Blood of Mercury

Vol 2 Chapter 204: redemption of mortals

"Are we really going to fight... that lord?"

A soldier lowered his head and asked softly in a hoarse, uneasy voice: "And that heroic marquise? The great liberator?"

However, no one answered his question. ∑,

Because the soldiers beside him were equally desperate and demoralized. It seems that they are not soldiers but death row prisoners. In front of them is not the battlefield, but the execution ground.

No one knows better than them what kind of monster that marquise is.

It took a week to completely purge the Druids who ruled the entire country from top to bottom.

Her horrific, crow-masked soldiers barely survived. Their movements are silent and swift, and only the most agile scouts can find any trace of their passage.

Once a local war involving the Death Raven Legion begins somewhere, it can be predicted that the war will end in a few minutes with the overwhelming disadvantage of the Druid side.

If it is said that this is because the Marquis relies on her excellent dispatch and command, she always uses the strong to attack the weak, and concentrates the superior forces to win consecutive battles. However, in fact, the Marquis’s legion has bloomed everywhere from the very beginning, and at the same time in the country. war within range

Otherwise, it is impossible to expel all Druids from a country in less than a week. and wipe out all resisters.

Not only the Druids, but also some evil gods who were hiding in the countryside of Caral were also caught.

The existence of this power that is enough to crush other divine arts is a miracle in itself.

No one will try to fight against absolute power.

In the extremely dull atmosphere, the soldier who just spoke couldn't help feeling his throat tighten and his tongue dry.

In the dead team, he showed a tragic pale smile: "We can't win... Certainly we can't win!"

"We will all die! All will die, and no one will come back alive!"

He growled hysterically and howled.

The Overseer walking in front paused slightly and turned his head expressionlessly.

The whole team was stagnant. Everyone in front turned their attention.

Subconsciously, the soldier's heartbeat accelerated for an instant due to fear, but he immediately realized that there was nothing to be afraid of anymore.

It was like ordering the peasants to launch a counter-charge against the charging cavalry. After they received the order of the Archduke, they already understood what their so-called "mission" was.

The only thing they could get in exchange for this life was to smear the heroic name of the Marquis with a heavy stain.

They are all ordinary soldiers, nothing special. If nothing else, they would train in an ordinary way and die in an ordinary way. Their lives have no meaning at all, nor do they have any special effect.

They are one of the "tens of thousands of cavalry" that often appear in the history books. Nor can there be any reference to great deeds remembered by others.

But even they were unwilling to usher in such a suffocating ending.

To die for a conspiracy is the fate of the assassin, not the fate of the soldier. They have lived upright and upright all their lives, but in the end they were not even able to usher in the ending of their final mission as a soldier and die on the battlefield.

"What are we? What are we doing?!"

For the first time, an extremely ordinary soldier had the courage to confront the Overseer.

With tears streaming down his face, he shouted hoarsely at the Overseer who was walking towards him slowly: "Why do we have to fight a hero? Why do we have to fight her!"

"I adore her! She's my idol!"

The soldiers shouted loudly in a voice that was almost crying.

Immediately, among the hundreds of soldiers, a dark atmosphere began to spread.

Helga is everyone's hero, not just a few.

She saved the whole of Kalar, but now the Archduke wants to eradicate her and slander her

How can this be allowed?

However, at this moment, the Overseer who stood in front of him like a black iron tower moved.

The moment he saw Lord Overseer raise his right hand, he reflexively flashed his head back. At that moment, he almost thought he was about to be slapped loudly.

But in the end, the Overseer just put his hand lightly on his shoulder and let out a long sigh.

"I know... soldier, I know."

The Overseer grinned and made a thick, hoarse voice: "I understand your mood... Lord Helga the Liberator is also my idol."

Hearing this, the soldier's eyes lit up slightly: "It's better..."

"Shut up, soldier! Pay attention to your identity! We are soldiers of the Principality!"

The Overseer's expression sharpened, and the soldier shivered.

"We are soldiers, followed by soldiers. Our duty is to obey orders! Instead of competing for glory!"

Having said that, the steel-like right hand that the Overseer supported on the soldier lightly smashed the soldier's shoulder, and pressed his right hand on his chest solemnly: "We are the White Wolf Legion! It is the last barrier of Caral! Eternal loyalty The white wolf will never retreat!"

"We may die here... no, we will certainly die here! But our tombstones will be inscribed 'They are from the loyal White Wolf Legion, may their spirits be guided'... We are heroes too!"


"Enough, boy."

The Overseer shook his head in disappointment, not wanting to pay any more attention to this stubborn boy.

He was both an Overseer and a Gendarmerie. If it were on weekdays, he would have killed this kid on the spot for desertion.

But today is different. A kind of exhaustion coming from the bottom of his heart made him not want to bother with this stupid guy.

Anyway, they are going to die today, it is nothing more than the difference between dying sooner and later.

Before he died, he didn't want to do more murders. He has taken enough lives in his life.

But seeing a pair of stubborn and desperate eyes, the Overseer decided to do one last good deed at the end of his life.

yes, good deeds

In his opinion, there is nothing better than letting people die with hope and smile.

"You know, we may really become legends," the Overseer said.


The soldier laughed at himself.

But the Overseer shook his head: "We really have the potential to be heroes. Because Your Excellency the Liberator said that she will only dispatch one person this time."

"Doesn't that mean she's going to fight in person?"

"No, this time she's going to dispatch someone else. Obviously, she's going to create a new miracle. The miracle of destroying all the resisters with just one person."

As if realizing something, the soldier's lips moved slightly, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"Yes, we can do the last thing... Soldier, do you believe it, we can create miracles with our own hands and create new miracles with this useless life that will be lost sooner or later."

Saying so, as if he was convinced by himself, the light in the Overseer's eyes flashed: "Maybe our reputation is not very good, but we have held up the greater one, and the miracle of our personal participation will always be passed down. This is what we paid for. What many times of life can't do. This is also the greatest resistance we can make to the Grand Duke."

"How is it, soldier? Do you dare?"

Hearing this, the soldiers looked at each other and laughed inexplicably.

Like greeting old friends, they walked up one by one, patted the normally unattainable Overseer on the shoulder, and hugged him.

"Ah, of course."

"That's right."

"It's you who don't dare."

After people hugged each other, smiled and prayed to each other, they paused for a while, and inexplicably focused their eyes on a certain place.

No one has been here before. But at some point, a black-haired girl in a blood-red dress stood there.

"Please don't be nervous, miss."

The Overseer said with a smile, his voice full of open-mindedness: "We will not resist. Just come and kill us... Of course, I hope you will use a gentler method as much as possible."

"Yes, beautiful lady, please be gentle."

"It's just a **** life"

"We really won't resist. Please don't worry about it."

Having said that, everyone looked over with a smile, as if they were looking forward to their own death.

"You... these are really interesting."

The black-haired girl was silent for a long time, and then smiled softly: "Don't worry, I won't let you have the slightest pain."

"That's good... By the way, if we choose to resist, will it cause you some trouble?"

The Overseer asked the black-haired girl like this, his eyes suggesting something.

The black-haired girl looked at the expectant eyes of the soldiers, and there was a flash of nostalgia in her eyes.

"Ah, of course. I'm just an ordinary weak woman, how can I beat so many of you."

She said gently, "I thank you in my name, Elucado."

"Really, thank you for the miracle you sold."

The moment she spoke, the eyes of the young soldiers showed a dazzling light of redemption.

In that instant, their deaths had meaning. (To be continued.)

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