Bionic Era

Chapter 63 Noodle Restaurant

The two came to the noodle shop before.

Outside the noodle shop is a crowded side street, black sewage flows beside the road, Lu Wen is sometimes thankful that he can't smell the smell.

The floor of the noodle shop should have been gray and white concrete, but now it has turned black and shiny with oil, and there are white paper towels stained with oil everywhere.

many people.

When they came, there was only one empty table left.

The two sat opposite each other and ordered two bowls of beef noodles.

"Uncle Chen, stir noodles with scallion oil, add a chicken leg."

The girl was carrying a black backpack and sat beside Lu Wen.

This is the second time Lu Wen has heard of noodles with scallion oil today. He glanced at the girl beside him, and the girl glanced at him inadvertently.

"What a handsome bionic man, sister, is your custom-made boyfriend?" She smiled and asked Xia Chuluo who was opposite her, brimming with youth.

Xia Chuluo brushed her forehead hair.

"No, work friend." She looked at the girl calmly, "Work in a milk tea shop?"

"Sister, you are so smart, how do you know this?"

"Fingers are wrinkled and peeling, often exposed to moisture, there are milk tea stains on the corners of clothes, they were knocked over at work today, and there are also shoes. In fact, these are not important. You have a smell of milk tea on your body." Xia Chuluo said lightly.

The girl opened her mouth slightly, probably thinking about what was sitting opposite her.

She raised her elbow, asked herself carefully about the smell of her clothes, frowned, and muttered softly, "It doesn't smell."

In fact, the noodle shop is a place where all kinds of flavors are mixed together.

The most intense is a spicy smell, it should be some kind of saozi, which overbearingly overwhelms other smells.

Lu Wen couldn't smell it.

But apart from him, the rest of the normal people present should smell that spicy smell at this time.

"Get off work so early?"

It's actually still time for lunch, and Lu Wen and the others didn't waste much time in District 15.

Most of the time is wasted on the congested roads.

"Our boss said that there was a poor couple in the slums at the Central Hospital. He closed the door early and said he wanted to bring some money to see it. The boss doesn't believe those online fundraising platforms."

The teenage girl works in the fifteenth district.

I commute between the two regions every day. Fortunately, the urban area is not too big, and the round-trip time is acceptable.

In each region, the most populous part is actually those rural towns.

It's just that now, more and more people are flocking to urban areas to seek a job, so many urban areas are a bit congested, and there are more and more unemployed people.

"When I have money in the future, I will take my father and leave this place to live in other urban areas."

"You can learn something else after get off work every day, and don't do repetitive work all your life."


The two actually chatted?

Lu Wen felt a little incredible.

In this world where everyone keeps their heads down and plays with their mobile phones, even if familiar people sit together, they still play in their own way. Strangers need a lot of fate to chat together.

And with Xia Chuluo's personality, someone who can chat with her...

Not long after, two bowls of beef noodles came.

The chef's knife skills may not be very good, so the meat pieces are very thick, not as thin as cicada's wings in those restaurants outside.

The aroma is overflowing, the crystal red oil floats on the noodle soup, and the emerald green onion is embellished.

Simply ate.

Xia Chuluo decided to go back instead of continuing to investigate.

The two bid farewell to the girl and drove back to the thirteenth district.

"I thought you'd keep checking."

"It's not necessary."

Xia Chuluo looked out the window, the wind in the afternoon was still mild.

In a place like District 16, it is indeed normal for a few people to die.

But Lu Wen felt something was wrong.

"Do you know who the murderer is?" he asked.

"From your tone, it can be seen that you have identified only one murderer." Xia Chuluo responded.

Lu Wen was taken aback for a moment, and called up the scene he had already recorded.

He really thought there was only one murderer.

Perhaps it was a preconceived factor. After seeing the picture given by the simulation system, he kept thinking about it.

Facing the picture of the whole scene, I watched it for more than ten minutes.

Lu Wencai discovered the anomaly.

"There was a large bone missing from the top of the dead man's head. If it was that kind of heavy weapon, the whole head would have to explode, there a sniper in the distance?"

This is an out-and-out death feud.

To deal with a small gang, the members are all gangsters who only know how to fight landlords. They probably have never practiced shooting, and there is actually a sniper in the distance.

"That's why I told you not to rely too much on the machine, and accumulating experience is the most important thing."


This time Lu Wen did not say that he is also a machine.


In the sixteenth district, in a low bungalow.

Very simple one bedroom and two living rooms.

Most of the white wall paint has turned gray-black, and it has peeled off a lot.

Yellowed newspapers were pasted where the paint had peeled off.

Pale energy-saving lamps hang from the living room.

The kitchen is covered with white square tiles, there is no range hood, the window is open, and the gray ventilation fan is covered with oil stains.

"Gulu Gulu..."

On top of the gas stove, the earthen pot was steaming.

Duan Tiannan opened the light green old refrigerator, took out a bottle of frozen beer, walked to the living room, sat on the dilapidated dark red sofa, and turned on the old-fashioned TV with a big head.

This middle-aged man likes to watch old westerns, films from the last century.

Look at the era of horses and whips, those sandy towns.

That lonely heroic feeling.


Not too light a closing sound.

The little bungalow seemed to tremble.

"came back?"


The teenage girl threw her backpack on the sofa.

She turned and went to the kitchen and took out a bottle of milk.

"Alcohol will kill you." She said flatly to Duan Tiannan who was on the sofa.

"It's just beer." Duan Tiannan smiled.

The girl took the milk, walked to the living room, and sat on the other side of the sofa.

She doesn't like these old westerns.

She felt that these films had a stale air, but the middle-aged people kept recommending them to her.

The two sat on the sofa like this, and time passed.

In the whole room, there are only the sound of the crock pot in the kitchen, the occasional gunshots from the TV, and the unique lines of that era.

I don't know how long it has passed.

The protagonist in the TV said goodbye to the beauty. In the eyes of everyone, he turned on the black horse with a gun on his shoulder. In the classic western music, he turned his back to everyone, left the town, and gradually drifted away in the yellow sand. .

"I said I don't need your help today." The girl said lightly.

"No, it still helps." Duan Tiannan smiled gently.

Another western started showing on the TV.

"It's totally unnecessary to fake the scene. Even if it's not Xia Chuluo, another person can tell." He took a sip of beer, "You shouldn't see her, it's dangerous."

"She's not as good as you say."

There will be a third update later, readers, don't wait, sleep is important.

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