Bleach: Stir Up the Situation

Chapter 604 Asking for help from the audience outside the venue

After his body flew out uncontrollably, Hong Jiang immediately thrust his knife into the ground and stopped himself in time. However, except for Jadis, Minnie, and Chiluji, including Lloyd, who would suddenly make cold arrows from time to time, the other three people seemed to have no intention of attacking him for the time being, but judging from the way they adjusted their standing positions from time to time, they would not let him go. This should be the bottom line for these people. It is very smart not to attack them all at once. First, the situation will not be so chaotic, allowing Hong Jiang to find an opportunity to use his strength to escape and even cause his own attrition. Secondly, it can take away a lot of the opponent's energy with the minimum effort, and it is also easier to adapt to changes, whether it is rescuing companions or sneak attacks at critical moments. Of course, after witnessing Royd transforming into Hongjiang and being able to use the astonishingly powerful moves like the Black Coffin with every movement, the other three people may have been gloating about letting others die first. Although the Death God in front of him looked embarrassed, he was by no means forced into a desperate situation. Perhaps this shaky appearance was also intentional. Really attack them all at once. In addition to using your own Lloyd here, if the other party really wants to have some killer moves, it is not impossible to catch them all in one fell swoop. It is not impossible to kill them all together. At least this is what the yellow-haired girl Litoto Lampado thinks. Unlike Bambietta, who does things without thinking, and Jadis, who has a grumpy personality, she is cautious in nature and calm in situations. It's the five-person team of the Star Cross Women's Knights. No, he should be the brains of the four-person team now. Now that Bambietta has fallen, among the four of them, Jadis's frontal combat power is undoubtedly stronger, and her combat range can cover the entire range of far, medium, and near, so it is most appropriate for her to fight Hong Jiang. And with the help of Minnie, whose holy text p (power) power can maintain a very high fighting level for a long time without relying on spiritual pressure. If Hong Jiang really had the idea of ​​​​leading them all to swarm up and then start the whole thing, then it would be most reasonable for Jadis and Minnie to be responsible for the consumption and involvement. Even if there was danger, she and Giselle would still have a chance to save the two of them. As for Chiluji, she couldn't control it. Of course, his intervention also reduced the probability of something happening to Jadis and Minnie. Thinking about Hongjiang's possible next response in her mind, Litotuo paid attention to Najakup. In a sense, Najakup's inaction was also the reason for her caution, at least a big reason. When she thought about it, Hongjiang's biggest headache at the moment must be Lloyd who had transformed into him, but in fact, Najakup was definitely one of the people he really wanted to be afraid of. As an opponent, Hong Jiang didn't know that as a companion, she knew this humble guy very well. Nanana Najakup, the sacred text he possesses is u (underbelly) - undefended. He uses his so-called 'observation' to analyze the distribution and flow of the opponent's spiritual pressure, and after finding its weaknesses, he can use his ability to materialize the opponent's spiritual pressure loopholes and turn them into overflows of spiritual energy, thus completely paralyzing the opponent. In other words, Najakup is a guy who can discover the enemy's weaknesses, amplify them and then deliver a fatal blow. In Li Toto's opinion, there were two reasons why he didn't take action at this moment. One was to wait for an opportunity to get one person to deal with Hong Jiang, which was also called grabbing the credit. Najakup was totally capable of doing this. The second reason is a bit scary, that is, Najakup has not yet discovered the weakness of this god of death named Diezuka Hongjie, and is still in the observation stage. No matter which of these two reasons is true, it shows that the person they are facing is an extremely dangerous guy! Hongjiang, who was able to take a moment to breathe at this moment, didn't know what Li Toto was thinking. Although the other party was right and he did hold back, facing the siege of four members of the Star Cross Knights, he still felt a little bit of a sense of crisis. Of course, if you use some more lethal moves, the target

If it weren't for Lloyd, it would still be possible to cause some attrition to the opponent. But there are already seven members of the Star Cross Knights at this moment. If he breaks out his combat power and kills one or two of them, then it is conceivable that more people will come. If it is an extreme situation, the Guards headed by Hasward may also participate in the war. At that time, it may be difficult for him to have a chance to counterattack. Therefore, even if the abilities of the other six people except Lloyd are not as troublesome as Bambietta in Hong Jiang's opinion, he still has not tried his best. He has only one goal, and that is Lloyd! It just so happens that it is Lloyd who has transformed into himself. At this moment, it can be said that the strength is closest to him and he is also the enemy who knows him best! Even with Hong Jiang's rich experience, he had to admit that he was in a deadlock, so he mobilized the assistance of the audience outside the venue early. As early as the moment Lloyd transformed into himself, he re-established the relationship with Urahara and Ye. One connection. Although Yoruichi really wanted to scold Hongjiang the moment the contact was restored, her reason suppressed the anger in her heart as Lloyd activated the holy text to yin your own ability. Although she didn't have as many clever ideas compared to Hiroe and Urahara, as the former captain of the Second Division and the commander-in-chief of the Secret Mobile Team, she didn't need to be reminded of how much of a threat Lloyd was. This is a person who combines top assassination and intelligence gathering. At the same time, if he incarnates as a guy like Hong Jiang, he will be a big threat on the frontal battlefield. Bambietta can become a bomber on the battlefield with its own abilities. Hongjiang may not be able to destruct such a large area, but it is still no problem to be a ghost fort. This kind of person can really be used against opponents in war. It is said that it is definitely a disaster. "To get rid of this guy, or find this guy's loophole, we must!" This was Yoruichi's first words when he saw Lloyd's ability. "All the mysteries surrounding Isshin have been solved. Is it because of the existence of this guy?" Urahara said to himself as if he suddenly realized something. When Oorisho and the 10th Division were destroyed, they were all participants. In addition to Isshin disappearing afterwards, another major reason why Room 46 convicted him was the fire at the scene, which was Isshin's Zanpakutō Kanazuki. of fire. You must know that no two Zanpakutō are the same in the world, so except for Shiha Isshin who owns Kanazuki, no one in the world can release that kind of fire. And if Lloyd had used yourself to become one mind, then everything would have the most perfect explanation. Such a person can bring great harm and suspicion to Seireitei. There is no need to make too many extended guesses. History has verified this! . :

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