Big Dream Master

Chapter 793: Holiday

"Since Miss Li has to wait for someone, then there is no trouble, let the martial artist lead the way, anyway, we will be in Guimen in the near future, if you want to renew the past, you can always do it." Shen Luo smiled.

"Then... okay." Li Shu hesitated for a while, nodded and said.

Several people said goodbye, and Wu Ming walked into the thatched house with Shen Luo.

Inside the thatched hut, the furnishings were flat, with only an eight immortal table and four benches with tea in the middle. Wu Ming didn't mean to let the two of them sit down, and walked directly towards the back door of the thatched hut.

After passing through the doorway, there seemed to be a bright light, and the two Shen Luo suddenly brightened before their eyes, no longer the lonely island on the blue sea that they had seen outside. .

Outside the thatched house, there is a Baishi square with an area of ​​nearly one hundred meters. There are pavilions on both sides, and many people wearing dresses with Putuo Mountain logo can be seen coming and going around. It is quite lively.

The terrain behind the square gradually bulged, forming a peak nearly one hundred feet high, and a spiral mountain road was built along the top of the mountain and extended to the top of the mountain.

Halfway up the mountain, there is a fairly flat cliff on which hangs several Putuo Mountain disciples, each holding a hammer chisel and hammering on the mountain wall, seeming to be carving murals.

Shen Luo carefully identified it. Judging from the carved outline above, it seemed to be a picture of the Buddha's statement.

"Why does Putuo disciple still have such schoolwork?" He couldn't help but asked.

Hearing this, Wu Ming glanced at the cliff over there along his line of sight, then sneered and said:

"You said those? They are just handymen who come to Putuo Mountain to do things. How could they be my Putuo disciples? They are also worthy?"

"The Buddha said that all beings are equal, and you are both a Shamen disciple. Why do you speak like this?" Bai Xiaotian frowned upon hearing this.

Although he did not shave his hair to practice, he was still convinced of Buddhism, so seeing Wu Ming speaking like this made his heart unhappy.

Wu Ming grinned when he heard the words, and sneered, without saying a word.

When Bai Xiaotian saw this, he was about to attack, Shen Luo shook his head at him, and then gave up.

The two followed Wu Ming around the mountain peaks on Xingzi Island, came to the other side of the island, and looked towards the sea ahead.

I saw the vast waves of smoke above the sea, and vaguely the outlines of the vague peaks of the islands, far apart from each other.

"This is a sea of ​​virtual barriers. There is a smog on the sea surface. It is non-toxic and harmless, but it can make people lose the sense of direction. Therefore, we can't fly indiscriminately here. We need our Putuo disciples to take the sea boat to lead and cross the sea." Wu Ming said.

"Then it will work." Shen Luo said.

Hearing this, Wu Ming waved his hand, and there was a six-foot-long black boat on the coast in front of him. The hulls on both sides were engraved with water wave-like patterns, which looked very small and exquisite.

"Follow me." Wu Ming said, and jumped onto the boat first.

Shen Luo and Bai Xiaotian followed closely behind, and also stood on the boat.

Wu Ming pinched a magic trick with one hand, and pointed to a point on the sea boat, and a magic power entered it.

The wave pattern on the boat immediately lit up, and the seawater on both sides was automatically guided to the rear. The boat shook slightly, and the three sunk people rushed out towards the overseas direction.

The boat was not fast or slow, and soon moved away from Xingzi Island and rushed into the sea fog.

The fog on the sea is hazy, and after a short attempt at sinking, I found that the fog can also cover people's spiritual consciousness. Once deep into it, the line of sight is blocked, and the spiritual consciousness is also obstructed. It is not easy to distinguish the direction.

"You don't have to try in vain, the true fairyland monks may not be able to break through this mist, just rely on you, there is no extravagant hope at all." Wu Ming said without guessing what Shen Luo and the two were trying.

"Is this also Guimen's mountain protection circle?" Shen Luo said, after hearing this, he withdrew his spiritual consciousness.

"No. This sea area used to be a battlefield for the war between gods and demons in ancient times. There are many reefs and trenches on the seabed, and the sea is covered by fog, which often causes the boats to sink and disappear here. After that, the Bodhisattva issued a vow and used great magical powers. The Putuo mother mountain and the eighteen sub-mountains were moved into the sea to form the current pattern. The formation formed by the eighteen sub-mountains is the mountain-protection array." Wu Ming did not hesitate to explain it after hearing the words.

"It turns out that with Putuo Mountain sitting in town, it just happened to suppress this treacherous sea area. If there are boats passing by, they will only be guided away from here by the magic circle, but there will be no more shipwreck tragedies." The sinking point Nodded.

"Although this is not a mountain guarding formation, it is a barrier of the sect after all, and some means are arranged in the sea. If there is a young person who wants to sneak in rashly, the same..."

Wu Ming didn't finish his words, and suddenly he slammed into a protruding reef with a sound of a sea boat under him. His body couldn't help but rushed forward, and he fell into the sea unsteadily.

Although Shen Luo and Bai Xiaotian were also staggering, they quickly stabilized, after all, they did not fall.

But when they went to look at the sea again, Wu Ming had disappeared.

"Heh, Shen Luo, are you having any feasts with this kid? We gave such a big guy a prestige when we first came here?" Bai Xiaotian couldn't help but sneered and asked.

"It was a bit conflicted before, but I didn't expect him to be jealous for so long." Shen Luo was also a little dumbfounded.

"Now it's thrown here for us, what should we do?" Bai Xiaotian asked, spreading his hands.

"Can you still use your fish-shaped letter?" Shen Luo asked.

"This thing points to Mount Putuo, and it works outside. We are all inside, and it's a fart." Bai Xiaotian raised his wrist and laughed.

"Then it's all right, we can only rely on ourselves. But this fog is indeed weird, and what Wuming said before is not all false. Let's not fly rashly." Shen Luo looked around and couldn't see it in the vast sea To other figures, said.

"Not bad." Bai Xiaotian nodded in agreement.

Shen Luo's eyes condensed slightly, and he glanced at the front, with both hands pointing towards the empty space on the Diaohaizhou, a magical force entered it.

The runes on the Diaohaizhou gleamed slightly, and the body of the boat trembled slightly, but it did not move forward.

Shen Luo hesitated for a while, the mana in his body suddenly surged, and the doubled mana entered the boat.

The ray of light on the sea boat suddenly brightened, and the hull slammed into the front of the reef directly, and plunged towards the sea below.

Shen Luo and Bai Xiaotian didn't stand firm, and almost fell into the sea.

At the critical juncture, it was still sinking to use the water method, shooting a wave of water, supporting the hull, and then landing steadily.

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