After a day, it will dissipate automatically.

Of course, if someone kills them, they also dissipate.

"The same person can only manifest one sea monster through fantasy, but not the second one."

Ren thought silently.

The 128 banshees here represent a total of 128 sea monsters.

Ryan's own imagination still couldn't manifest the sea monster.

The principle of the manifestation of the black mist is still using the curse of the sea god. Even if the curse has become controllable, it is still a curse and it is still ineffective against Ren.

Rennes did a lot of experiments with these 128 sea monsters.

For example, let some big sea monsters kill the small sea monsters, and then let the banshees fantasize about some powerful sea monsters.

This is also training for the banshees.

Because not all banshees are powerful, the powerful sea monsters in their eyes may actually only have the strength of the fourth level, and the strength of the fifth level cannot reach the seventh level.

However, under Ren's training, the banshees have been able to manifest a large number of sea monsters above the fifth level through fantasy.

The strength of sea monsters does not mean that the bigger the body, the stronger the strength.

Just far away is the whale shark, with such a large body, in the system's strength judgment, it is actually only two levels, and it is not as powerful as some big great white sharks.

The strength of the system is determined by considering many factors, such as offensiveness, defense, speed, combat intelligence, etc. will be taken into consideration.

After experimenting for most of the day, Ren was also a little tired.

At this time, the sky was completely dark.

Night fell.

"Wang, they are going to hold a party tonight, will Wang stay to attend?"

Debra said.

Ren pondered for a moment and said, "Okay!"

Anyway, there are not many gold coins in hand, Mermaid Island and Ocean Tree are fine for the time being, the banshees want to celebrate together for lifting the curse and gaining a new life, so it’s okay to stay and join in the fun.

So Debra took Ren and flew to the cave behind the banshee's hut.

The area of ​​the cave is actually small, and the height is sufficient, so it is not depressing at all inside.

The party has begun.

Some banshees danced.

In fact, mermaids also like to dance, and the mermaid's dance is quite pleasing to the eye.

The dances of the banshees are also extremely pleasing to the eye, making the viewers happy.

However, compared with the mermaid's dance, the banshees are more daring. Their dance can show their perfection to the fullest, and it looks like it's fascinating.

If any other man was here, he might have been so fascinated that he didn't even know his last name.

The banshees are letting each other die now, and the other party will probably jump off without hesitation.

However, not everyone can see the dance of the banshees.

Only Ren can see their dance.

Because of the existence of Ren, every banshee performed a dance. When they danced, their eyes moved, and they all wanted to show their most beautiful side to their king~

Some banshees even ogle.

Most of the night passed like this.

When the party was over, Ren took a big sip of ice water, but still felt a little parched.

As the king of the banshees, he naturally did not lose his composure.

However, Rain still felt like he was about to explode.

"Wang, don't go back at night, you can rest in my hut, I'll go to Nina's side."

Debra said.

It was only then that Ren remembered that he forgot to build a hut for himself.

Like Mermaid Island and Ocean Tree, Ren has his own residence, and his residence is not small, with a large area and a good view, and the decoration inside is quite delicate and warm, which is a perfect residence.

Ren spent twenty days a month on Mermaid Island, and more than ten days on the Ocean Tree.

The reason why I spend more time in Mermaid Island is purely a matter of habit.

Seeing that it was getting late, although it was only necessary to go through two space doors, one large and one small, to return to Mermaid Island from the Banshee Canyon, but Ren didn't bother to bother.

Of course, maybe... there are some other factors of expectation in it...

He is full of fire~

So, Ryan lived in Debra's cabin.

"Wang, I'm going to Nina's side."

Debra said.

Ren made a "hmm" and entered Debra's bedroom.

Although the Banshee Cabin has only just been built, Debra has already added a few touches of her own to it.

The materials used in the hut built by the system must be quite good, unlike the house before Rennes crossed, if it is a newly renovated house, it may still have a place after a year.

There is no other smell in the bedroom, only some faint fragrance.

It was left after Debra's activities inside.

Ren lay down directly, pressed somewhere on the head of the bed, and suddenly, the roof opened.

Through the clear glass, Ren saw the stars outside.

Although the Banshee Canyon has always been gloomy, the place Rennes chose for the Banshees has a pretty good view at night.

After watching this for a while, Ren suddenly felt unable to sleep.

Ren suddenly regretted that he shouldn't have stayed to attend the banshee's party.

As a result, he is now stimulated by a certain thought.

Ren simply took a cold shower for himself.

After taking a shower, Ren got into the bed, found a position, and prepared to sleep.

Ten minutes later, Ren turned over and continued to sleep.

Ten minutes later, Ren turned over again, still not asleep.


At this time, there was an extremely slight sound of opening the door.

The door opened.

who is it?

Ryan thought...

He didn't ask.

Immediately afterwards, the door closed gently.

Then, light footsteps sounded.

Ren closed his eyes slightly, but still didn't make a sound.

Finally, footsteps reached the bedroom door.

The other party's movements were actually quite light, and they didn't make too much noise when they walked.

However, Ren is already a sixth-level magician and a third-level sea warrior, so his perception of sound is too keen.

Especially, it is still the dead of night.


The bedroom door also opened.

A slender figure appeared at the bedroom door.

The lighting used in the banshee's cabin is the magic lamp.

The magic lamp is also a lighting tool commonly used by many nobles on the mainland.

It is a glass lampshade, just twist or press it slightly, and a magical flame will appear inside. This kind of flame is safer than ordinary flames. Once the lamp falls over, it will go out, and it is not easy to cause a fire.

Of course, ordinary families on the mainland still use oil lamps.

The magic lamp used in the system is more convenient. Ren only needs to press the switch to fill the room with light.

However, Ryan did not press it.

He was thinking, is it Nina, or is it Debra?

Debra is actually not as bold as Nina.

Ren felt that the other party had climbed onto the bed.

Ren was about to speak when the other party put a finger on Ren's lips and stopped him.

"King...don't talk~"

It's Debra~

The banshee canyon is very windy at night, the sea breeze rolls through the canyon, and the waves become quite big.

The sea breeze in this area generally blows from north to south, and occasionally changes direction.

Moreover, after the sea breeze passes through the Banshee Canyon, it will continue to blow southward from the Banshee Canyon until it reaches Luburg City, which is more than 100 kilometers to the south.

Late at night, Luburg City is also quite quiet.

Of course, in the port, there are still ships moored from time to time, and then a large number of porters sleeping in the port will come forward and unload the goods on the ship to the waiting carriage.

In Luburg City, there are tens of thousands of such porters.

It can be seen that the maritime trade of this city is developed.

The length of the entire port is more than ten kilometers, and there are a large number of ships coming and going every day.

At about three or four o'clock in the morning, a ship about thirty to forty meters long and extremely delicately built docked at a berth in the port.

"Hey, come alive!"

A porter wakes up several people nearby.

A sleeping porter glanced at it, then continued to sleep: "Are you new here? It looks like a nobleman's ship, and there won't be much cargo."

The new porter looked and saw that after the ship docked, a group of well-dressed people came down soon.

Those people's clothes were exquisitely embroidered, and a man in the middle was wearing a magician's robe.

"It's a magician!"

The new porter couldn't help showing a look of envy.

The hierarchy of this world is quite strict. People at the bottom of the pyramid, who want to change their destiny, must either earn a lot of money, or...become a magician!

No matter how much money you have, you may not be able to become a nobleman, but to become a noble magician, as long as your strength reaches a certain level, you will have the opportunity to obtain the status of nobleman.

Who wouldn't want to be an aristocrat?

Seeing that the group of people was about to come, the new porter quickly lowered his head, watching each other secretly from the corner of his eye, wondering what the group of people wanted to do.

The group quickly approached and passed by.

At this time, the new porter heard a faint voice inside: "Ask them first."

"Yes, my lord!"

After the voice fell, a middle-aged man in a long coat came over.

Only then did the new porter look at the other party, and saw that the other party was dressed like a legendary nobleman's butler.

But even if it was the housekeeper, the other party's clothes were surprisingly exquisite, and he even saw exquisite jewelry pendants on the other party's body.

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