Old Zhao, find someone from your side to help him clean up."

Later, the Eighth Route Army entered North China, and many northwest officers and soldiers joined the Eighth Route Army. It became one of the important sources of weapons and soldiers for the Eighth Route Army.

 “Wang Dong, what should we do next?”

 Suddenly, the sound of horse hooves came quickly.

 It doesn’t seem to be Zhongzheng Sword, right?

If you take out this dagger and the opponent still doesn't understand, then you have no choice but to fight to the end.

Zhao Guanglin’s strength is not fighting. When you encounter an enemy, you can't defeat him at all.

 Happy smile.

 Even included some officers of the 29th Army.

 The production quantity of Type 44 rifles is almost 100,000.

 Come to Tong Lin Pavilion, stand at attention and salute.

 Nothing else, he just likes those large-caliber artillery shells.

 Zhang Yong continued to ponder the dagger. There was no one else around.

 Suddenly, there was the sound of horse hooves again.

 At this time, someone spoke.

 You will not have a wife?

 It is the one who captured the Japanese spy.

Honestly answer.

It is said that no one in the Red Party can be too idle. All have to work hard.

 Dance with joy.

 This is the spoils of war! The spoils of war! The spoils of war!

 Say important things three times.

 Looking at the other cavalrymen, they are all very strong men. People are very spiritual. It's a pity that the weapon is a bit stretched. There were not enough carbines. Many carry their regular rifles.

 Alas, I’m in a dilemma…

 There is no extortion.

 “Work hard. Dig out all the Japanese invaders!”

 It’s really dark. Dark from head to toe. Certainly not the kind of black that comes from Africa. It was caused by years of outdoor activities and exposure to the sun. Most of the cavalry are like this. Definitely not fair and clean.

 Everyone stood at attention and saluted.

 What to do?

 Give yourself a sword?

probably not…

“A few veterans who wandered from the Northeast.”

 If you put it in your pocket, you won’t be able to put it down.

 Zhang Yong looked at the dagger in his hand silently. It seems to be some years old. Notched. The hilt of the sword is also patinated.

Although there were Japanese troops stationed outside Fengtai and Wanping. But there was no cavalry.

Your father is a teacher!

 There is no other choice.

hey-hey. Yes, I am also a person holding a double red stick.

"I'm not…"

This seems to be a bit difficult. What are your abilities?

 Eating, drinking and having diarrhea? This doesn't seem to count.

  It needs to be checked anyway. We also investigate Japanese spies, and we also investigate traitors. Once conclusive evidence is caught, deal with it on the spot.

 Pang Yu went to make arrangements.


 Putting it into the portable space, of course not. It takes up too much space. This kind of ocean has no qualifications to enter the portable space.

 Then I realized that my denial was childish.

 They have just left...

Pang Yu was in a dilemma.

"come here!"


  Is there a 107 rocket launcher?

have a bee in one's bonnet…

 I don’t have anyone I like at all.

 Sigh, at this time, it would be great if there was an AK-47.

 Look at me, I am much smarter.

So just take it. One letter in each hand. The ocean is all wrapped in red paper. Holding it in your hand, it seems like you are holding the legendary double red stick?

 You seem to have forgotten that you are the second generation official.

 “Commander Gao, why are you here?”

 “That, Pang Yu?”

 It is much more powerful than any Zhongzheng sword.

People in the Red Party are also human beings, not gods. There is no Man of Steel. He doesn't have the ability like Yan Shuangying. It is also very dangerous to encounter an enemy with superior strength.

 The current geographical location of the 29th Army is quite embarrassing. Outside the fortress are the Japanese cavalry. The Japanese invaders had taken control of the Mongolian grasslands. Cut off the 29th Army's connection with the north.

I also saw the eye contact between Zhang Yong and Pang Yu.

 When taking action, of course there is no problem.

 The point is, looking forward to the future, it’s a bright future. This is just the beginning!

 He has little confidence in Zhao Guanglin.

 Either I perish.

  If the upper limit of morale is only 100, they have exceeded 999! Even higher. At this moment, let them catch the spies, they can run faster than rabbits! Don't care about anything else. Just concentrate on catching spies. rich. There are weapons. What kind of bike do you want?

 “You must also pay special attention when resting, so as not to allow the Japanese invaders to take advantage of the situation.”

 However, for a gentleman to take revenge, it is not too late in ten years. When Chiang needed him most, both of them got into trouble.

 Zhang Yong was about to speak but stopped.

 It is whatever the Iron Faced Buddha says. Must listen. Otherwise, the consequences will be serious.

 Zhang Yong looked at the entrance of the alley curiously. cavalry? what happened? Whose cavalry are they?

 Oh, it must be from the 29th Army.


 “Of course I’m anxious! This is not...”

 “What were you communicating with Pang Yu just now?”


 He wanted to speak but stopped.

 It’s a pity that it’s too late.

 Seeing Tong Linge pull out a short sword from his waist.

It seems that Tadamichi Kuribayashi, who was guarding Iwo Jima, is now the commander of a cavalry brigade of the Japanese invaders. It seems to be stationed outside the Great Wall.

 One is the uprising of two generals under his command. One is a weak offense.

For example, if the 29th Army had prepared early and stored more ammunition, it could have caused the Japanese invaders to suffer more heavy casualties.

 However, it is impossible to defend Pingjin.

It goes without saying that there are great traitors such as Wang Kemin, Yin Rugeng, and Jiang Chaozong. There are many little traitors down there. Almost always unabashedly. They all call Japanese people fathers. However, Commander Song did not dare to deal with them. I am worried that once these people are dealt with, the Japanese will turn against them. Then a war breaks out.

  “What a fool, you actually hid so many cannonballs…”

It's him.

 In fact, after the 29th Army was defeated, all the generals under his command became a mixed bag. Feng Zhi'an, Liu Ruming and others are all figures who stand aside.




 The man who led the cavalry was a swarthy man.

  Although it is not seen publicly now. However, the relationship between the 29th Army and the Red Party is still very good.

 Basically only the Japanese cavalry will be equipped with this noble rifle.

"That's fine. Zhao Guanglin is responsible for protecting you full-time. We will make other arrangements..."

 “Don’t be nervous. I’m praising you.”


 Zhang Yong had a thought. Could it be that Tong Linge is here?

Sure enough, soon after, a group of cavalry appeared surrounded by a senior officer. The collar patch is embroidered with two golden three-pointed stars.


 “Military seat, please come this way!”

What’s more, it’s impossible to award the Zhongzheng Sword to someone from the 29th Army! It would have been good if Chiang Kai-shek did not destroy the 29th Army.

 As for the pro-harmony faction and the pro-Japanese faction in Peiping. All are very powerful.


Pang Yu complained secretly.

 Zhang Yong took the sword with both hands.

 “Military seat!”

Zhang Yong had two big letters in hand and didn’t know what to do.

 Tong Linge encourages everyone.

Then walk out quickly.

Zhang Dabiao under Li Yunlong is one of them.

 It’s hard to extricate myself…

 “Zhao Guanglin, come too!” Tong Zhongting continued.

"So be it!"

If infantry is dispatched, the day lilies will be cold by the time they arrive.

 What I haven’t mentioned yet, first of all, we will force the Eight-European Army and the artillery shells. Move them all.

The Japanese are really getting more and more excessive!

 Hide so many weapons in the city. The ambition of the wolf is obvious.

 Once the Japanese invaders find out, Wang Dong will be Zhang Yong. They will definitely try their best to sow discord.

 There is no arsenal in the Pingjin area itself. There is no way to produce any weapons and ammunition.

 Iron-faced Buddha.

 Captain Gao was generous in his praise.

 Zhang Yong's conditioned response.

To the west is Yan Xishan. They are also hostile to the 29th Army.

 Final answer: “Yes.”

 Zhang Yong repeated the emphasis.

Pang Yu naturally couldn't ask for it.

 “Tsk tsk…”

Pang Yu took Tong Linge to check the captured weapons.

Zhao Guanglin:? ? ?

 Pang Yu is also aware of the situation in Beiping City. very bad. Many people secretly work for the Japanese.

 “Lao Gao!”

 As long as they are Japanese spies, if you don’t say anything, kill them directly!

 This is the best baby. No one should be missing.

Ha ha!

Ha ha!

 (End of this chapter)

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