Blue and White Society

Chapter 687: cunning ether

  Chapter 687 The Cunning Ether

  The Lanbai Society did not get all the information from the ancient assassins.

   In addition to knowing that the water mans is a water fuser with indiscriminate attacks, which fuses all water molecules within a certain range into one drop.

  The rest of Huomang and Fengmang only know a little bit.

   But this is enough, can't you face it if you don't know the characteristics?

   Lanbai Society is used to facing the unknown, even if there is no information, this matter still needs to be resolved.

   "Fortunately, I know what the golden apple looks like, you should track it immediately!" said the doctor.

  Mo Poor nodded, and immediately threw a speck of dust.

   "Why don't you lose the locator?" asked the doctor.

  Mo Poor said: "I'm used to throwing an inconspicuous thing first, and it's not easy to startle the snake."

  I saw him with his eagle eyes open, following the speck of dust.

   As a result, the dust flew all the way to the restricted apartment on Moe Island, and landed in the hands of a restricted person in the cafeteria. He was holding a peeled apple in his hand.

   "What's the situation? Is the ether lurking on Moe Island?" The doctor's pupils shrank.

   Mo Poor frowned, and then found out that he still knew the limiter, and it was Zhang Wei, a man of different blood.

  Seeing Mo Poor, Zhang Wei jumped up from his chair, rushed up with a bear hug and said, "Oh my God! Mo Poor? Why are you back?"


  The corner of Mo Poor's mouth twitched, it's been four years, why is Zhang Wei still hanging around on Mengdao waiting to die? Isn't it a maximum of one year?

   "I'm a member now, but you, why are you still in Mengdao?" Mo Poor asked, and quietly took the apple in Zhang Wei's hand.

   Zhang Wei didn't mind that Mo Poor took his apple, and took a piece of watermelon from the buffet table in the cafeteria to eat.

He said: "I'm not a restricted person anymore. But it's really boring to go back to work. How good it is here, I can stay in the house for the rest of my life. Now I am the life director of the restricted person, and I am also a peripheral staff, responsible for managing the restricted person's dormitory. And explain the rules to newcomers."

   There is food, drink, and internet here. Although it cannot be connected to the outside world, Zhang Wei seems to be satisfied with playing stand-alone games and watching anime.

  He seems to really want to live like this for the rest of his life...

  Mo Poor exchanged pleasantries with him, and then left.

   Soon the doctor’s investigation results came out, Zhang Wei has no problem, he has been staying in the one-acre three-point land of this restricted apartment for the past three years, and has never been anywhere...

   This apple was also peeled by him in front of countless people. This is an ordinary apple.

   "You made a mistake," said the doctor.

  Mo Poor tried again, and found that this time the dust was flying all the way out of the island.

   "It seems that I really made a mistake, this time it should be right." Mo Poor immediately drove the plane to the new destination together with Gou Che Yun.

  However, when they arrived in a nearby city, they found that the dust had entered the stomach of the passer-by. According to the investigation, he was fine, but he was eating an apple before.

   "What's the situation? Wrong again?" Master Gou couldn't help asking.

Mo Poor lowered his head in thought, and said seriously: "Either, the golden apple has anti-tracking characteristics, which suppressed my absolute hit. Or... the image of the golden apple I got was wrong, so the absolute hit fuzzy judgment hit the closest similar target." a goal of

  He found that the apples that hit him twice were all peeled apples that were extremely similar to the picture he had in mind.

  If the appearance of the golden apple has changed, then what Mo Poor is targeting is just an ordinary apple.

   "Ah! Damn!"

  Mo Poor suddenly remembered that the appearance remembered by the three generations was the appearance of the golden apple nearly two thousand years ago.

   According to the characteristics of the golden apple mentioned by the third generation, once the golden apple is eaten, when it reappears, it is a nearby apple that 'inherits' the position of the golden apple.

  The characteristics have been inherited, but the appearance has changed. People have changed apples.

   In other words, Mo Poor didn't shoot the 'golden apple' at all just now, but just shot an apple that was 'peeled and without any signs of rot'.

  Mo Poor is disappointed, the information of the third generation is too old...

   "Okay, we're back to the original point." Lord Gou said.

  Mo Poong thought: "Not all, at least we know the characteristics of golden apples, check the security records of all flights, and check all the people who brought apples on the plane."

   "Including all means of transportation, and even all behaviors of consigning apples, must be reviewed."

   "If he walks through regular channels, we will definitely find that golden apple."


  Two days later, Mo Poor and the others arrived in New York.

  After the target committed the crime in New York, he never left through any formal channels. At least no suspicious apples were found in the places where the Blue and White Society forces could search.

  In order to capture Ether, an elite containment team was organized in the society three months ago.

   There are six people in total, the leader is Luo Yan, and the others are all beta-level.

   But now, there are only four members in this team, because in the past three months, they not only failed to capture the ether, but also had two members assassinated because of the failure of the bait plan.

   One died of dehydration, the other was pierced in the head by a toothbrush.

   Over the past three months, the confrontation between the Lanbai Society and the Ether has been everywhere, and the peripheral personnel who secretly investigate are often assassinated.

  So Luo Yan led the team, intentionally lurking near a group of exposed peripheral personnel, and sniped them when the ether made a move.

  In fact, they really did ambush, but the ether was even more cunning, and they didn't show up at all.

   I don't know what method was used, and everyone in the corner of the square was dehydrated to death.

  Not to mention the death of the peripheral personnel who were supposed to be protected, there are more than a dozen civilians who were innocently affected.

   Even the nearest Beta member who ambushed was caught in seconds.

  Thanks to the dehydration effect, the range seems to be small, otherwise Luo Yan's team might be completely wiped out.

  But Luo Yan was not afraid, he immediately jumped into the sewer to search, and at the same time ordered other members to control the scene, so that no one in the vicinity, no matter male or female, no matter how old or young, was not allowed to leave.

  After that, Luo Yan questioned them repeatedly, even hypnotized those passers-by, and even searched their homes.

  Unfortunately, nothing was found, so they had to be put back.

   Even so, Luo Yan still cautiously sent people to observe secretly.

   As a result, this stare, something went wrong.

  One of the passers-by turned out to be Ether. He found out directly, killed the member who was secretly following him, and fled.

  The enraged Luo Yan set up a net all over the world, but unfortunately, soon after, Ether went to New York to assassinate a group of civilians and outsiders.

  Changed place, no longer playing with them...

   "You guys are here..." Luo Yan came to New York, and when he saw Mo Poor, his eyes were gloomy, and he felt extremely aggrieved.

  The other party has at least six containment objects, and they are still beating them so wretchedly.

  The enemy is well aware of the hunting and arresting capabilities of the Lanbai Society, so they don't give them a chance at all. Anyway, they don't have to kill them, they kill them if they can, and run away if they can't.

  Mo Poor said: "Luo Yan, I hope to verify the identities of everyone in the team."

  Luo Yan was taken aback, and Mo Poor immediately explained that the other party could pretend to be anyone.

   "This guy is hiding in the city."

"Sure enough, it's no wonder that we checked the group of passers-by and found nothing, even fingerprints and blood tests. It turned out that he used the containment to turn himself into someone else. But why can't we find any clues through hypnosis? " Luo Yan said.

Mo Poor said: "Don't underestimate Ai Tai. The Qinguli family is the most powerful group of assassins. He should be able to actively split his personality. That is to say, what you hypnotized and investigated is just completely imitating the identity of passers-by, fabricating a personality."

   "It can be said that he didn't even know he was an assassin at the time, and thought he was just an office worker. How could you find out the problem?"

  Luo Yan gritted his teeth, the perfect disguise of the contents, coupled with the fake personality, directly deceived him.

   "Now that I know it, it's easy to handle. It's impossible for him to not make mistakes in his memory, right? It's impossible for him to interrogate ordinary people from childhood to adulthood."

  Mo Poor smiled and said: "But it is impossible to catch him so easily. We are getting familiar with his routines, and he is also getting familiar with ours."

   "Do you have a solution?" Luo Yan asked.

   "Yes, but I must first make sure that everyone who is doing it is my own." Mo Poor said.


  (end of this chapter)

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