Born Tech Mad

Chapter [105] Announcing 'Cold Fusion'

At the moment when all Chinese people are happy and proud that the country has mastered the advanced "electromagnetic ejection" technology.

The Yankees on the other side of the ocean began to bombard the Chinese government.

The United States claims that China sent spies to steal the most advanced U.S. military technology, posing a threat to U.S. security.

In order to discredit Huaxia, the United States even used insulting words like 'thief' and 'thief' to describe China.

The United States made unreasonable accusations and refused to recognize the achievements of China's military technology. Not only that, but also slandered China for stealing their technology. This made a group of generals in the Ministry of National Defense very angry.

General Xu, who witnessed the successful development of the 'Electromagnetic Ejection Technology' with his own eyes, was the most angry.

"It is tolerable, which is unbearable. The United States has discredited us in this way for many years. It does not recognize the progress of our country's military technology and slanders us as thieves and thieves. It also arrested our Chinese scientists. Hateful, annoying, shameless, obscene, Despicable!"

Lieutenant General Zhang was also angry: "A weak country has no diplomacy, and China is no longer what it was a hundred years ago. General Xu, we can't bear this tone. We can't let the Americans slander us. General, we use iron General evidence, let's smash the lies of the United States. I ask you to announce that our country has mastered two technologies of 'cold fusion' and 'magnetic compression'. We will tell the whole world with the facts. We did not steal American technology, we are Developed on its own. Our country has a great genius, his name is Ross, and he can do anything."

Lieutenant General Zhang's words made Admiral Xu look embarrassed: "I want to announce these technologies, but that little guy Ross has always wanted to develop in a low-key way! He wants to make civilian products. If I announce these technologies, I will be able to fan the Yankees a lot." A slap in the face. But it will affect Ross’s future! He has been very worried that the United States will sanction his Yuta company. Ross has made outstanding contributions to the country. If we implicate him again, we will be very sorry for him.”

Lieutenant General Zhang sighed: "Compared with national interests, personal interests are nothing. Even if the Americans sanction Yuta Company, so what. Will Ross's products not be sold? General, Ross is a good boy, He is so smart, he must understand our difficulties, we can no longer let the United States be wronged, let's announce the technology."

Admiral Xu hesitated for a moment: "This matter... Let's ask Ross first. Although national interests are important, it is a bit unfair to lose Ross's interests for the sake of national interests! At least we have to inform Ross first and ask about it. His opinion!"

"Okay, Admiral, please call Ross quickly."

At that moment, Admiral Xu sighed and dialed Rose's phone.

"Sorry, the phone you dialed is off."

Admiral Xu had just dialed out the phone, but the blind voice from the other end made him very embarrassed. In desperation, Admiral Xu called Liu Dashan of Yuta Company and asked Liu Dashan to find Ross, saying that he had important matters to discuss with him.

But Liu Dashan told Admiral Xu that he didn't know where Ross was.

"Forget it, I can't find Ross. Even if he wants to blame, let him blame me for this matter."

Relentless, General Xu left the conference hall and ordered the Ministry of National Defense to summon reporters. Faced with the smearing by the United States, General Xu, who represented the military, did not want to bear it any longer.

Three hours later, the Huaxia Ministry of Defense gathered reporters again. Admiral Xu stood on the podium again, and the reporters around had already prepared their guns and short cannons.

"Ladies and gentlemen, dear compatriots and overseas Chinese, good afternoon everyone. I am here, on behalf of the Chinese military, to explain our country's 'electromagnetic ejection technology'."

"I hereby solemnly promise that Huaxia's electromagnetic ejection technology is completely independently developed. We are self-reliant to develop the 'electromagnetic projectile' technology. The accusations made by the United States are unreasonable, even absurd. How can the technology mastered by the United States, We have mastered it, but we are stealing your technology? You are always so domineering. In your subconscious, you think that only the United States has the best technology in the world. Only the United States can master cutting-edge technology. The high technology developed by other countries is derived from You Americans stole it! This is exactly the logic of robbers!"

"In order to prove that our country is capable of developing an 'electromagnetic catapult', I hereby announce another high-tech that our country has mastered."

"Our country has made a breakthrough in 'cold fusion' technology. Our country is the first country in the world capable of mastering 'cold fusion' technology. America, I would like to ask you on behalf of the Chinese people. We even have 'cold fusion' technology "Having mastered everything, can't we develop an electromagnetic catapult? Not only can we master the technology that your United States has, but we can also master high-tech that your United States does not have. Do you, the United States, think that China's 'cold' Fusion technology was also stolen from the United States. Hehe! Sorry, I have to be straightforward. The U.S.' cold fusion technology is still at the stage of crossing the river by feeling the stones."

"The wisdom of the Chinese people has never been lost to anyone. Please stop distorting the facts and discrediting the Chinese people. Please Americans stop treating China as a potential enemy. The Chinese people and the government have always been peace-loving .We hope to develop peacefully with all countries. We have no intention of being enemies with anyone. Everything we do is to make life better for 1.3 billion people and make our country safer."

"In order to prove that what I said is true, I will release a video to prove that Huaxia has made a breakthrough in the field of science and technology. Huaxia is rising and will not stop developing because of anyone or any country's obstruction. He Ze Win-win, fighting loses both, Huaxia will embrace friends at any time, and is also ready to meet the enemy at any time."

After Admiral Xu finished speaking, he released another video in front of all the reporters.

This video is exactly the video of the 'arc reactor' on China's Liao Ning ship.

In the video, a reactor with a height of three meters and a diameter of four meters is both handsome and domineering, emitting a faint blue light, exuding the taste of science fiction.

Connected to the reactor are cables as thick as thighs.

The reactor at the center of the reactor is producing a fission reaction. After a strong current gushes out, the number displayed on the reactor is 5500 kWh per second.

After the video was released, the reporters on the scene were shocked again.

The reactor in front of me is too sci-fi, fascinating, and familiar. It is Tony's reactor in the movie "Iron Man", but it is only magnified a hundred times.

"Cold fusion...have humans really mastered cold fusion technology?"

"It's not's too sci-fi, it's seems to be reality!"

"How... how is it possible, the whole world is still in the exploration stage of 'cold fusion' technology, how can the Chinese people reach the sky in one step, and come up with high technology that the United States is exploring?"

"My God! My God! Is this real? Is it really cold fusion? This is a technology that can change the entire human race!"

"The success of cold fusion technology is a milestone in human science and technology. The Chinese have developed high technology that even God envies!"

"Unbelievable, unbelievable. Huaxia actually has fantastic technology. My God! What technology can't be developed in Huaxia that can even produce cold fusion?"

"A great and powerful Huaxia has really risen. With the 'cold fusion' technology alone, Huaxia is enough to dominate the world."

The reporters on the scene almost went crazy, and some foreigners were so excited that they almost lost control. Cold fusion, the technology that human beings dream of, has become a reality. It is not the United States or the European Union that masters this advanced technology, but China, which has been double sanctioned by Western technology and military.

Facing the excited reporters, Admiral Xu showed a smile on his face: "Friends from the press, whether our country has really mastered the 'cold fusion' technology, let the experts in your country study the authenticity of the video to find out."

"Here, I solemnly announce that Huaxia has not only mastered the advanced 'cold fusion' technology, but we have made major breakthroughs in many other technological fields. Whether you are happy or not, Huaxia will still develop various advanced technologies .Because we have the greatest scientists in the world, we have the greatest people in the world, we have endless motivation."

Admiral Xu's speech spread all over the world through the Internet in an instant.

In a day, the universe trembled, and the world was moved.

The whole of the west, the whole of the earth, seems to have had a super earthquake, and people are discussing Huaxia's "cold fusion" technology enthusiastically.

Rose, who has always wanted to keep a low profile, can no longer keep a low profile. He has already used the 'cold fusion' technology to make a sensation in the whole world.

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