In this way, Renn's whale ship has two long-range attack methods.

One physics, one magic.

Of course, these two long-range attack methods are well prepared, and the whale ship may not be necessary.

Chapter 0045 The tree meets the island! harmony! God and King!

Above the sea, a huge island is slowly floating.

If this scene is seen by others, I don't know what kind of shock it will be.

However, there have been no pirates in this area recently.

The mermaids also gathered on the viewing platform of the ring-shaped short mountain, watching the mermaid island float towards the tree of the ocean.

A few hours later, the Ocean Tree appeared in the sight of the mermaids.

"Wow~~ What a tall tree!"

After all, mermaids who have seen the ocean tree are a minority, and most mermaids have never seen the ocean tree.

These mermaids all exclaimed when they saw the extremely huge ocean tree, which was thousands of meters high.

The sound from their voices is quite beautiful, even if it is exclamation, listening to it is also a kind of enjoyment.

On the water arrow tower next to him, Renn smiled as he watched the mermaids jumping happily.

At this time, on the tree of the ocean, the sea elves also saw the mermaid island floating over.

The number of sea elves has reached more than 400, but the rating of Ocean Tree has not yet risen to 3 stars.

The rating is not for the ocean tree itself, but for the function of the ocean tree as a pasture, so there are requirements for the number of sea elves, the number of buildings and defenses of the ocean tree, and so on.

"Lansha, look at that island."

A sea elf didn't know Mermaid Island, and found the sea elf Lansha, said.

Lan Sha was the first sea elf to be born, and she is now the most powerful sea elf. When Ren was away, she was responsible for leading these sea elves.

Of course, the sea elves get along quite harmoniously, not intriguing like the human social structure.

In that regard, the mermaid is no different.

The sea elf Lansha smiled when she saw the huge mermaid island: "Don't worry, it's the island of God."

Hearing the sea elf's words, the sea elf showed joy on his face: "Can I finally see God?"

This sea elf is a newly born sea elf.

In the past ten days or so, because Ren was busy with the upgrade of the Mermaid Island, he did not come to the Ocean Tree. Therefore, the more than 100 sea elves newly born in the Ocean Tree have not seen Ren yet.

"Let's go, let's go down and have a look~"

The sea elf blue gauze road.

Under the leadership of the sea elf Lansha, more than 400 sea elves flew down from the ocean tree.

Sea elves can fly freely in places rich in sea elements.

Now the sea elements around the Ocean Tree are extremely rich, and the sea elves can fly at a distance of about 20 kilometers from the Ocean Tree.

They flew slowly towards Mermaid Island.

"Wow, what a beautiful island~"

The beauty of Mermaid Island made these sea elves full of praise.

And below, the hundreds of mermaids on Mermaid Island also raised their heads to look at the ocean tree above and the sea elves in the sky, and also let out a voice of admiration.

Be it sea elves or mermaids, they were all quite rare beings.

Likewise, they are all quite beautiful beings.

The mermaid has a human body and a fish tail, which is quite unique.

And each of the sea elves is incomparably perfect, and their lifespan is quite long, even much longer than that of mermaids.

Every sea elf can live for thousands of years.

In the mutual amazement of the sea elves and the mermaids, the mermaid island finally approached the ocean tree.

The sea elves also landed on Mermaid Island one after another.


After these sea elves landed on Mermaid Island, the first thing they did was to pay respects to Ren.

Creator of all sea elves.

It is also the existence that the sea elves are willing to regard as "gods".

When some newly born sea elves saw Ren for the first time, expressions of excitement appeared on their beautiful faces.

They...have no names yet.

Ren didn't bother.

Instead, they named them one by one.

Every sea elf was extremely happy after being named by Ren. This name is regarded as precious by them, and it is also a name that will accompany them all their lives!

Immediately afterwards, the sea elves chatted with the mermaids.

They get along very well.

At the invitation of the sea elves, they took the mermaids to the tree of the ocean.

This is the first time these mermaids have left the water and are high in the sky.

Looking down from the thousand-meter-high ocean tree, the view is incomparably vast and spectacular. This is the first time that mermaids have obtained such a perspective.

Every mermaid feels quite shocked.

Of course, mermaids are water creatures, and they prefer the sea to the sky.

In such a harmonious atmosphere, Mermaid Island finally stopped.

Ren placed the Mermaid Island to the west of the Ocean Tree.

The reason for this placement is that the continent is west of the Ocean Tree, and the extinction of the Ocean Tree in the past, human factors

A large part of it.

If the Mermaid Island is in the west, it will be more conducive to the defense of the Ocean Tree.

On the huge Mermaid Island, only the reef area is within the canopy of the Ocean Tree, and the shadows formed by the canopy and trunk of the Ocean Tree can only be cast on the reef area.

Does not shade Mermaid Island.

After all, the current Mermaid Island has a diameter of thirty-five to six kilometers if the surrounding reef area of ​​seven or eight kilometers is counted!

Thus, the mermaid island officially merged with the ocean tree.

The whales in the whale ranch also move around here.

The ocean tree has attracted a large number of fish, and these fish are just used to feed killer whales and ancient whales.

And on this day, after Mia summoned all the mermaids, the mermaids made a very important decision for them.

This decision is to enshrine Renn as the king of the mermaid clan from now on!

After signing the contract with Ren, they are already the pasture life of Mermaid Island.

They also regard Ren as their main priority, and every mermaid is also loyal to Ren from the bottom of their hearts.

However, Ren is not a mermaid after all, and there has never been a precedent for a human who is not a mermaid to be a mermaid king.

Moreover, these mermaids were also in a state of disunity before, and they didn't know anything about the mermaid kingdom, and they didn't have the awareness in this regard.

Until now, the mermaids have finally decided that even if Ren is not a mermaid, they are willing to recognize him as king.

Chapter 0046 Upgrade! Big Mouth Fish's Attack!

After Mermaid Island merged with Ocean Tree, Ren discovered that the girls Leah and Eve had become diligent.

Leah spends a lot of time in the training hut and magic hut every day.

It is said to be a hut, but the space inside is quite large, and it can accommodate many mermaids practicing in it at the same time.

In addition to the talent of the Whale Whisperer, Eve's talents in other aspects are also quite good.

Her archery skills are amazing, and she can also launch a rapid dash when her men are fighting with mermaid spears.

A few days later, Ren discovered that the girl Leah had quietly become a third-order mermaid!

The third-order Leah, when launching a rapid sprint underwater, the speed can already reach 100 meters per second!

Almost one-third of the speed of sound.

With the construction of the mermaid talent hut, more and more mermaid talents are being promoted.

Mermaids are getting more and more growth points.

Even the mermaids who joined later broke through to the second level one after another, and the third-level mermaids also appeared frequently.

Mia, who had a high starting point, became a fourth-order mermaid.

The number of mermaids has never increased, and Ren is not in a hurry. He is going to send some powerful mermaids to the depths of the ocean after their strength improves.

Up to now, the number of mermaids with mithril-enchanted armor has reached 200. This is Ren's underwater combat force.

They are responsible for offense, and close quarters combat.

The remaining mermaids are responsible for the water arrow tower, floating arrow tower, and underwater arrow tower.

124 water arrow towers need 248 mermaids to operate.

However, under normal circumstances, it is impossible for the enemy to attack from all sides, so in actual combat, generally only thirty or forty water arrow towers can be used, and seventy or eighty mermaids can be operated.

The Whale Ship can be controlled by only one mermaid, and if necessary, a mermaid squad of 10 people can be prepared inside.

In short, Ren never forgot to increase the combat power of the mermaids!

In terms of sea elves, Renn did not fall behind either.

All sea elves' equipment has been revamped.

However, the armor of the sea elves is not made of mithril.

It is a kind of wind pattern silver.

Wind pattern silver and Mithril are actually of the same level.

However, the wind pattern silver is lighter and can cast magic better, which is more conducive to the battle of sea elves.

In terms of defense against physical attacks, Mithril is better, which is why Rennes equipped the mermaids with Mithril armor.

Mermaids often need melee combat.

The sea elves obviously have higher requirements for flexibility. In addition, even if the sea elves are seriously injured, as long as they can return to the ocean tree in time, they will not die.

A complete set of equipment for the sea elves consists of wind pattern silver armor, elf daggers, elf bows, and elf daggers.

Some sea elves with outstanding magical talents will also be equipped with a short wand.

Like the sea elf Lansha, at her request, Renn equipped her with two elf daggers and a wand, which can be said to be armed to the teeth.

Lansha's strength has also improved rapidly, already at the second level and almost at the third level.

The other sea elves also progressed quite quickly. A large number of sea elves would often be promoted to the first level the day after they were born.

Of course, this is mainly because the starting point of Ocean Tree is much higher.

Every day after training, Lan Sha would spend some time flying to the Mermaid Island to listen to Ren's stories.

This is probably the happiest time of her day.

After a few days in this way, on this day, an alarm came from the early warning tower built by Rennes in the sea.

There are a lot of early warnings in Taren, and when there are a large number of abnormal fish or large marine life approaching, Renn will receive an alert.

In addition to the alert, Wren will receive an image.

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