Big Dream Master

Chapter 660: Explore

Above the city, there was a sharp sound of "Cang Cang", the sound of a sword's edge coming out of the orifice sounded, and Bai Xiaotian's figure flew down from the high sky, and rushed towards the crowd of evil spirits.

"Xiaotian, these are the living souls of the people of Chang'an. Temporarily contaminated by demonic blood, the souls will become uneasy. Just help to stop them. Don't kill them at will." An elderly Zen master of Huasheng Temple saw it. , To remind immediately.

Having said that, he was the first to go in front of the monks, and with a wave of his hand, a bay leaf Buddhist scripture flew out, and the "walala" stretched out like a long scroll of poetry and painting, entwining more than a hundred evil spirits. In one circle, a golden light soared into the sky.

The evil spirits in the picture couldn't help but roar up to the sky, scarlet blood escaped from their mouths and noses, and the colors of madness gradually faded and began to restore calm.

At the same time, the countless ancient Sanskrit characters on the Bayeux Buddhist scriptures were stripped off one by one, taking the place of the ghosts of the people, absorbing the blood, rising into the sky like fireflies, burning into a little spark, and dissipating.

Immediately afterwards, Zen Master Lu Chen raised his hand, and an Eight Treasure Scripture Tower fell from the sky and fell outside the city gate. It exuded the light of colorful glaze, and all the evil ghosts were imprisoned in the area where it was reflected. , Can't move at all. .

Elder Zhe Shi gave a light cough, and flew out likewise, falling in front of everyone, walking among the evil spirits, holding a Buddhist mirror in his hand, and shining away at the crazy evil spirits one by one.

Every time the light fell, the evil spirits illuminated by it stagnated, staying in place and unable to move.

Bai Xiaotian's hand pinched the sword art, raised his hand and waved, golden sword lights fell from the sky, like shields lined up next to each other, blocking the two wings of the road into the city, and spreading those who tried to bypass the city gate and toward the two sides of the city. The evil spirits blocked it back.

The monks from all walks of life in the city government also took action, temporarily stabilizing their positions and blocking the counterattack of the ghost tide.

On the other side, Shen Luo plunged into the blood-filled area, and immediately heard the whispering sounds of demons in his ears, and his eyes became blood-red.

However, to his surprise, there was no scene of ghosts vying for food and rushing towards Chan'er. On the contrary, as soon as he approached, the ghosts rushed towards him as if they had seen food.

Shen Luo knew in his heart that these ghosts were only affected by the blood mist. Naturally, they would not hurt them. So he quickly turned around, and when the moonlight under his feet dissipated, he used a slanting moon step and shuttled among these ghosts and ghosts. And pass.

When he passed through the heavy ghosts and saw the innermost Zen child, he couldn't help being taken aback.

I saw him sitting cross-legged on the ground, looking up into the sky with a dull expression, with two tears hanging in the corner of his eyes.

Directly opposite him, there is a tall white empty figure floating in a snow-white cassock, wearing a crown of five Buddhas and a Vairus hat. His face is quite young and handsome, with a kind smile on his face, and he lowers his head to be separated from Chan'er. Look at each other.

It is the hazy light radiating from this figure that protects Chan'er from being corroded by ghosts.

As if noticing the sinking gaze, the monk phantom turned around and held his palm in a salute, as if silently chanting the Buddha's name in his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, the figure suddenly pinched Fa Jue with one hand, and shook his five fingers towards the void.

Suddenly there was a loud sound of wind around, and the billowing blood mist immediately rolled back, condensing towards the monk's phantom hand, until it was condensed to the extreme, turned into a string of nine blood-colored beads, which were connected by a strand of gold. together.

The monk twisted the blood-colored Buddha beads with his hands, and his body was lit up with colorful glaze light, with bursts of Buddha's light and righteousness, condensed towards the Buddha beads in his hands, but his body gradually became transparent and illusory.

Until all the glazed light converges into the blood-colored beads, the two wear off each other until they all disappear.

The moment the blood-colored Buddha beads disappeared, the surrounding world returned to Qingming. The ghosts of the Changan people who had been bewitched before, the blood in the eyes disappeared, and a pair of eyes returned to the green color, but the soul power was consumed a lot, and they all looked a little confused. chaos.


At this moment, a Buddha recitation sounded, and Shen Luo suddenly looked back, and saw that Chan'er had stood up again, walked straight into the mist of darkness ahead, and continued to recite the rebirth mantra.

This soft sound once again turned into a guiding sound, leading Chang'an Yin Soul to walk towards Yin Ming again.

When everyone saw this, they all breathed a sigh of relief and evacuated.

Shen Luo was a flash of figure, and came to Chan'er's side, standing side by side with him, invisibly protecting the way for him.


A grand water and land ceremony, due to the twists and turns, did not finally end until the end of the ugly period.

In the middle of the night, after Shen Luo returned to his residence, the Chang'an night sky with thousands of lights ascending into the sky and thousands of ghosts outside the north city gate were always reflected in his mind, and his mood could not be calmed for a long time.

He sat cross-legged on the futon and meditated for a long time. With a thought, he took out the jade pillow.

His palm lightly stroked the jade pillow, his mind immersed in it, and he soon felt the celestial book suspended in it.

Ever since he accidentally summoned the Celestial Book to oppose the enemy, and projected the cultivation base in the dream to the present world, Shen Luo has been trying to communicate with the Celestial Book, but it has no effect.

However, according to what Li Jing said at the beginning, the divine soul who communicated with Tianshu was completely incapable of communicating now, most likely because the divine soul power was not strong enough, or the divine consciousness fluctuation was not strong enough.

Almost all of them were able to summon the book of heaven before, when he was in distress and his life was dying. At that time, the strong desire to survive and the fluctuation of spirits were mostly the key to successfully communicating with the book.

Thinking of this, Shen Luo calmed down a bit, and began to press his hand on the jade pillow, betting all his mind in it, and deliberately embodied it into a flame of mind, floating towards the book of heaven suspended in the jade pillow. .

As the flame of mind got closer and closer, the book of heaven suspended in the jade pillow became bigger and bigger, almost hanging in front of it like a palace.

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Shen Luo Minnian tried to penetrate it, tapping a few times like knocking on the door.

The book of heaven only exudes a faint light, and there is no slight reaction to the careful attempt of Shen Luomin.

Shen Luo hesitated for a The flames of his mind shone brightly, and he almost split his mind and headed towards the book of heaven. This time, he came to the door like a villain and smashed the door heavily.

However, the halo on the celestial book flickered a few times, but there was still no response.

"Still not working?" Shen Luo's heart moved slightly, and a decision was made in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, the flame transformed by his divine mind suddenly rose, turned into a fiery flame, and slammed into the book of heaven without reservation.

"Boom..." As if there was a thunder in his heart, the mind hit the book of heaven with all its strength.

This time, the book finally changed. The surface was a masterpiece of golden light, and the long book slowly unfolded. The words written on it flashed brightly and darkly, and a name written at the end shone brightly, leaving the book. , Suspended in the void.


The moment his divine mind subconsciously read the two ancient seal characters, a powerful and incomparable attraction suddenly appeared from the book of heaven, pulling his divine mind into it in an instant.

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