Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 211: The long-lost system is showing up

  Chapter 212 The long-lost system is showing up (seeking monthly ticket, seeking recommendation ticket)

  Lin Fan hung up the phone, then squatted at the entrance of the alley, waiting patiently.

After waiting for about ten minutes, I heard police cars blaring their whistle and rushing forward. Several police cars blocked the gate of the old community. As soon as the car door opened, a dozen uniformed police officers walked away. Down, well-trained surrounding Room 104, Unit 2, Building 1, was surrounded.

Lin Fan did not approach, worried that he would be caught as an accomplice. He watched the policemen kick open the door of the room from a distance and rushed in. He only heard the sound of mahjong playing in the room. Then there was a tumult. !

The sound of tables and chairs turning over, the sound of playing mahjong tiles on the floor, the sound of loudly yelling, the sound of yelling "innocent", oh, there are people who want to jump out of the window during the chaos, but these gamblers are rich in experience. , But the police officers are even richer. They lie in ambush on all sides early, and when they just show their heads, they are held down by the police officers.

The scene was under control. The police officers nodded their heads and found that this was actually a relatively large crowded gambling den. The gambling money on the table visible to the naked eye was at least tens of thousands of dollars. More importantly, the police officers were still in the room. A snakeskin bag was found.

  The landlord and creditor, who were ordered to squat down against the wall with their hands on their heads, saw the snakeskin bag being searched out, and their eyes suddenly turned black!

  Sure enough, as soon as the bag was opened, the police officers couldn't help taking a breath when they saw bundles of hundred-dollar bills inside!

  So much cash, this is a big case!

The landlord and the creditor really wanted to cry without tears. Originally, today was the day when the landlord and the creditor had agreed to pay off the debt. For such large loans with unknown origin, the creditor would not require the other party to transfer all the money. Generally, half of the transfer and half of the cash will be transferred. Way to repay.

  The debt owed was paid off, and the landlord was recently annoyed by those best relatives, so he simply stayed for a while to play cards for entertainment and vent his depression.

  Why did you want to be blocked by the police?

  That's a full million in cash! If they are all included in the gambling capital, wouldn't they have to squat in jail for the rest of their lives?

  The landlord's legs softened, and one of his **** sat on the ground.

  It's over! It's all over!


Lin Fan stood among the crowd of onlookers, eating melons all the way, watching the police officers torture those who gathered to gamble away one by one, especially one of them, his legs were so weak that he couldn't walk, and there were two police officers. He took his arm and dragged him all the way to the car.

  Is the landlord.

  Lin Fan looked at the landlord’s embarrassed appearance, and finally vomited a breath of bad breath in his chest, only feeling comfortable all over.

Since the landlord came to the door, Lin Fan has felt that he has been stubborn and nowhere to get angry. Such a real villain, you can’t beat or scold, and the only thing you can do is to be nice to the other party within the rules. Have fun.

  Sure enough, to treat such a bad person, you still have to rely on the help of the police uncle. It's a pity that I'm fairly well-known, otherwise, if I make a real-name report, I might get a reward for the report.

  Lin·Huadao·Chaoyang People·Good Citizen·A happy smile appeared.


  After watching the excitement, Lin Fan returned to the yard he yearned for, and returned to his room. After the landlord was arrested and the wonderful mood gradually calmed down, Lin Fan had to face a realistic problem.

  That is, how can we pay off this growing foreign debt?

  【Current popularity value: -1000000, total popularity value 4459322】

【Ding! Given that the host owes a huge amount of popularity value, and has not been able to pay it off in three months, the countdown to repay the popularity value with soft sister currency is now opened. 】

  【After the countdown, if the host still fails to pay off the popularity value, the system will automatically deduct the host’s bank card account balance to repay the owed popularity value until it is paid off. Note, 1 yuan of soft sister coin will deduct 1 point of popularity value. 】

  【Countdown: 29 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds. 】

  【Countdown: 29 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes and 58 seconds. 】

  【Countdown: 29 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes and 57 seconds. 】



  Rao is that Lin Fan feels a lot stronger recently, and his mentality almost collapsed!

  There hasn’t been any movement in this broken system for a few months. Lin Fan thought that the system had given up to ravage himself. As a result, he lurked for so long, and then waited in this place!

   Seeing the stitches, as soon as I had the idea of ​​opening a business, I immediately came out and jumped! Lin Fan has to wonder whether this system has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.

  Sure enough, there is no worst, only more pits!

  The system is completely freeing itself on the road of pitting itself, and rushing away with joy.

  But Lin Fan, who has been accustomed to pitfalls, actually thinks that it’s okay! This time the system was not bad. It even gave a one-month countdown. At first glance, Lin Fan thought that the countdown was just like "Morning Star", it was only fifteen minutes!

   Then it's really over!

  Sure enough, habit is the most terrible.

  I was pitted by the system for the first time, and Lin Fan was furious.

When the   1 million popularity value was reached, Lin Fan felt that his mentality was about to collapse!

  Now, take a look at this task, tusk tusk, that's it!


   However, one month, one million popularity points, it seems that there is a lot of time, but it is not at all!

  You should know that this is a million live fans, not a million passersby fans. If you want to earn a million popularity points, you still have to work hard. Lin Fan was exhausted, tossing for so long, only 4.45 million live fans, and now let him increase one million live fans within a month, this task is still very difficult!

  One month, how can we earn one million popularity points?

  Lin Fan decided to consult a professional.

   "Sister Xia, I want to ask for your opinion on something."

  Yang Hongxia smiled and said, "Is there a new song you want to release?"

   "There are songs, but this is not the case."

  Lin Fan was a little embarrassed, “That’s right, I recently, um, owed a lot of money to others, so I want to ask Sister Xia, how can I make more money as soon as possible?”

  Yang Hongxia was moved when she heard this, Lin Fan, is this going to be open?

  This is a good thing!

  Lin Fan had always been in a state of being small and wealthy. He was lazy and had a good life. There was no goal or pursuit, and it was hard to persuade him.

   But now that Lin Fan has moved on his own, it will be easier to handle.

  Yang Hongxia had never actively persuaded Lin Fan to make a debut before, but was waiting, waiting for a good time.

  Now, the time has come.

“It’s not difficult to make money in this circle, but I don’t recommend that you make quick money. It will not do any good for your long-term I suggest you to work steadily and create your own personal brand first. Slowly manage and grow. In this way, whether you are active in the entertainment industry or not, your value will not shrink too much."


  Gold broker, online.

   The long-lost system has appeared, so Lin Fan is about to make his official debut. He has over 200 chapters, hehe, don’t scold me~

Thank you ★Fantasy Shadow☆, a pig who loves to read, Yan Hongxue, Linghuqin, zhanghengtao, Panda Deler, book friends 110325203033171, Interstellar Black Earl, Wangchuan Qiuku, the coldest one is still the heart, a liquid of Zhiqiu , Book God who dares to move, book friends 151221213009516, Bluexinheart, Feng, Qiuqiu feeling, monkey 123 who loves to eat oranges, calf who eats cows, book friends 20200728212450569, Xingyuan Golden Midsummer Night’s Dream, Wooden Bull Flowing Cat , Ling Huchong, book friends 20191201020149473, appreciate the old, strange, pounce on the panda, go silently, bookworms are free, book friends 20171210203113386, book friends 20181002031226733, too love fantasy, Fengyun·anger, marxmos, WHX1436 Monthly tickets and rewards!



  (End of this chapter)

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