Blue and White Society

Chapter 373: white robe like ink

  Chapter 373 White Robe Like Ink

  β-550, the Stone of Liberty.

  It can convert any organism into stone products, including cement, various rocks and ores.

  The longer the holder touches the target, the more complex the transformed stone artifacts will be, including but not limited to exquisitely crafted stone statues.

  The transformed creature can move freely if its intelligence level is high enough, and it is a free stone like a living thing. It can also be restored to a living state with the owner's permission.

   But this kind of movement, including switching states, transforming other creatures, etc., will lead to a decrease in the "time of being a living creature".

   When the time reaches zero, the mob is forcibly transformed into a stone product, which can never be restored.

  The earliest owner is unknown, it is known that it was first discovered in ancient Greece.

   It is said that the chief designer of the reconstruction of Athens, a master sculptor who is well-known in the Greek city-states, once held it.

  Phidias once personally made three statues of Athena for the Acropolis of Athens, which are lifelike and beautiful.

  Its most incredible work is the statue of Zeus, more than 20 meters high, tall and majestic, like a **** in person, once regarded as one of the miracles of the world, but because it was destroyed by war, it only exists in words.

  The containment was started by him, went through several owners, and was used to make artworks in the Roman era, assisting and participating in the creation of countless magnificent wonders.

  Until the fifth century AD, the Germanic invasion, the fall of the Western Roman Empire, and the complete disappearance of the classical era, the Liberty Stone was taken away by a group of stonemasons.

  The group of stonemasons is the last group of people who retain ancient craftsmanship and cultural knowledge.

   They have witnessed the destruction of culture, the death of knowledge, and the destruction of civilization. Long been brutalized by ignorant medieval nobles.

  In order to protect knowledge and literature from being destroyed by barbarism and ignorance, they finally completed their transformation during centuries of oppression, learned to use violence, and formed secret associations.

  They call each other brothers, and help each other in the same boat, that is, the Little Brotherhood.

  Looking at this document, Mo Poor scratched his head and said, "How do you know the following?"

Lord Gou smoked and said, "An assassin who helped the colony become independent told me that the Stone of Liberty was named after him. Before that, it was only called the Stone of Hephaestus. Later, these names were no longer used, and it was directly called Tumang. , meaning the land of the six-pointed star."

   "Assassins believe that the world has six elements from the beginning to the present, earth, wind, water, fire, ether, and time and space."

  Mo Poor said: "Didn't you think there were five before? There are six co-authors? Is there another one?"

   "There is still one missing, so there are only five hexagrams." Master Gou puffed out the smoke.

   "What do you mean not getting everything together?" Mo Poor asked strangely.

  Governor Gou rolled his eyes and said: "They haven't found any containment related to time and space yet... You can't say that the assassin roster or the golden apple are sacred objects of time and space, right?"

   "This..." Mo Qiong was stunned.

Lord Gou knew what he was thinking, and said with a smile: "There is no relationship between the contained objects, they believed the ancient Greek philosophers, so they first imagined the six elements in the world, and then found the contained objects with more matching characteristics to make up... It is said that it is the soil of the six-pointed star and the fire of the six-pointed star. Do you understand? This is a sense of ritual."

   "If it's not the Liberty Stone, but the contents of the channel opened by the Church of Gaia in the earth fell into their hands, then the latter would be the land of the six-pointed star."

   "..." Mo Poor was speechless. At first, he thought that what the Little Brothers would think of as the four elements and the six-pointed star were really mysterious.

   The co-author is the hard work of the second school? And it's not all over yet!

  There is also this naming method that combines the containment with human fantasy...Why does it have a strong sense of déjà vu?

   "It's similar to 'Chi You's Eye' and 'Zhu Rong's Feather'..." Mo Qiong laughed.

   That glass bead that scares away everything with eyes has something to do with Chi You.

   Zhu Rongzhi's feather is also the same, it must be combined with the fantasy of the ancients.

Lord Gou cast a sideways glance and said, "The higher-ups also have ideas about the map of Tian Zhi, but that relatively modern assassin doesn't know what happened two thousand years ago. When asked about the map of Tian Zhi, he only said it was in the Western Roman era. It has been passed down, and it is said that the ancient sages passed down taught them fighting skills, and changed the temperament of stonemasons who were submissive, so that they learned to pick up the sword and defend the way with the sword."

"The craftsmen in the past could only make weapons, but they couldn't use them. Among them, one of the top craftsmen became slaves in the Middle Ages. When they were in a hurry, they only knew how to escape and hide. Until later, a sage appeared and said: Under the rule of evil lords, if you want to protect your life and wealth, instead of holding your sword and crying, you take your sword and rush into the castle and kill them all!"

  Mo Poor asked: "Who is that sage?"

   Lord Gou shook his head and said: "I don't know, the assassin who told us this is already from the era of American independence, and the deeds of that great sage are too long ago."

   "Why don't you ask the earlier assassins?" Mo Poor said.

Lord Gou shrugged his shoulders and said: "The ancient assassins don't have much time. Asking together is a waste of time. The Intelligence Department plans to start asking from the most recent ones, and first understand the past and present of the Little Brotherhood, and slowly digest it. The more you know, The more confused you are, the more you will ask the older assassins step by step, because we already have more information, and the questions will be more critical."

  Mo Poor nodded, this is a very reasonable allocation, only wake up one at a time, and ask questions in one aspect, otherwise they will swarm to ask what they think of, and they will not get much information in the end.

Lord Gou said: "Now I have asked about the origin of the soil and the modern development of some Little Brotherhoods. Around the age of great navigation, the Little Brotherhoods reached their peak, and there are many base sites left in various places. Most of them are found to be long abandoned, and the Fraticelli has shrunk in the twentieth century and the present day."

   "But there are still some that have not been discarded, and the club is raiding various places to clean them up."

   "After all these trivial matters have been dealt with, and the information is almost digested, I will start asking the second one."

   "We don't have anything to do for the time being, but for the last inquiry, you should go again."

  Mo Poor pointed at himself in amazement and said, "Me? Why is it me again?"

"It's up to you to call yourself the boss of the Blue and White Club after discussing and deciding. Anyway, it's not the first time. You're used to it. If you gradually prove that the Little Brotherhood has something to do with the Mo family, then in the end you also have to use Talk to the first few generations of assassins with the identity of the Mohist giant." Lord Gou picked his nose and said.

   Mo Poor curled his lips, the identity of this Mohist giant is really a big banner.

  The ancient assassins even drew the Tianzhi map. It is impossible to say that it has nothing to do with Mohism. It is impossible that both the East and the West invented the Tianzhi map, a philosophical abstraction that explores the origin of the contained objects, right?

  There is always a succession relationship, and Mozi painted it more than 2,000 years ago. Even if the Fraticelli was handed down from the Western Roman era, it will be a later thing.

  In ancient China, there was only the Mohist school of thought, craft knowledge, and violence.

   On the other hand, in the West, the group of artisans left over from the classical era also mastered ancient Greek philosophy and advanced technology in ancient Rome.

   And they later became a violent organization.

  Earlier assassins all went in directly, without any modern routines or tricks, such as bells and whistles.

  Wearing uniform and conspicuous clothing, walking into the lord's house majestically, stabbing him to death in front of people... This is the early assassin.

  If the succeeding lord is afraid, he will be honest. If you are a top iron, and dare to send soldiers to encircle and suppress, then do it again.

  There are still lords above the lord, but it is still the same if the lord is replaced by a bigger lord. In the end, the more you kill, the bigger the baron, the earl, the duke, the king, until the final thought is mature, and you want to overthrow an era.

  If the monarch is unrighteous, he should be killed with the sword. This is a typical chivalrous thinking, and this rebellious nature is also one of the reasons why they are not tolerated in the world.

  Also defend the truth, maintain knowledge, defend the way with the sword, and promote the mind with righteousness, the assassin's white robe is like an ink coat.


  (end of this chapter)

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